I think some in the West have a misguided approach to human relations.We've been indoctrinated with this thought, this belief, that everyone is equal and if you just treat people well they won't hate you. "The reason hate exists is because someone hated them once upon a time, so show some respect and it will be returned."
Even as an atheist (Seriously, athiests, why do you capitalize it? We're proper nouns all of a sudden?) I grasp the value of The Golden Rule. Surprisingly, I try to practice it whenever possible. It is a good rule. "Good" however, doesn't equal "universal" and there are bad people in the world. We're NOT all equal. There are people who wish to do us harm simply because we aren't just like them. Evil will always exist. Someone will always want what you have and sooner or later they will try to take it from you.
These do gooders don't understand that. Evil is everywhere, but in certain parts of the world it is the norm, not the exception. There is no Leviathan state to protect them. It is currently fashionable to hate cops in the US, but without them? You dirty hippies didn't think that ideal through to completion, did you?
We need to stop thinking that the world will like us or respect us if only we'd treat them the same. It won't. I'm talking to the West here, not the US. The rest of the world will not care about your skin color, in some areas your religion doesn't matter, you will simply not be like those around you. When you are? If you're lucky you escape with your life. If not? Your last moments play out on Liveleak. THAT is your legacy. I'm sure your family's proud.
The West needs to wake up.