Turkiye has entered the chat. Erdogan calls Hamas freedom fighters, "Hamas is not a terrorist organization (sic), it is a liberation group, 'mujahideen' waging a battle to protect its lands and people,"
Go fuck them too. Why are you part of NATO and the EU? Killing muslims in northern Iraq, how about that Armenian genocide you wont admit?
Turkey's Erdogan says Hamas is not terrorist organisation, cancels trip to Israel
My new repitoire of quips when the crazies bring up israel and U.S. colonization. Armenians and Kurds should reatake their homeland too!! Let's not stop there, hundreds of tribes across the nation should spring up, scalp some fuckers, take some women and kids back to the Rez.
And as far as apartheid states, let's cancel them too! Kuwait, UAE built by near-slaves, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan. I hear China dosn't enjoy too much freedom of expression, where did all those Uigurs go?
Dear Lord, the hypocrisy of it all.