Jesse and his BS lawsuit...(#this_ain't_over)

Jury Deadlocked - Judge sends them back to try "one more time".

The jury in the defamation lawsuit brought by former Gov. Jesse Ventura informed the judge Monday that they can’t reach a verdict, the judge told attorneys for both sides. But U.S. District Judge Richard Kyle told the jurors to “give it one more shot” and asked them to resume deliberations, noting that his instructions required a unanimous verdict. The 10-member jury looked somber as Kyle urged them try one more time. After the jury left the courtroom, Kyle told attorneys for both sides seated at their counsel tables to “stay close. This might not be a long afternoon.” Jurors have been deliberating since last Tuesday afternoon, for a total of about 27 and a half hours, in the suit filed by Ventura claiming that the late Navy SEAL Chris Kyle fabricated an account of a 2006 bar fight in his best-selling book, “American Sniper.” Kyle wrote that he punched out a “celebrity” ex-Navy SEAL who was criticizing the SEALs’ role in the war in Iraq during a wake for a fallen SEAL. Ventura’s lawsuit claims the account ruined his reputation. Chris Kyle was killed in 2013, and Ventura continued the suit against his estate and his widow, Taya, who is managing the estate. The jury had taken the weekend off and shortly after they resumed deliberations at 9 a.m. Monday morning they requested an easel and pens be brought to the jury room At 11:49 a.m. Monday a courthouse employee rolled a cart of sandwiches to the seventh-floor backroom at U.S. District Court in St. Paul. And shortly after noon, the judge informed the attorneys about the jury’s inability to reach a verdict.
I detest the fact that they told the judge "We can't reach a verdict" and he sent them off to sort it out. That means someone is going to roll over (peer pressure to wrap this up) and then what sort of "justice" is served?

I HATE this for the Kyle family and have no idea how the jury will go, but I'm pissed that the judge is forcing them to decide something. They already did and whatever you think of their beliefs some will have to flush their integrity down the drain for this trial to end.

Is that really the court system we want?
<snip> Is that really the court system we want?

And this is why I have been advocating for professional juries. Doubtful that it would even happen, but my sister-in-law (an attorney) has given me me than one peek under the tent (Don't get cute with that!). The lawyers pick through the jury pool, using their challenges on folks who may have some bias or people who may be intelligent enough to make a reasonable decision. The end result is a jury of individuals who are easily influenced, and the one or two rational people who sneak in and cause the thing to get hung up. I just hate the whole damn system.
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And this is why I have been advocating for professional juries. Doubtful that it would even happen, but my sister-in-law (an attorney) has given me me than one peek under the tent (Don't get cute with that!). The lawyers pick through the jury pool, using their challenges on folks who may have some bias or people who may be intelligent enough to make a reasonable decision. The end result is a jury of individuals who are easily influenced, and one or two rational people who snuck in and cause the thing to get hung up. I just hate the whole damn system.
Agree, I will never serve on a jury.
My education, work back ground and being married to a lawyer ensure one side or the other will give me the boot.
My wife got picked for jury duty. They canned her when they found out about her education.

I've never been picked.

"Jury of peers" ass.

Rather comical, I actually DID get picked for jury duty. Surprisingly enough I wasn't dropped, did get some questions asked regarding friends in law enforcement and defense attorneys as well. Didn't mind it either, unlike most of the people bitching about it. During our first break I put the kabosh on the bitching with the few that actually complained about doing duty in a tactful manner... civic responsibility, when you stop caring about doing it is when you start to get the people who really shouldn't be on a jury, being the jurors... and it could be your jury. Our chance to hold the system accountable, so to speak.
Concur with RP. I have been called twice, served once in spite of trying to get out of it. But once the case was given to the jury, we all seriously evaluated the evidence and had a serious and thoughtful discussion. The experience actually restored my faith in the system somewhat. Then there are situations like the first OJ jury and Casey Anthony which gives our system a black eye, but those situations seem to be on the more rare side.
Agree, I will never serve on a jury.
My education, work back ground and being married to a lawyer ensure one side or the other will give me the boot.
Don't worry, that's when you get called for Grand Jury duty. Mine was 3 months of fun (although it gave me a 3 day weekend from work). In Alaska they tie it to the PFD too so if you skip it without cause more than once they stop them until you appear and give your reason for not showing up.
Unreal. Jesse wins $1.3Million.
Plus $500k for defemationfzc

Verdict was not unanimous. Both attorneys agreed to accept decision of 8 jurors in Ventura v Kyle. Jury foreman was one of two no votes
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Both attorneys agreed to accept decision of 8 jurors in Ventura v Kyle. Jury foreman was one of two no votes

WTF? I can only guess that Kyle's attorneys wanted to avoid another trial.

This feels more and more like a vindictive dick move on JV's part. A petulant little kid...
Local media lawyers saying that defense decision to allow a split vote is confusing at best. Should have known verdict was going against them since it was taking so long. Part of decision to allow split vote was because there is speculation that there is an insurance policy that will payout; not from the family.
Unreal. Jesse wins $1.3Million.
Plus $500k for defemationfzc

Verdict was not unanimous. Both attorneys agreed to accept decision of 8 jurors in Ventura v Kyle. Jury foreman was one of two no votes
That's fucked.

Regardless of what anyone thinks about Kyle's stories, they did not do any meaningful harm to Ventura or his reputation; that damage was done by Jesse alone. Juries suck...especially in MN.