Jesse and his BS lawsuit...(#this_ain't_over)

Just wanted to leave this here. I'll be getting one for the wife and myself. I have a few shirts from Forged, they are based here in San Diego and every time I order a shirt I drive to their office to pick it up. I've shaken hands with the owners who are both extremely personable, professional and humble. [/fanboy off]
SkrewzLoose said:
Just wanted to leave this here. I'll be getting one for the wife and myself. I have a few shirts from Forged, they are based here in San Diego and every time I order a shirt I drive to their office to pick it up. I've shaken hands with the owners who are both extremely personable, professional and humble. [/fanboy off]
Thanks for posting. Just ordered two.
Thanks for posting. Just ordered two.
One in each color? :D
I thought about doing the same thing, the money couldn't go to a much better place. Having seen Taya speak at the Patriot Tour a few months back, I'm happy to do what little bit I can.
One in each color? :D
I thought about doing the same thing, the money couldn't go to a much better place. Having seen Taya speak at the Patriot Tour a few months back, I'm happy to do what little bit I can.
Hahaha. One for me and a tank for a lady friend.

I really like that Forged did this. I was going to donate anyways, but this allows you to also get the word out. It's a shirt I think people may ask about and then the opportunity is there to talk about the story behind it.
First juror breaks silence...

Many of the jurors in the Jesse Ventura defamation case had not made up their minds when they entered the jury room. But within days they had formed two blocs, and by the fifth day they were unmovable, one juror told the Star Tribune.

“When we sent [the judge] the first note saying we were deadlocked, we weren’t happy with the option,” the juror said. “At that point no one was going to change their opinion.”

In the end, most did not believe the story that Ventura had been punched out in a Coronado, Calif., bar after making a disparaging remarks about the United States and Navy SEALs, said the juror, who voted with the majority.

The juror, who asked not to be identified, recounted the events that led to the 8-2 vote to award $1.8 million to the former Minnesota governor. The decision confounded some legal observers who predicted that the former governor would most likely fail to convince a jury, because of high standards set by the U.S. Supreme Court in defamation cases.

Ironically, some of the most powerful evidence that the attorneys for author Chris Kyle’s estate presented may have backfired.

The three-week trial revolved around three pages in the bestseller, “American Sniper,” in which the author, the late Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, claimed he decked a man, later identified as Ventura, in a bar after he some incendiary remarks at a wake for a SEAL killed in Iraq.
Just wanted to leave this here. I'll be getting one for the wife and myself. I have a few shirts from Forged, they are based here in San Diego and every time I order a shirt I drive to their office to pick it up. I've shaken hands with the owners who are both extremely personable, professional and humble. [/fanboy off]

I just ordered the black one. I will wear it proudly as it's the least I can do to to honor his memory.
Mayhaps it ain't over?

ST. PAUL, Minn. — The widow of "American Sniper" author Chris Kyle has asked a judge to set aside a jury's verdict in favor of former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura or to order a new trial.

In filings Thursday, Taya Kyle's attorneys say the applicable laws and the trial evidence don't support the jury's award of $1.8 million for defamation and unjust enrichment.

Former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle wrote that he decked Ventura at a bar in 2006 after Ventura made offensive comments about SEALs. Ventura says the confrontation never happened.

Kyle's considered the deadliest sniper in U.S. military history. He was killed in Texas last year.

Taya Kyle's attorneys say Ventura didn't meet his burden of proving the story was false, and that Kyle knew it was false or probably false