Jesse and his BS lawsuit...(#this_ain't_over)

The spiteful child in me likes to think that when JV passes away the SEAL community will line up and file by his casket where they...promptly piss on it.

I'll also accept a post-burial grave watering....

He's just vermin.
This is where the former Christian in me wants to commit the very un-Christian like behavior of asking God to strike down Jesse "The Stain Upon Humanity" Ventura. None of this New Testament shit, old school, Old Testament smiting a bitch.

So, Big Guy, can we get a hook up? Please?

Pettion Ba'al, he's your new master isn't he?
People are seriously pissed off at Scruffy boy. This is an excellent example.
An Open Letter To Jesse Ventura:

Mr. Ventura,

You are a longtime celebrity whose career has taken many twists and turns. The first time I became aware of your existence was in the movie Predator. "I ain't got time to bleed" was the line that forever stamped your face into my memory. At the time, I didn't know you were a wrestler, because apparently you weren't that good. Not exactly a Hulk Hogan or Ultimate Warrior, I suppose. Not even a Junkyard Dog, but I digress. When you ran for governor of Minnesota, I thought it was pretty funny, and even funnier when you actually WON. But those days are gone, and your relevance in the minds of most people has shriveled down to nothing, except the occasional conspiracy theory you can be seen prattling about, looking like Doc Brown from Back to the Future, or perhaps bearing an uncanny resemblance on most days to Nick Nolte's mugshot.

But again, I digress.

You are once again in the public eye, and this time it's for the most reprehensible thing I could imagine. You prowl this week, prepared to pounce on the widow of a TRUE American Hero. I understand how the situation that was described in Kyle's book could be embarrassing to a certain "Scruff Face". I also understand how Kyle clarifying on radio and television who that terribly inappropriate person was that got laid out like a picnic blanket in the bar that night.
Waaa, waa,waa.

Wonder if the comments are any kinder now.

Dumb ass.

"Before Ventura took the stand, his son, Tyrel, testified that he had never seen such hatred expressed in online comments as he did after Kyle claimed that his father made derogatory remarks about the war in Iraq, George Bush and Navy SEALs.

“I saw a lot of terrible things,” Tyrel Ventura said.

Tyrel Ventura said thousands of hostile comments about his father were posted with the online version of Kyle’s interviews promoting the book on the “Opie and Andy” show on Sirius XM radio and the Bill O’Reilly TV show on the Fox News Channel in 2012, just after “American Sniper” was published.

Tyrel Ventura read some of the comments aloud. Most contained profanities."
Taya has continued to conduct herself with dignity and grace. JV has done more harm to his reputation than Chris Kyle's comments ever could have. I hope JV loses and loses big. I hope Taya can recover the court costs for the benefit of her children. And I hope it is over soon so that the Kyle family can put this nuisance behind them. JV should be ashamed of himself.
Dear Tyrel,
You may want to stay off Shadowspear and a number of other military sites. Opie and Andy? Fuck those guys, what about the SEAL "community" or does THAT not matter?
P.S. Here's another "fuck", Sweet Pea. Your therapist will make a mint off you.