Jesse and his BS lawsuit...(#this_ain't_over)

This ain't over yet...seems some muckety-mucks in the field of law were not amused by the verdict and believe the judge erred in jury instructions...

Heavy hitters in U.S. media joined prominent First Amendment scholars to file two amicus briefs challenging last summer’s jury verdict that favored former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura in his defamation trial in St. Paul.
The friend-of-the-court media brief, filed with the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, characterizes the $1.3 million jury award to Ventura as unprecedented, with no basis in common law.
The scholars’ filing faults U.S. District Judge Richard Kyle’s instructions to the jury.
The briefs support Taya Kyle, widow of Chris Kyle, author of the bestselling memoir “American Sniper.”

We are all entitled to our own opinion. I can't say I agree with the author or Garrett, but to each their own. Garrett has earned his right to that opinion.

From the little I read before I had to turn away, I'd say Garrett is a moron, and the author just another typical liberal, ignorant journalist.

“You feel like there is this debt that you build for every life that you take,” Garett tells me. “You feel like you owe the world something because you left it without this other person that could have done something amazing. I think about all of these soldiers coming out of the U.S. military and helping them get jobs and education and hearing about what they aspire to do and be in the world. And I wonder about all of the Iraqis, Syrians and others that we killed in that country and what they aspired to be.”

Really dickhead? Bin Laden and al-Zarqawi were destined to "have done something amazing"?
STFU! :rolleyes:

In addition to the outright lies (weapons of mass destruction,

Well dickhead, we KNOW there were WMD's there, we found them in case you didn't know.
Salon of all rags....figures. :rolleyes:

Garett wonders about the mothers of those we killed in Iraq. What aspirations were dashed when an occupying force killed their children, for whom they invested so much of their lives?

The more I see, the more this reads like and is beginning to resemble Jesse Macbeth, all over again.

IVAW......member of the same club.
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I didn't read much.
What unit was he in?

His Bio from

Garett Reppenhagen served as a Cavalry Scout Sniper with the 1st Infantry Division in the US Army and deployed on a peacekeeping mission in Kosovo and a combat tour in the Diyala Province, Iraq in 2004. Garett works as a Regional Director for Vet Voice Foundation and is a veterans advocate and social justice organizer.

Here's some additional from this John Kerry protege:

As for Jesse, he never made it passed Basic and wound up debunked and outed as the POS poser shitbag he was, after being paraded by the IVAW, as their poster child.
If Garrett is so torn up by his actions and the Iraqis, Syrians, etc. that he killed, then what he done to repair that damage? It is easy to sit back and say "Woe is me, I'm a bad person" but has he put his money or life where his paid piece for Salon is? He's so torn up, but how many hours has he volunteered over there, helping the widows and orphans he created?


Looks like zero. Added bonus: Cav Scout and did the guy have his B4 identifier? If you Google NATO "International Interdiction Training" all of the links point to....Garrett. This school is so awesome and so secret it doesn't appear anywhere on the Web?

Just another guy who should be charged with 1st Degree Oxygen Theft,
If Garrett is so torn up by his actions and the Iraqis, Syrians, etc. that he killed, then what he done to repair that damage? It is easy to sit back and say "Woe is me, I'm a bad person" but has he put his money or life where his paid piece for Salon is? He's so torn up, but how many hours has he volunteered over there, helping the widows and orphans he created?


Looks like zero. Added bonus: Cav Scout and did the guy have his B4 identifier? If you Google NATO "International Interdiction Training" all of the links point to....Garrett. This school is so awesome and so secret it doesn't appear anywhere on the Web?

Just another guy who should be charged with 1st Degree Oxygen Theft,
Cav Scout, almost infantry.
Almost infantry is almost Airborne.
Almost Airborne is almost Airborne Ranger.

Fucking loser.
I'd like to know if he graduated from Sniper school, or was he just handed a Sniper/DM rifle and told to go for it.
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