John Wick fans in the house? (3gun on page movie trailer on page 2)

Best movie of 2014 and arguably the best action movie since Collateral. And the quotes...

" Well John wasn't exactly the Boogeyman. He was the one you sent to kill the fucking Boogeyman."

"Yeah, well, because he stole John Wick's car, sir, and, uh, killed his dog.
Best movie of 2014 and arguably the best action movie since Collateral. And the quotes...

" Well John wasn't exactly the Boogeyman. He was the one you sent to kill the fucking Boogeyman."

"Yeah, well, because he stole John Wick's car, sir, and, uh, killed his dog.

I like to watch it when I am pissed.
I didn't think I was going to like that move (not a Keanu fan). I freaking loved it. I did read somewhere that he had some fairly extensive weapons training for the film and just continued to train afterward. The video is testament to a foundation of knowledge.
Movie was awesome! Side note; I know a few people whom have met him and say he is a really nice guy and super humble...
He's just another one of those Hollywood types who thinks Americans should not own guns yet makes his living off movies about killing people with guns.

I did read this quote from him: "You mean should citizens be able to have a weapon? Yeah, why not? I am not fundamentally against citizens having access to a weapon, but I think that it has complications, the use of it. It's probably not the wisest thing. Personally I don't own a weapon."

I haven't seen other things he's put out re: gun control/advocacy.
This was a great movie, and Keanu Reeves is a great dude by all accounts. He bought all the stuntmen from the Matrix new Harleys once, and a couple other similar incidents have reportedly occurred.
He's just another one of those Hollywood types who thinks Americans should not own guns yet makes his living off movies about killing people with guns.
From 2008:
Keanu Reeves: I relish being an antihero
Keanu Reeves said:
"You mean should citizens be able to have a weapon? Yeah, why not? I am not fundamentally against citizens having access to a weapon, but I think that it has complications, the use of it. It's probably not the wisest thing. Personally I don't own a weapon."

I don't know anything about his views other than what's stated above, maybe they've evolved, I don't know but seems your characterization of his views may be a bit off base.

Also, looks like I'm in the minority here but I thought John Wick kind of sucked overall. It had great potential and could've been an awesome film but in the end I was like WTF?
He's just another one of those Hollywood types who thinks Americans should not own guns yet makes his living off movies about killing people with guns.

I've never heard anything about him being anti gun or pro gun control. I also wouldn't call him "another Hollywood type" as he is very unique for a Hollywood star, rides city buses, built his own motorcycle brand, and in most cases seems like the kinda guy I would enjoy having a beer with.
LOL - if I made my movie watching decision based on the politics of the actors, there would not be much left for me to watch!

I just go in expecting most Hollywood types are anti-gun douche bags. That said, I appreciate when they take the time and energy to master their role. Regardless of Reeves' view on guns, he sure is hell knows how to make a good movie about them.

That's Goodnuf for me.
I did read this quote from him: "You mean should citizens be able to have a weapon? Yeah, why not? I am not fundamentally against citizens having access to a weapon, but I think that it has complications, the use of it. It's probably not the wisest thing. Personally I don't own a weapon."

I haven't seen other things he's put out re: gun control/advocacy.

More of the interview. I couldn't characterize him as anti-gun. Maybe not fervently pro-gun either, but more of a "you can have it, but it isn't for me" kind of guy. I'd make the argument he's a rare commodity in Hollywood.

IndieLondon: Street Kings - Keanu Reeves interview - Your London Reviews

Q: Do you think violence is sometimes a solution to crime? And what do you think about people owning guns?
Keanu Reeves:
I do think violence is sometimes a very practical solution but I don’t think it is the ultimate solution. Owning a gun is not OK for me. But I could argue both sides. Why shouldn’t people own them? I’m not fundamentally against citizens having access to a weapon but I think it has complications. It’s probably not the wisest idea. Obviously, it has consequences. Personally, I do not own a weapon.

Q: How do you handle a gun in a film like this?
Keanu Reeves:
With respect. It is a powerful weapon.

Actor Keanu Reeves discusses guns in movies - BBC News

When it comes to violence in his own movies, the star of the Matrix films said he was "not going to be frivolous with it", but also said he did not think a film could be linked to violent crimes committed.
The first one was badd A....can 't wait for #2 to come out. Sounds like he links up with some OLD Matrix buddies and bF's the underground scene in Rome.....:thumbsup::-o:blkeye:
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