Jesse and his BS lawsuit...(#this_ain't_over)

It's back to he said/she said. Will the judge believe the gals who have no real interest in the case and do have pictures, or Jesse's "friends" because they say they didn't see anything?
So the "I wasn't even there that night," bullshit has been proved to be a lie. Yet these guys have "He is one of the most honest people I know," in a deposition which also states they didn't see anything so it couldn't have happened.
If there was any doubt that his cheese has slipped off his cracker....

“I’m off the grid. I move about with my TV show so that the drones can’t find me and you won’t know exactly where I am,” Ventura said, telling the hosts he was doing the interview from an “undisclosed location in Mexico."

"I view the United States today much like East Berlin. And I'm off the grid. I've tried for 20 years to warn the country about the Democrats and Republicans and nobody's listening from the inside looking out," Ventura said. "Now I'm doing it on the outside looking in. I now view the United States from the outside and I don't like what I see."
Now "off the grid" means still appearing on TV and doing interviews? Well, I guess that's one way to do it.
The thing that makes me laugh about the situation is that JV is blaming CK for his damaged reputation, when (and don't get me wrong as a kid I watched it) but coming from wrestling to saying you want to run for governor and you have all the correct theories about what's what. Come on JV whether you were punched in a book or not your reputation was already ruined prior to a book that didn't even mention your name, secondly him continuing this joke of a lawsuit is again himself getting in the way and sinking his already late 80's faded star. What a classless joke.
...and...we are going to trial.

The former governor's suit against a late Navy SEAL is watched as iIt’s an unusual and important First Amendment case testing the definitions of celebrity and defamation.

This is where the former Christian in me wants to commit the very un-Christian like behavior of asking God to strike down Jesse "The Stain Upon Humanity" Ventura. None of this New Testament shit, old school, Old Testament smiting a bitch.

So, Big Guy, can we get a hook up? Please?