Like/ Dislike Feature


SOF Support
Sep 8, 2006
I want to preface this post with:

Minus the Disagree, this is my personal opinion.

Hate: I see a number of ya'll giving someone some "Hate" not because you hate their viewpoint, but you hate some bad/ stupid news they've posted. In the end the red X's may mean very little, but some members will view a person's profile and gauge their membership based upon other member's feedback. Another way to think about it: Someone Hates a post because it carries very bad news. Now anyone reading the thread has to wade over "Hate only because of your post" posts. You're shooting the messenger so reserve that noise for the problem children.

Disagree: Pretty self-explanatory. The reason I bring it up is don't Disagree with someone (or Hate for that matter) without stating why. We aren't 7 and asking our parents for a cookie. If you were talking to someone and they said they disagreed with your argument wouldn't you want to know why? It is kind of a dick move to Disagree and not provide your counterpoint.

Like and Agree: If anyone has to explain the difference I'd urge you to step away from the Net and go do some word learning stuff.
I really agree with being responsible in using the "dislike" and "hate" feature. Like Free said, we're not in grade school here.
I'm enlisted which pretty much is equivalent to grade school.... I mean our Tech data is written at a 5th grade reading level.... But I do agree with the stated post above.
And don't get me wrong, if some clownshoes nonsense is posted, you can believe they will see some red at the bottom of their post.

And @pardus because pardus. He's getting hate just for being himself.

And that kiwi gives hate just because he's a hateful kiwi ex-pat...

I'm very careful with the use of hate versus dislike... I only want 2 other people in the same hate boat as me... @pardus and @Marauder06 (joking, to clarify for the new people who read this, we're all 3 in the original 100 members of this board and know, respect and sometimes like each other, if the other is buying... IRL).
Who judges people based on the number of hates or likes in a profile? That's the person with the issue IMO.

I mean pardus is a cunty cunt cunt. We don't need a profile to tell us that!
Who judges people based on the number of hates or likes in a profile? That's the person with the issue IMO.

It's like judging people on how many posts they've had, or more fittingly for some, how many intros they've responded to.

Are there repercussions that I'm not aware of for having too much hate? Honest question
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Are there repercussions that I'm not aware of for having too much hate? Honest question

The reprecussions would be if you do not backup a hate, or disagree, with an explaination. In fact, I know of one outstadning disagreement you have yet to square with.
Are there repercussions that I'm not aware of for having too much hate? Honest question

Repercussions? Not that I'm aware of.

Who judges people based on the number of hates or likes in a profile? That's the person with the issue IMO.

Not necessarily. Some users pop in or out and you can't remember every dodgy bastard. I know I'll look at a profile and if I see a large number of Hates I'll dig into the member's posts and see if anything's going on. It isn't often this happens, but it happens.
And that kiwi gives hate just because he's a hateful kiwi ex-pat...

I'm very careful with the use of hate versus dislike... I only want 2 other people in the same hate boat as me... @pardus and @Marauder06 (joking, to clarify for the new people who read this, we're all 3 in the original 100 members of this board and know, respect and sometimes like each other, if the other is buying... IRL).
Can I hate and <3 this post at the same time? :D