Jesse and his BS lawsuit...(#this_ain't_over)

Reposting a note from Taya Kyle:

Taya Kyle said:
Anybody want some good news today?? Here it is:

1) Nothing that happens today or any other day re-writes history.

2) The truth is still the truth.

3) Chris Kyle stood for what is right and fiercely protected it with everything he had, including his life. I will do no less.

And... The message from a SEAL wife who I adore, said it best about all of us who have strength and fight even when we ...are momentarily down and you have the audacity to try and kick us:

Break our wings and we will grab a broom and fly circles around your ass!!

I hope it brought a smile to your face as it did mine.

For those of you who are in shock and speechless as I have been today... Rest assured... When it comes to my family, honor and standing up for what is right... As my dear friends Marcus and Melanie Luttrell say... "I AM NEVER OUT OF THE FIGHT!"

God Bless you and your family,

I'm glad, thrilled actually, that two of the jurors possess a spine. They stuck to their beliefs and didn't roll over. In this day and age that's huge.

I'm baffled the other 8 voted for Turdy McDouche. Again, you strip away the emotional aspects of this case (how many on either side did this?), boil the carcass down to bones, and I don't grasp how you can claim defamation. "Unjust enrichment?" Are you freaking kidding me? Bad enough the defamation angle, but unjust enrichment? As SOWT pointed out above, one chapter cost THAT much? Let's be honest, Chris Kyle was always billed as "The Guy Who KTFO's Jesse Ventura." It wasn't like he was known for being a SEAL or a sniper with a few confirmed kills or anything. Yep, his book sales are in direct proportion to the number of stories told about JV....

8-2 the other way, I can understand that. 8-2 in favor of that clown?

The only bright spot is that two people resisted peer pressure and stood their ground. Wait, I'm from FL...I think I just made a racist statement. Apologies. "Exhibited emotional fortitude and remained true to their convictions." Better?

Honestly, it speaks more to our society as a whole than anything else. Look at our political landscape. Those same 8 people probably vote too (or at least half of them do).
Thanks for the links @RB. Here is another. These folks produce shirts as a memorial to Chris and Chad. They have pictures of the checks cut to the Kyle and Littlefield families.

I bought two of Chris' books at the same time. They were purchased without any knowledge that Scruff Face had ever been in the same room with Chris.

This is a great representation of how humble and honest Chris Kyle was. He'd correct any misconceptions and rumors if they made him seem a big deal. Rest in peace, Chris.

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Nope, This is an outgrowth of the PC environment.

He "hurt" Junior Varsity's feelings, and that made him a bad person.

My wife passed a few gems, and I'll post her Lawyer perspective later tonight.
I believe you may have misconstrued what I was trying to say. I meant it as they are now hiding because there is probably someone right now attempting to find their names, address, and phone number.
You know what the true moral of this story is? Don't write a book.

I strongly disagree with this.
Historically it is vital that we as people write and publish our experiences for future generations.
Imagine the ignorance we would live in if the world was denied autobiographies.
That is nothing less than a crime against humanity.
As tribute, I propose the name Jesse Ventura or any other variants of that name hereby be banished. He should be known only as Scruff Face or HWSNBN from this point forward.

I just might get a few "I Punched Scruff Face" t-shirts made up...they might even make a good fundraiser item...
Anyone know how they came up with the odd ball amount of $1,345,477.25? Were they just writing numbers down to be able to leave or is there meaning behind it (honestly curious btw)?

It works out to almost exactly 26 cents per copy sold today. I'd imagine if you went back and looked at the official sales number at the time the case was filed, it would be exactly 25 cents based on that number.
It works out to almost exactly 26 cents per copy sold today. I'd imagine if you went back and looked at the official sales number at the time the case was filed, it would be exactly 25 cents based on that number.
Ah thanks. I was trying to figure it out but a Bibby likes to distract me by getting oddly quiet at times.:-/
No different then a former Judge keeping his title, or a Rep or Senator.

You are correct I know, but hailing from this great state I think maybe I'm a little over sensitive to all things "Jesse"