Jesse and his BS lawsuit...(#this_ain't_over)

I hope scruff face is happy, and any future endeavors never get off the ground.

I'd also like to say fuck Sean Hannity for pressing the issue during the interview.
I wonder how much money a Kickstarter campaign would generate...

I'd be one of the first to donate. It's probably a good idea that I wouldn't be the one naming the campaign.

jv is the kind of vermin that I wouldn't even stop to hose off of my tires after I hit him. I can't say that I can't believe he won the suit, because it's so damned easy for someone to haz a hurt feel. I think I've seen single-ply toilet tissue thicker than his skin. Chris Kyle did nothing for jv's reputation, because jv was already known as a conspiracy theorist, truther kook after he left the governor's office.
...Part of decision to allow split vote was because there is speculation that there is an insurance policy that will payout; not from the family.

If that is the case...then it is even more sorry because they have just set another horrible precedence. It shouldn't matter who pays....

Precedence is precedence and that one his bad...if, that is the case.
If that is the case...then it is even more sorry because they have just set another horrible precedence. It shouldn't matter who pays....

Precedence is precedence and that one his bad...if, that is the case.
Agreed. The precedence this sets just hastens the descent if our judicial system down the slope of no common sense.

I assume the publishing company has this covered with insurance as there was discussion about whether JV could be named in the book.

Very odd decision given the evidence that was presented.
So glad to see the truth prevail. Now that you have some time on your hands, how about giving us a call? We're still looking for the real killers.
Simpson and Anthony, LLP
"The truth is out there"
If that is the case...then it is even more sorry because they have just set another horrible precedence. It shouldn't matter who pays....

Precedence is precedence and that one his bad...if, that is the case.

It's not a precedent; this happens not infrequently. Same/same for running the numbers to see if it's cheaper to settle than fight (even if you know you'll win in the end).
At some point the jury will be outed and I can't wait to see what basement dwelling trogs decided that was "defamation." Even when I lop off the emotional aspects of this case I still can't fathom how Kyle's story is defamation.

A public figure says something about another public figure. The details are more or less corraborated and at worst there isn't a clear cut alternative scenario....and that equals defamation? "Burden of proof" was last seen holding hands with common sense and we still haven't found the latter's body.

I'd play Russian roulette before I took a trial by jury.