The only documentaries I've ever seen were the A-Team, Navy SEALs with Charlie Sheen, and The Delta Force with Chuck Norris. 

I....I have a confession to make....I watched the Deer Hunter, Apocalypse Now and The Green Berets... doesn't that make me an expert? Aren't they documentaries?
I am a wannabe, and I have never seen "The Green Berets".
I....I have a confession to make....
I am a wannabe, and I have never seen "The Green Berets".
Please don't hurt me!
The fire fight part was funny.Don't mess with the Zohan is another good Documentary to watch if you want to study the history of Palestine!
IMO, keep the war on the battlefield. If people want to see what war is like, join the infantry. I'm sick and tired of people backseat quarterbacking the war because they watched a few TV shows.
So I guess my overall response...why?
Don't be haten on my TV veiws of war, I was there man, I mean at least I felt like I was....well until my popcorn and soda ran out, leaving me no choice but to exfil the theater to return to the concession stand....No shit, there I was....down to my last few kernels!
Shit bro. Lack of popcorn and those chocolate covered moth balls would result in me needing consuling...
Ahhh come on bro, nobody eats those...Milk duds is where its at. lol......just no skittles, muthafucka might get shot eating a bag of skittles wearing a hoodie.
I'm watching Hunting the Taliban.