Looking for some feeedback on workout plan

He will get bigger biceps if he ditches all of the volume he currently has (12 sets in one session). There is no way he is going to make any progression on that.

Ooh, you need to really dial it back some and move it up in other areas. Also, you must become a recovery NAZI. You have to treat your diet, sleep, supplementation, soft tissue work ALL as training sessions.

This is where I struggle. Never had any of that formal training. My recover is a protien shake and glutimine after each workout.
A foam roller, a lacrosse ball, and a 1" PVC pipe will do wonders. If you can snag some resistance bands, even better.

and to piggyback on what my friend here said, cold showers post workout for 2-3 min. I'm talking ICE cold, then I switch it up to HOT 2-3 min. and then back to cold. Prior to going to bed I drink a magnesium supplement (natural calm) 30 min before sleeping, I do this while I soak in a hot tub. Ofcourse if you don't have hot tub then use your bath ;).

Invest in getting a massage once every two weeks. Sleep like it's your job. You can NOT catch up on sleep.

Also being a Paleo guy, you should be familiar with Robb Wolf about Natural Calm. It's cheap and I really notice a difference in helping me dose off.
Regarding sleep...I will look into the Natural Calm. Currently it is a 3mg Melatonin an hour before bed that puts me out.

Tomorrow after work I will take some time and really read through the comments in this thread about my workout...pretty much been doing same routine since...forever? A few things I've picked up on to look into:

- better sleep habits (how'd you know!)
- recovery after the workout is more than a flippin shake
- too many reps on the arms (go heavier with less reps)
- Pullups are your friend (not mine, but I'll work on becoming chummier...fuck, i HATE pull ups)
- My wife uses a foam roller...guess I can too.

Thanks again for the feedback...