Jesse and his BS lawsuit...(#this_ain't_over)

There are some big holes in this my friend.
Ventura left the Navy in 1974. UDTs were only disbanded in 1983.
Ventura is a poser.
My source is from Boat Class 47 and served in both ST1 and ST3. He was active before JV showed up, personally knew Ventura and his brother and was still there after they both left. In the old days I spent some time with him in Coronado. He's 100% bone-fide and I've laid out exactly what he's personally responded to me. That's good enough for me. Being the demented perv I know you to be, you can go back to playing with all the "holes" you want. ;-)
@dknob, that's what I was trying to find out. If he did the whole deal or what. I'm not sure what SQT would have been at that time, but what I did find was that he did:
BUD/S class 58
Advanced Training

I have no idea what advanced training is, could be SQT or something else.

He is authorized to wear the SEAL trident or the UDT trident and Navy jump wings. Based of a letter I read by some navy spec war commander guy (again online stuff).

I would think itbwould be too easy to get someone to do a fact check, with as many of the poser watch groups and all.
@dknob, that's what I was trying to find out. If he did the whole deal or what. I'm not sure what SQT would have been at that time, but what I did find was that he did:
BUD/S class 58
Advanced Training

I have no idea what advanced training is, could be SQT or something else.

He is authorized to wear the SEAL trident or the UDT trident and Navy jump wings. Based of a letter I read by some navy spec war commander guy (again online stuff).

I would think itbwould be too easy to get someone to do a fact check, with as many of the poser watch groups and all.
I think advanced training was the old "in house" SEAL Tactical Training. Marcinko and a few others talk about it in their respective books. SQT didn't come about until 1999-2000 if I'm recalling Dick Couch's "The Finishing School" correctly.
This was in December '99:

Governor Ventura's office confirmed that Ventura was never a member of the elite Navy SEALs, but he says he did train to be a SEAL, and that his membership in the Navy's Underwater Demolition Teams was practically the same as being a SEAL. But a former SEAL and journalist in San Diego says the UDT's were not the same as SEALs during Vietnam, and he says Ventura is taking credit for the valor of others.

Read more here...
The Minnesota Public Radio article posted by Siatonist is a good one.

... Based of a letter I read by some navy spec war commander guy (again online stuff).
Do you mean Larry Bailey?

This was Salisbury's rebuttal to some of his claims:

Frankly, it comes down to the word of one credible source against that of another credible source.

When I consider both viewpoints together with what Jesse has said, along with what Jesse hasn't said, especially silly ass remarks such as those about "hunting man", I tend to buy into Bill's version more. I don't understand why Jesse can't simply be proud of his UDT service other than to believe the term doesn't have the instant recognition/connotation with the John Q. Public that the term "SEAL" does...and we all know Jesse is about his self promotion. He relishes in the blurred line he's created for himself.

Again, it's a bit of a moot argument given he's been an asshat much longer than he's been any kind of team member. For me, this matters more now.
I agree its a moot point and I am by no means defending him or trying make his service an issue. Just found it odd that there is not some crazy uproar if he is a poser. Based what I found on the net, I'm inclined to believe he falls into a gray area and is nobody really knows WTF he was. Either way it still makes no excuse for his current bullshit that he is pulling.
I don't think the public's upset about this issue is so much with Ventura's service, but that he should be taking the high road and not pursuing the lawsuit. He is acting like a child, and yes, an asshat or assclown, take your pick, but he should just drop it already. Pursuing this suit is like trying to step on a bunch of kittens.
I don't think the public's upset about this issue is so much with Ventura's service, but that he should be taking the high road and not pursuing the lawsuit. He is acting like a child, and yes, an asshat or assclown, take your pick, but he should just drop it already. Pursuing this suit is like trying to step on a bunch of kittens.
And saying it's because they owe you money.

I don't think the public's upset about this issue is so much with Ventura's service,.

As a general rule, the "public" are morons. All cases of potential posing need to be investigated.
As a general rule, the "public" are morons. All cases of potential posing need to be investigated.

I don't disagree with you. If he is a poser, he should be outed. i will try to clarify what I mean. Originally this lawsuit started out as a dispute between Ventura and Chris Kyle. My point was that after Chris died, the public's upset with Ventura is that he is pursuing the suit. I don't think the public is even aware of what the issue was between Ventura and Kyle. The public just knows Ventura is going after a hero's family.

If Ventura wants/wanted to avoid being busted for posing, that seems like it would be all the more reason for him to drop it.
If Ventura wants/wanted to avoid being busted for posing, that seems like it would be all the more reason for him to drop it.
I doubt being outted was even a thought..or is even now. Ventura is seemingly more concerned about defending his precious ego and cashing in. The dispute about him being UDT vs SEAL was a biproduct of his suit.
Poor sweet baby cannot get work and is concerned about his legacy...

“I never had to really go out seeking anything until very recently,” he said. “Usually, it came to me. But within the last year, they ain’t been coming.”

F-ing Fuck. How the hell did my state elect him governor.
So suing the widow of a dead SEAL is going to redeem him in the eyes of the world and the NSW community in particular? :rolleyes:

The best thing this prick could do for the world is to crawl into a hole and fucking die! (quietly I might add)
Poor sweet baby cannot get work and is concerned about his legacy...

“I never had to really go out seeking anything until very recently,” he said. “Usually, it came to me. But within the last year, they ain’t been coming.”

For every action there is a reaction. Asshole.
Poor sweet baby cannot get work and is concerned about his legacy...

“I never had to really go out seeking anything until very recently,” he said. “Usually, it came to me. But within the last year, they ain’t been coming.”

F-ing Fuck. How the hell did my state elect him governor.

At the time, I remember kind of liking him, although not a resident there, but he seemed like a breath of fresh air in politics. Now, not so much. His honeymoon with the public is long since over.