Israeli Female ‘black hats’

The Israeli's use a lot of 'tricks' to get the highest 'bang for the buck' from their Airborne courses.
1. They know the women instructors shame a lot of guys through training who might otherwise hesitate or decline.
2. I don't know if they still do it, but they used to invite all the families to come for a picnic on the edge of the LZ and witness their son/daughter's first jump. (Remember, small country, everyone can get there.) The motivation of the soldier not to shame themselves in front of their friends and family and step out the door, is powerful to say the least.:D
I love the IDF! :D

I'd jump without a parachute if those girls asked me lol
Pretty girls in t-shirts, sporting red ball caps and pony tails? Sounds more like summer camp than jump school to me.:P
How I wish I had these instructors when I was in airborne school. I envy the IDF paratroopers.:(

The vast majority of our instructors are 18/19 year old females :-)

And the sports instructors...don;t even get me started!! They usuallu run in front of the guys...inspiration!!

It's tough i tell ya!

The vast majority of our instructors are 18/19 year old females :-)

And the sports instructors...don;t even get me started!! They usuallu run in front of the guys...inspiration!!

It's tough i tell ya!


The IDF are masters of inspiration.

Those sports instructors can make me run like a hound dog. I am getting more and more envious of the IDF soldiers.
Sorry all you current and former blackhats at BAC, but the IDF's program is obviously far superior. :D