Jesse and his BS lawsuit...(#this_ain't_over)

Cannot/will not ignore this. Living in Minnesota, there are two things you can count on from the Star Tribune, The Somali "community" distancing themselves from overseas events that includes Somalis, and funny, seemingly always have a tie in to them being recruited from MN, and updates on the former Governor.

Navy SEAL’s widow wants trial moved to Dallas, near her home.
So Jesse won the battle of having the trial in Minnesota vs. Texas. Legal council for Mrs. Kyle wants to prevent him from discussing his Military service as he will not produce his records of service. Jesse has pulled this bit for years, back when he was a radio host here (in Minnesota) he would make veiled comments about his combat service, but when pressed would never produce anything. He had some delicous comments, but my very favorite is when he said: " haven't hunted, until you've hunted man..." I get douche chills everytime I hear that audio on the radio.

Here is an entertaining article from back when he was Governor:
"And I'll just tell you this: Until you've hunted man, you haven't hunted yet," Ventura told Anderson. "Because you need to hunt something that can shoot back at you to really classify yourself as a hunter. You need to understand the feeling of what it's like to go into the field and know your opposition can take you out. Not just go out there and shoot Bambi."

And here is today's Star Tribune Article:
@Ooh-Rah1069 (and/or anyone else) regarding your link specifically this:
Despite a 2012 court order compelling Ventura to produce all service records confirming the nature and dates of his military service, Borger says that Ventura supplied only one military record that he marked “confidential” that consisted of a one-page record of discharge, effective Dec. 10, 1973. He produced no records of military service from December 1973 to September 1975.

Borger asked the court to sanction Ventura by prohibiting him from offering any evidence or testimony of “alleged military service after December 10, 1973” during the upcoming trial.

Isnt that quite easy to obtain such records? O_o
I remember after my boss's Dad passed away.. he still had his discharge papers from his service in WWII. He brought them into the office to show us.
@Ooh-Rah1069 (and/or anyone else) regarding your link specifically this:

Isnt that quite easy to obtain such records? O_o
I remember after my boss's Dad passed away.. he still had his discharge papers from his service in WWII. He brought them into the office to show us.

Not if they are Uber Secret! 8-)
So here's the update...(with a photo!)

There are non-SOF witnesses who saw Jesse get punched that night...and heard him make disparaging statements about SEAL's.
(while he was wearing his SEAL ooh-rah gear)

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He's a fucking disgrace. I hope this new evidence puts an end to this scumbag's lawsuit.
Mother fucker! I am SO posting that on every social media outlet I can get my hands on. :mad:
While I am glad these women have come forward..I have to ask..who in the hell would want to have a picture taken with some guy that has a rat tail hanging off of his face? Ewwwww.
While I am glad these women have come forward..I have to ask..who in the hell would want to have a picture taken with some guy that has a rat tail hanging off of his face? Ewwwww.

I was thinking how tempting it would be to rip that rat tail off his face.