Israel and Iran

A short read on the Qassam rockets used by Hamas against Israel:

The Changing Role of the Qassam Rocket • The Havok Journal

Most the components for a Qassam are readily available and are used in products, like fertilizer or they can be used from ripped up pipes from buildings. Each rocket is primarily composed of potassium-nitrate, sugar, a pipe, a few steel fins and some explosive warhead. Basically, the same propellant, potassium-nitrate and sugar are used in bottle rockets and other fireworks. The compounds are safe to keep in dry storage and easy to move. They are relatively simple, easy to fire and lack guidance systems. Qassam rockets pose a constant threat to areas in proximity to Gaza, with people having only about 15 seconds of warning when a rocket is fired. The accuracy of these rockets is limited...

oh for fuck sake - are we seriously making threats about "crossing a line"

how very obama of him
What fucking "line" do we need?? Hamas killed and kidnapped dozens of Americans whose only crime was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Hamas and their ilk are habitual line-steppers. Fuck all of those people. Kill a bunch of them, get our people back, and come on home.
What fucking "line" do we need?? Hamas killed and kidnapped dozens of Americans whose only crime was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Hamas and their ilk are habitual line-steppers. Fuck all of those people. Kill a bunch of them, get our people back, and come on home.

I agree with you, but our involvement would dramatically escalate the situation. It becomes a losing scenario for the US and I seriously doubt this administration would know what to do...about any foreign policy decision to be honest.
Wasn't Blinken calling on Israel to restrain themselves on Oct. 8 until the WH made him change his tune?? Who is he in regards to military operations anyway? 😆 He pumps out what hes told.

Im all for trying to get our people back by any means available like posted earlier in the thread but thats about it.

We gave Iraq and Afghanistan full fucking Armies complete with tanks, Mraps, helicopters, the whole 9. They aren't capable of shit. $100 bil. on Ukraine and Israel sems like a steal...
I agree with you, but our involvement would dramatically escalate the situation. It becomes a losing scenario for the US and I seriously doubt this administration would know what to do...about any foreign policy decision to be honest.
We're involved, brother. We've **been** involved. Continuing to send hundreds of millions of dollars to prop up the terrorist, American-killing regime in Gaza like we're doing isn't the answer. As long as a single American is held hostage, we should be pummeling the shit out of Hamas (politically, economically, and/or militarily as appropriate), and any organization that supports them, until that changes.

That doesn't mean we should go in heavy on the ground, let the Israelis do the heavy lifting. But airstrikes and SOF direct action? Yeah. Yalla habibi, hayaa bina naqum bidhalik.
I agree, but apparently we need to wait for some line to be crossed.
...and we REALLY mean it this time

"Don't, Don't, Don't"
That shipped has sailed. Hamas crossed the Rubicon. Alea iacta est. "Reap the whirlwind." Sleeping giant, terrible resolve.

Whatever metaphor or aphorism we want to use, the time for restraint has passed. One of the reasons we're in this situation is because we propped up both sides of this war for far too long, and the whole world thinks we're weak. It's time to change both of those conditions.
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Maybe we can bypass this whole ordeal by just paying Iran $1bill per U.S. hostage.

We'll have peace in our time.

Or maybe, we can handle an uptick in attacks that have already been occurring to our bases and facilities in Iraq, Syria, and elsewhere while Israel runs through the Hammies on one side and the Lezbollahs on the other.

At the end, Israel kicks the fuckers out of town, puts up some more 18 ft. walls then starts building condos. How about that??
So... lets do a little thought experiment.

Who bombed Pearl Harbor?
Score yourself two extra bonus points if you said "the 140,000 innocent men women and children living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki" because those are the ones that took the full force of American vengeance when the politicians in Tokyo refused to surrender. Not only did we NOT punish Hirohito, he kept power for another 40+ years after we nuked two of his cities.

Wait - what?
What does THAT have to do with the situation in Gaza?
Well, why are we all in such a hurry to demand restraint from the Israelis considering that it was the people of Gaza that elected Hamas as their representative power brokers?
Is it because we are worried that somebody might drop ** the bomb ** and kill tens of thousands of innocent men women and children?

Before anyone gets all judgmental - keep in mind, I am not suggesting ANY degree of aggression nor am I discounting any degree of restraint. I am just advancing a philosophical word game to provide some much needed context for what is going on in the middle east.

We the people dropped somewhere in the neighborhood of 4,000 tons of incendiary explosive on Dresden. Not only did we set countless numbers of German men, women, and children on fire - it also killed countless refugees as well as some allied POWs.
...and by many accounts, the war in Europe was pretty much over at that point. D-Day was already a six month old chapter in the history books.

Everyone says you cannot kill an idea - well - there may be "some" truth to that - bit you can however, unapologetically mete out so much death and destruction on a people that they submit to unconditional surrender.

Are we there yet?
Of course not - because here in America - we are civilized and righteous - we NEVER go to such barbaric extremes - unless we have to. Besides, when we DO take things to their barbaric extremes, it is for the betterment of mankind. It is because our choices are moral and just.
Every time.

As far as this shit show playing out on our college campuses - suck it investors - suck it hard. You've been funding this institutional brainwashing for generations now.
Freedom of Speech.
Free expression.
Healthy debate.
Yet, here we are - seemingly saying its ok to be antisemitic as far as you are religiously or culturally qualified to be antisemitic.
NOW - out of nowhere - after it becomes a public relations issue - administrators and investors of all stripes want to use their checkbooks to impact free speech on campus.

I am EMBRACING the nonbinary America these assholes have foisted upon us.
Russia= Bad / Ukraine = hm, seems that nonbinary thinking now allows me to say 'Ukraine bad too'
It would then, only seem fair that we could point fingers at the Palestinians for being a bunch of terrorists, and at the Israelis for being terrible hosts.
Unless we are going to declare that we MUST pick a side no matter what the other side has (or has not) already done.

...and now, I'm right back to the situation in Gaza. This is an group that has openly flaunted their hatred for America for as long as I can remember. This is an group that has taken to the streets to celebrate every time the USA suffers any degree of national tragedy. This is an group that has directly supported - and accepted support from Hezbolla and other terrorist organizations funded through the government of Iran.

So - somebody help me understand whgich group of war criminals gets the bull horn first when it is time for every one to exercise their rights to free speech.