ISIS beheads photojournalist James Foley on new video

Yeah, I even searched for it, guess not hard enough.
ISIL needs to go away. The longer they are around, the bigger and more dangerous they are going to get.
I watched the beheading yesterday and I was left unmoved by the killing which is normally not the case. More than that I was left thinking why the fuck did you as the victim, spend your last moments on earth blaming your brother for your death publicly? I understand he probably had some pressure applied to him to do so, but he seemed to be pretty convincing and calm about it all. I feel sorry for the brother.
I didn't watch it, there's been enough of other things equally bad for me to pass it by.
There's a school of thought that believes the event was in response to the air strikes. Maybe IS didn't expect them, so the reply was a public statement. The IS rationale now is stop it or we'll do another execution. And I don't believe his final words were his own.
Years ago I dated a reporter for a local newspaper. She called the profession "corrupt" and stated repeatedly that had she known at graduation what she knew later, she would have done something different or taken her degree and worked as a spokeswoman or press officer. She would not go into journalism 100 times out of 100 if she had it to do over again. She was embarrassed to be a reporter. She was also bat shit insane, but that's not the point here.
Was she hot?

Back to the OP, I still do not understand why American (and other Western Journo's) continue into rebel held areas.

At some point someone has to figure that they are viewed as easy victims who will be kidnapped, etc when needed.
Now that we're conducting air strikes, ISIS is going to be in the market for Americans, and any hostage-traders who've been keeping U.S. citizens on ice will be selling them at a premium.
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I think some in the West have a misguided approach to human relations.We've been indoctrinated with this thought, this belief, that everyone is equal and if you just treat people well they won't hate you. "The reason hate exists is because someone hated them once upon a time, so show some respect and it will be returned."

Even as an atheist (Seriously, athiests, why do you capitalize it? We're proper nouns all of a sudden?) I grasp the value of The Golden Rule. Surprisingly, I try to practice it whenever possible. It is a good rule. "Good" however, doesn't equal "universal" and there are bad people in the world. We're NOT all equal. There are people who wish to do us harm simply because we aren't just like them. Evil will always exist. Someone will always want what you have and sooner or later they will try to take it from you.

These do gooders don't understand that. Evil is everywhere, but in certain parts of the world it is the norm, not the exception. There is no Leviathan state to protect them. It is currently fashionable to hate cops in the US, but without them? You dirty hippies didn't think that ideal through to completion, did you?

We need to stop thinking that the world will like us or respect us if only we'd treat them the same. It won't. I'm talking to the West here, not the US. The rest of the world will not care about your skin color, in some areas your religion doesn't matter, you will simply not be like those around you. When you are? If you're lucky you escape with your life. If not? Your last moments play out on Liveleak. THAT is your legacy. I'm sure your family's proud.

The West needs to wake up.

You've been taking my International Relations class, haven't you? ;-)
I'd like to think if I ever find myself in the same situation I wont go to my death looking like a ginormous faggot ass bitch.
I'd like to think if I ever find myself in the same situation I wont go to my death looking like a ginormous faggot ass bitch.

Amen Mate.

I always recall the Italian Soldier who was captured early on in Iraq and executed on film (Never shown publicly to my knowledge). He was paraded in front of the camera before they shot him to death. His last words were "Let me show you how an Italian dies!" (or words to that effect) Very brave and he did his people proud.

There is a quote that I vaguely recall, goes something like... We are all going to die, the best we can do is to die with dignity and honor.

My feeling has always been, to die in a manner that you, your family, friends, country, and people you respect, would be proud to recall to all.

Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary has reportedly been identified the ISIS militant who beheaded American journalist James Foley in a video released this week.

Reports over the last several days had indicated that British intelligence forces were focusing in on the 23-year-old former London resident, who had achieved some fame in the UK for his rap career. Sources say that Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary left his family’s upscale home in London last year to join ISIS.

Bary is believed to have traveled to Syria, and recently tweeted a picture of himself holding a severed head.

Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary had a somewhat successful rap career, with some of his songs earning play on BBC radio. In early songs he made references to drug use and violence, as well as the threat of his family being deported to Egypt. His father, Adel Abdul Bary, was extradited from Britain to the United States on charges of terrorism in 2012 and was believed to be a close lieutenant of Osama bin Laden.

“It’s hard to progress in the future with a damaged past but still I try to count my blessings and I thank Allah,” he rapped in 2012.

“I’m trying to change my ways but there’s blood on my hands and I can’t change my ways until there’s funds in the bank.

“I can’t differentiate the angels from the dem

I'm just going to bring this to the table because I found it to be something I had not considered.

"These people are in a position beyond hope, and for that reason I and the rest of this country should not ever again condemn a jihadist hostage for his dying words. We should instead put ourselves in his most unfortunate place and make no moral judgment – until we ourselves have walked some pain-filled steps in those terrible shoes…"

With that being said, I would like to think I wouldn't go to my death looking like a GFAB. :mad:
Well, he's now on borrowed time. People don't survive affronts like this- they may delay their demise for a time, but it's inevitable now.
The foreign volunteers feel compelled to prove their loyalty through excessive brutality, so it's no wonder these UK dudes were the most feared by hostages. Payback will be a motherfucker when it comes...I just hope we don't have to wait too long to enjoy it.
Even as an atheist (Seriously, athiests, why do you capitalize it? We're proper nouns all of a sudden?) I grasp the value of The Golden Rule. Surprisingly, I try to practice it whenever possible. It is a good rule. "Good" however, doesn't equal "universal" and there are bad people in the world. We're NOT all equal. There are people who wish to do us harm simply because we aren't just like them. Evil will always exist. Someone will always want what you have and sooner or later they will try to take it from you.

I like to combine The Golden Rule with a quote from General Mattis. I find the two work together well...

Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.