Let's see that shooter

I think that it's excellent that she shoots, Hollis.
I always enjoy when a gal comes in the shop...and is serious about protecting herself (and the second amendment!).
It gives me hope for our country.
I'll be working with the wife more after I get back from my drawstroke lesson in Colorado this weekend.
MY WIFE was the first one standing (in an auditorium of probably 5000 people) when the ColorGuard entered with the Flag, at this years Gun Rights Policy Conference!
Each day she reminds me of how lucky I am to have her...with one thing like that, or another.
Parallel, damn nice pics.

This in no way compares, but introducing Pardus' 92fs. I think that he spent way too much for it, but it was worth it. lol


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Damn! That's a shitload of mags!

I've got 2 Beretta mags for mine (15 rd), and 4 Ram Lines (18 rounds).

I know everybody here loves their .45's, and their "glock foties" but I'm one of the people that appreciates the 92FS, as I've had a whopping 2 malfunctions in something like 12 years. Both of those were due to the brass catching the front of the (aftermarket) magazines before feeding.

It was specialized ammunition involved, and the problem was solved when I filed down a tiny fraction of an inch on the front of the magazine, so the brass wouldn't catch as it fed.

Love my Beretta!
Parallel, damn nice pics.

This in no way compares, but introducing Pardus' 92fs. I think that he spent way too much for it, but it was worth it. lol

Humm, sort of makes a statement about today's market. Guns are expensive, one can buy accessories, but ammo is scarce.

A empty mag is a sad sight to see.

When I get elected POTUS, I promise several cases of ammo in everyone's home. (the heck with the chicken).
...Guns are expensive, one can buy accessories, but ammo is scarce.

Tell me about it. I have to cut my trips to the range in half- partly because of cost, and partly because of scarcity.

Last week I tried to buy .30-06 ammo- normally $10 to $14 per box at Wal Mart. There was exactly ONE box left at $32 (150 gr. Remi silver tips or some shit). I left with the last 3 boxes of .45, thankful that they had at least that.
Tell me about it. I have to cut my trips to the range in half- partly because of cost, and partly because of scarcity.

Last week I tried to buy .30-06 ammo- normally $10 to $14 per box at Wal Mart. There was exactly ONE box left at $32 (150 gr. Remi silver tips or some shit). I left with the last 3 boxes of .45, thankful that they had at least that.

Check CMP for the Greek 06 stuff, it is very good and pretty affordable. Some ammo companies have it, a slightly higher price.

Rumor has it, it is better than LC Match.

Another reasonable source is Graf and Sons.
Just got an EO Tech 512 for free. Pics coming of the S&W AR. Wife rushing me out the door to Olive Garden. I would rather stay and run CQC drills in my house.
pardus said:
Very nice.
Though I have to ask, why a bipod on a carbine?

That is the one I bought for my brother. I am also giving him the bipod just because I don't want it. He has an ACOG he's going to put on it.

Right now it doesn't really need to be there and doesn't serve a purpose but where better to store the bipod I'm giving him than ON the rifle I'm giving him.

I am going to buy a Charles Daly on Monday that has the gas block with picatinny rail and flat top instead of the A2 front sight. I want to put a higher power scope on it and with the A2 front not there it won't need a riser. I am buying a Harris when my guy get's them in on Thursday so I just threw the old bi pod on the Bro's. He can do whatever he wants with it.

I think I am going to try to hunt down a short barrel for mine. I was checking out the EO Tech in the house and realized that the 16 inch barrel is loooong.

I think I need to stop buying AR's.
My AK-101 is on its way back home. I had to return it to Henderson Defense Industries for a rework on the trigger system. HDI has great customer service and until I ran into the trigger issue I was very happy with the carbine. I am quite sure that it will be in tip top shape when I get it back... I can't wait.
This thread makes me wish I lived in America. :(

Hollis that is one pretty G3.
Finally! pictures taken/posted of my 1911 Springfield (suppliment to the favored J-frame! ;))


I will soon hire a Bikini model for some improved pictures!

It's the smaller "Champion" model 1911, with a (flat) black parkerized finish and the walnut grips (look nice on the flat black frame) with the US insignia.
Also has already had some gunsmith smoothing trigger/action work.
Nightsites, Trigger/Action job, 3 Chip McCormic magazines. Extra Grips (which I'll be replacing), etc.
Also a holster(included) and double mag carrier, but will be replaced next check with a Blackhawk Serpa retention holster.

I Still love my J-Frame, but I guess I gotta have an "instructor" gun also (semi-auto to demo failure drills, etc).
The boss keeps pushing the "cool" factor of the Kimber...but screw that.
I like the Springfields just fine. Now, where do I mount a Laser again? There's a guiderod laser for the 1911, right?