Jesse and his BS lawsuit...(#this_ain't_over)

Holy Shit! Talk about 'coincedence'. So I'm flipping through the channels and JV has his own boobtoob show; receding pony tail and all.

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura

This episode is about 'The Man" mixing humans with chimps. I think he's ruining his image all on his own. I think he should talk to Segal and JCVD about how well ponytails have done for their careers. LOL
After the "probe" JV was never the same.I would like to see JV vs Segal big men big pony tails small world.
JVs issue is with Chris Kyle, who, sadly, is not here to defend himself. The fact that JV is pursuing this suit at the expense of Kyle' s widow and two children sickens me and makes me lose all respect for JV. A better, bigger man would drop it already.
I think Chris "Dinged" JV's bad guy mantra with the story, and he's sueing to "reclaim" his bad-boy image.

The Defense Attorney making him admit he wasn't a SEAL will be a nice touch either way.
The Defense Attorney making him admit he wasn't a SEAL will be a nice touch either way.
I have a friend "Pete the Pirate" who served in the TEAMS during the same time as "JV" and Pete verifies that Jesse was a SEAL when UDT immediately became SEAL TEAMS overnight. Jesse actually transferred from UDT-12 to SEAL TEAM ONE before he got out of the navy. Of course at that time his name was James George Janos and was known as 'Jim'.
Shitbag and never a SEAL....he was UDT. Yes UDT was our forefathers, but at the time of his service both existed and he CHOOSE not to do the additional training.

I have a friend "Pete the Pirate" who served in the TEAMS during the same time as "JV" and Pete verifies that Jesse was a SEAL when UDT immediately became SEAL TEAMS overnight. Jesse actually transferred from UDT-12 to SEAL TEAM ONE before he got out of the navy. Of course at that time his name was James George Janos and was known as 'Jim'.

So which one is it? ventura navy seal record&f=false

I've found a few references (Yahoo Answers and reader comments on stories...hardly credible sources) to Ventura doing his Reserve time in ST1, but that's about it. All of his AD time appears to be with UDT-12. Ventura did have the option of going over to a SEAL Team, but chose not to.
I think its splitting hairs regarding if he is a SEAL or not. I was told by a Vietnam SEAL that UDTs and SEALs were one in the same. I've also read a few things on the net of SEALs claiming that JV is and is not a SEAL.

It doesn't matter much to me, SEAL or not he is still acting like a dirtbag for going after a widows estate. Even more so that the widows husband is from the very community JV claims to be a part of.

Jv needs his ass kicked.
This is the account that I tend to believe is most accurate:

Bill Salisbury was both a SEAL and UDT. He has both the perspective and research. His view is that Jesse was not a SEAL but UDT, as others have pointed out. UDT was no walk in the park and they went through similar training...but it wasn't tantamount to being a SEAL.

As JAB pointed out, to me, it's ultimately irrelevant because he's acted like a douche for a while.
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I have a friend "Pete the Pirate" who served in the TEAMS during the same time as "JV" and Pete verifies that Jesse was a SEAL when UDT immediately became SEAL TEAMS overnight. Jesse actually transferred from UDT-12 to SEAL TEAM ONE before he got out of the navy. Of course at that time his name was James George Janos and was known as 'Jim'.

There are some big holes in this my friend.

Ventura left the Navy in 1974. UDTs were only disbanded in 1983.

Ventura is a poser.
Okay so I did some looking around, JV is BUD/S class 58. He served with UDT 12 and ST1. Back then some UDTs went through SEAL training before going to their UDT. They did this so that the STs could pull manpower from the UDTs as needed without having to train them. JV apparently is one of these, he served active with UDT 12 on a SDV team. Then served his reserve time with ST1 as a SEAL operator.

He is authorised a SEAL trident and is a guest speaker at many BUD/S class graduation.
Okay so I did some looking around, JV is BUD/S class 58. He served with UDT 12 and ST1. Back then some UDTs went through SEAL training before going to their UDT. They did this so that the STs could pull manpower from the UDTs as needed without having to train them. JV apparently is one of these, he served active with UDT 12 on a SDV team. Then served his reserve time with ST1 as a SEAL operator.

He is authorised a SEAL trident and is a guest speaker at many BUD/S class graduation.

That doesn't jive at all with what Ive read from actual SEALs including one on this board.

Where did you get that info from, links?

The link Blizzard posted is pretty damming...

Big holes in his story Adrian Peterson small holes Barry Sanders.Is he telling little lies or big lies.

Stay off the drugs kid.
OK, I did some more looking around. Seems Ventura did serve his reserve Navy time on SEAL Team One.
I can't link b/c I'm on my phone. But their is a letter from "at the time" naval spec war commander stating what I posted its floating around on Google, you just have to dig a bit.

Also apparently JV did his time as a UDT then once he was assigned to ST1 as a reservist finished his training to get the trident (I.e. jump school, adv training). That is supposedly in JVs book as well.

That all said, I've heard of guys getting their trident and being referred to as not being a SEAL. I don't understand that but I guess you'rep rep decides a lot in that community.

Either way do some googlefu and dig through it. Personally I could careless if he is a SEAL or not, but it seemed odd that he would parade around with a trident and navy jump wings, guest speak at BUD/S graduations, if he was not a SEAL.
I can't link b/c I'm on my phone. But their is a letter from "at the time" naval spec war commander stating what I posted its floating around on Google, you just have to dig a bit.

Also apparently JV did his time as a UDT then once he was assigned to ST1 as a reservist finished his training to get the trident (I.e. jump school, adv training). That is supposedly in JVs book as well.

That all said, I've heard of guys getting their trident and being referred to as not being a SEAL. I don't understand that but I guess you'rep rep decides a lot in that community.

Either way do some googlefu and dig through it. Personally I could careless if he is a SEAL or not, but it seemed odd that he would parade around with a trident and navy jump wings, guest speak at BUD/S graduations, if he was not a SEAL.

You're good mate, I found some stuff online about it. JV seems to have blurred the lines somewhat to make it appear that he was a SEAL in VN.
He was UDT then, that earned a VN service ribbon but not in combat and not with a SEAL Team.
Like you said, he went to ST1 after the war when he was a reservist. Full respect for that.

He's still a steaming POS though.
It's a confusing history but the SEALs were stood up in 1962 because we needed a force like the UDTs to also be able to conduct unconventional warfare/combat operations. So dudes from the UDTs would do follow on training to become SEALs. But not all - UDTs existed until 1983 , more than 20 years after SEALs were formed. It was in 83 that the last of the UDTs were retrained to serve on SDV (SEAL) Teams - Ventura had been out for years by this point.

So in the early 60s some dudes were like : "I get to do this shit and also fuck people up?! Sign me up"
Others were more: "Hrmmm no thanks, fighting is for soldiers. I just want to swim"

So the issue is - did Ventura ever attend SQT??