Like/ Dislike Feature

Oh don't be like that. I'm not trying to be a dick so I don't really appreciate the sarcasm.

FWIW I agree on the disagree. It's a shame that there can't be some kind of mandatory reply box that opens when you click it.
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For those who don't know, you can see other users' stats by clicking on the "members" button at the top of the screen.

I think just about any long-term member here with a lot of "hate" received most of it in jest. If you have three-digit hate and you're still here, it's because people like you. People who legitimately earn "hate" typically don't last long enough to rack a whole bunch of it up.

I tend to give "hate" to two kinds of people: assholes who really deserve it, and my close friends here on the site. It's kind of a term of endearment, like an insult you only give to people you have a close bond with, because otherwise you'd get your ass beat for it. In the early days of ShadowSpear, many mods and admins got "hate" from people they had to discipline on the site, and we kind of learned to embrace it. To cherish it, even. "It keeps me warm."

Anyway, for a while there was even a race to be "ShadowSpear's Most Hated." I think The Troll won that one and is probably still in first place. In fact, the only reason I'm not "hating" the crap out of every post in this thread by @Freefalling and @x SF med right now is because I'm trying to catch up and they're all beating me in the hate game. But at least I'm beating @pardus in hate voting...

...just like in this year's mod election. Hey, I'm nothing if not "consistent."

On a serious note, I think using "disagree" and not following it up with an explanation is kind of passive-aggressive and a bit childish.
Well yeah but that's from an admin viewpoint, not the typical user.

Disagreed because when I first started posting here I was over the top careful not to get any "hate". Then @Deathy McDeath gave me my first one...for the life of me I cannot remember what it was for, (believe me, I tried to figure it out during the trash-talking part of the mod-elections) but after that I went thru the board trying to figure out what other "hates" were given out for.

Also, as a new user I would review the "members" section and filter by the different categories - it made it easier for me to tell who the shit bags were, and who had just been around long enough to earn their share. Within the last year there was a specific staff member who seemed to "hate" everything I posted. It bugged me, and I studied his pattern of "hate" and figured out that by changing a few things and looking at the bigger picture, I could become a more productive member of the forum , and I think I have done that.
Disagreed because when I first started posting here I was over the top careful not to get any "hate". Then @Deathy McDeath gave me my first one...for the life of me I cannot remember what it was for, (believe me, I tried to figure it out during the trash-talking part of the mod-elections) but then I went thru the board trying to figure out what other "hates" were for. Also, as a new user I would review the "members" section and filter by the different categories - it made it easier for me to tell who the shit bags were, and who had just been around long enough to earn their share. Within the last year there was a specific staff member that seemed to "hate" everything I posted. It bugged me, and I studied his pattern of "hate" and figured out that by changing a few things and looking at the bigger picture, I could become a more productive member of the forum . And I think I have done that.

OK that's a very fair point in fact and one I didn't consider.
The reprecussions would be if you do not backup a hate, or disagree, with an explaination. In fact, I know of one outstadning disagreement you have yet to square with.

Think you misunderstood.

I'm also not aware of anything that is outstanding. You're more than welcome to keep track though.
Think you misunderstood.

I'm also not aware of anything that is outstanding. You're more than welcome to keep track though.

I track those who disagree with me, and do not follow up with an explaination. I do not need your permission to do that. Thus far, you are the only one.
Who judges people based on the number of hates or likes in a profile? That's the person with the issue IMO.
Disagreed because when I first started posting here I was over the top careful not to get any "hate". Then @Deathy McDeath gave me my first one...for the life of me I cannot remember what it was for, (believe me, I tried to figure it out during the trash-talking part of the mod-elections) but after that I went thru the board trying to figure out what other "hates" were given out for.

Also, as a new user I would review the "members" section and filter by the different categories - it made it easier for me to tell who the shit bags were, and who had just been around long enough to earn their share.
Agree with both because I learned to not care too much about the Hates and Likes of others, but at first I know that I checked those lists.
I track those who disagree with me, and do not follow up with an explaination. I do not need your permission to do that. Thus far, you are the only one.

My apologies. Hadn't realized I disagreed with you at some point. Not quite sure what I'd be giving you permission for though.
My apologies. Hadn't realized I disagreed with you at some point. Not quite sure what I'd be giving you permission for though.

Think you misunderstood.

I'm also not aware of anything that is outstanding. You're more than welcome to keep track though.

So we'll just let this go, the whole thing for now; knowing that we are human and are prone to error.

As a man wiser than I am is fond of saying, "And so it goes......"
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I come onto forums like this to be around people with whom I have some sort of connection, military, etc. I honestly try to not be dick and get along. I mean, I get enough "hates" and "dislikes" from my family and coworkers, I sure don't need the stress of it here......

1 hate = 1 prayer.
I come onto forums like this to be around people with whom I have some sort of connection, military, etc. I honestly try to not be dick and get along. I mean, I get enough "hates" and "dislikes" from my family and coworkers, I sure don't need the stress of it here......

Um..... fail, Marine.... LMAO!!!!
you know better than that....