Jesse and his BS lawsuit...(#this_ain't_over)

Day 6

Navy SEAL testifies that he did not see a punch, but he saw Ventura on his back on the sidewalk.

On a side note, would you consider this part of the testimony as bragging? :p

Kelly, a special operator 1st class SEAL, said that he had seen Kyle facing Ventura moments before, but he did not see Kyle punch Ventura.

Kelly admitted he had been drinking heavily and had had 15 to 20 drinks, but he expressed confidence that he had seen Ventura on the ground and that it appeared he had been knocked down.
;-)I'm not sure about bragging...but I'm not sure that many people who have had that many drinks would be deemed a credible witness. Hopefully that isn't the best they had to offer.
;-)I'm not sure about bragging...but I'm not sure that many people who have had that many drinks would be deemed a credible witness. Hopefully that isn't the best they had to offer.
My ex could hold booze with the best of them; me, I am a lightweight (1-2 drinks and I stop). My oldest has mom's ability to drink and not lose faculties.
Day 7

A former U.S. Navy SEAL Wednesday offered the most complete account yet to support an author’s contention that he punched Jesse Ventura after the former governor made derogatory remarks about the SEALs and the war in Iraq at a California bar in 2006.

Jeremiah Dinnell, who served in the SEALs for a decade until he left last year, said he saw Kyle punch Ventura after Ventura said that “[for] what we are doing overseas, we deserve to lose guys.”

He said he watched Ventura fall and get up again.

Ventura filed the lawsuit in 2012 shortly after Kyle’s memoir, “American Sniper,” was published; it claims that Kyle never hit him, that he never said that SEALs deserved to die and that his reputation was damaged by Kyle’s story.

The trial is now in its seventh day in U.S. District Court in St. Paul.

Several witnesses for the estate of Chris Kyle have testified, claiming to have seen parts of the episode Kyle described in his memoir, but Dinnell’s account appears to cover all the key details.

Dinnell began his testimony by saying that he served in Iraq twice with Kyle and also served one tour in Afghanistan. He said he became a lead sniper with “47 kills” and was a friend of Chris Kyle and his widow, Taya. He said he sent text messages to Taya Kyle with pictures of his children after Chris Kyle was killed in 2013.
So is Jesse going to sue Jeremiah Dinnell now too?

They may use Scruff Face Jr. as a rebuttal witness. He could testify that Mr. Dinnell doesn't like cat pictures on the Internet and that he once told someone "No" using a raised voice. This in turn has caused SF Jr. to wet his bed every night and that he'd like to "see the bad man fly!"*

*- A literary reference some of you may understand
I've been following this pretty closely here in MN. Bottom line, this case is not about whether or not the fight went down exactly as described in the book, Or whether the jury completely buys the story as written, it is about if Kyle purposefully lied WITH THE INTENT to defame Jesse and cause him harm by writing what he did.

That is where Ventura will struggle getting the jury to side with him. He had zero chance in TX, and he has pretty much wore out his welcome here, so he won't be getting much of a home team advantage.
I've been following this pretty closely here in MN. Bottom line, this case is not about whether or not the fight went down exactly as described in the book, Or whether the jury completely buys the story as written, it is about if Kyle purposefully lied WITH THE INTENT to defame Jesse and cause him harm by writing what he did.

That is where Ventura will struggle getting the jury to side with him. He had zero chance in TX, and he has pretty much wore out his welcome here, so he won't be getting much of a home team advantage.

Certainly not with the ridiculous lies his lawyer tells. Who does that guy think he is? Harry Reid?
Under cross-examination, Ventura attorney David B. Olsen repeatedly challenged Dinnell’s credibility, pointing to some discrepancies in an earlier sworn affidavit and a 2012 deposition. He contended Dinnell had not stated that Ventura talked about SEALs deserving to lose a few.

But during her redirect, one of Taya Kyle’s attorneys, Leita Walker, put a page of Dinnell’s deposition on the court screen; it showed Dinnell stated he heard Ventura say, “with what we are doing overseas, we deserve to lose a few guys.”

Walker asked Dinnell if he had any doubts that Ventura made that statement. “No,” Dinnell said. “It’s something that sticks with you.”
This quote below from one of the articles stood out to me. The dumbass brought it on himself. Oh, poor baby. Taya lost her husband and doesn't get to celebrate any more anniversaries. Chris Kyle doesn't get to have any more birthdays. Taya lost a husband and has to deal with this f'ing circus. Ventura is a selfish bastard.

Ventura turned 63 on Tuesday. A reporter asked him how he liked spending his birthday in a courtroom. “Even sadder,” he replied, “my 39th wedding anniversary is Friday [and] I’ll be here.”
The more and more this goes on, the more I hope Taya counter sues and cleans Ventura out. This fuckstick needs to be PNG'ed from any and all military / veteran events and any and all politics, media or spot light activity.

Fuck Jesse Ventura...
Not knowing the money involved, I have to wonder if this is a "punitive" law suit...he can afford the lawyers and she can't. He knows he won't win, but sues anyway and the defense bleeds her financially.
Not knowing the money involved, I have to wonder if this is a "punitive" law suit...he can afford the lawyers and she can't. He knows he won't win, but sues anyway and the defense bleeds her financially.
Well if you know anything about my former governor, you know he's not vindictive. :rolleyes:
Not knowing the money involved, I have to wonder if this is a "punitive" law suit...he can afford the lawyers and she can't. He knows he won't win, but sues anyway and the defense bleeds her financially.

Which has to be probably the most scumbag thing I can imagine someone doing.
Not knowing the money involved, I have to wonder if this is a "punitive" law suit...he can afford the lawyers and she can't. He knows he won't win, but sues anyway and the defense bleeds her financially.
The money drain is about over. In TX the loser pays, another reason not to sue here; and JV would pay her court costs.
He can appear on MSNBC and blame Bush, otherwise his Public Hero days are over.
Day 8

An editor of “American Sniper” was concerned about a possible lawsuit arising from the book’s description of Chris Kyle punching a man later identified as Jesse Ventura, according to notes shown to the jury Thursday at Ventura’s defamation trial in U.S. District Court in St. Paul. In the margins of a draft of the book, Peter Hubbard wrote, “Great story, if it was witnessed by fellow SEALs, thus corroboration against libel claim — Can we mention who it was? Jesse Ventura, I take it.” Hubbard, an editor for publisher Harper Collins, wrote the note next to a section of the book titled “Punching Out Jesse.”

Thursday morning Jim deFelice, the book’s co-author, testified that Kyle did not want to name Ventura. Court Anderson, one of Ventura’s attorneys, asked DeFelice why he did not contact Ventura about the section when he was researching the book. “It was not Jesse’s book,” DeFelice responded.

In a video deposition aired earlier in the court case, Kyle stated that he did not want to embarrass any Navy SEAL with revelations in the book and did not want Ventura’s name used, just as he did not use the name of another SEAL whom he portrayed as a coward.
Day 9 -

Both sides rest...jury on Tuesday

Documents introduced Thursday describe different details than those described in ‘American Sniper’ or in courtroom testimony.


For Ventura to prevail, the 10-member jury in the U.S. District Court trial in St. Paul must find that Kyle was not truthful and that he acted with “actual malice,” the Pioneer Press notes.
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