Jesse and his BS lawsuit...(#this_ain't_over)

Why the sudden change of heart or was this the plan all along?

It might not have been her plan, but if it were me, I would have planned it that way. Give him just enough time to think he is in the clear and can celebrate his victory, then BAM! Pull the rug out. I am guessing if there is another trial, more witnesses will come out of the woodwork too, and hopefully this time, a change of venue will be granted.

Two months after former Gov. Jesse Ventura scored a decisive victory in his defamation lawsuit against the estate of the late Chris Kyle, the war of words continues. Lawyers for the estate have mounted an elaborate 41-page case for tossing the July verdict, faulting U.S. District Judge Richard Kyle for numerous rulings as well as challenging the jury’s decision, which the defense claims flies in the face of evidence that no defamation took place. The estate argues there is no legal basis for the $1.8 million award to Ventura, and in particular, the $1.3 million for unjust enrichment. Ventura’s attorneys had contended that a major portion of the sales of Chris Kyle’s bestselling autobiography, “America Sniper,” were due to the publicity the book got after Kyle revealed that a man he identified as “Scruff Face” was Ventura. Kyle claimed in the book that he punched Ventura after Ventura made disparaging remarks about the United States and Navy SEALs. Ventura said it was a fabrication. The jury sided with him and against the estate, overseen by Chris Kyle’s widow, Taya Kyle. Judge Kyle will almost certainly reject the estate’s claims, and an appeal to the U.S. Eighth Circuit of Appeals is expected. The estate also wants the $46,203.01 that Ventura’s attorneys are asking in legal costs reduced by $8,494.64. Among the bills the estate objects to are four days of expenses for Ventura’s son, Tyrel, plus $120 in Delta Air Lines baggage fees (two bags each way). Tyrel flew in from Washington, D.C., and testified on behalf of his father. “There is no reason associated with the trial that Tyrel Ventura needed to extend his trip for two days after he testified, especially considering that those two days were Saturday and Sunday,” estate attorney John Borger wrote. David B. Olsen, Ventura’s attorney, counters that it was unclear which days his witnesses, including Tyrel, would testify and a four-day window is reasonable. Jesse Ventura, as the prevailing party “is entitled to recover all of his costs,” Olsen wrote.
I'd recover the cost of airfare just to be a fucking bitch about things. God I hope that the estate is able to get at least the expenses re-heard.
Who are you going to trust?


Anyone else not see this coming? :rolleyes:

Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura is now suing the publisher of the book that a federal jury said defamed him. Ventura was awarded $1.8 million in a lawsuit that alleged "American Sniper" author Chris Kyle made up claims in his book about punching Ventura after he made offensive comments about Navy SEALS at a California bar in 2006. Ventura says it never happened. Both men are former SEALs. Kyle died last year.

Link to Mr. Sue Happy's Mo Money Grab

Anyone else not see this coming? :rolleyes:

Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura is now suing the publisher of the book that a federal jury said defamed him. Ventura was awarded $1.8 million in a lawsuit that alleged "American Sniper" author Chris Kyle made up claims in his book about punching Ventura after he made offensive comments about Navy SEALS at a California bar in 2006. Ventura says it never happened. Both men are former SEALs. Kyle died last year.

Link to Mr. Sue Happy's Mo Money Grab

Just my take, but it seems the Ex. Gov, is hurting, rather than helping, his image with this court action. Feels rather insensitive, and greedy.