I've been on the range everyday for the last 4 weeks, so my legs and back have been pretty smoked. I thought about what I could as a good arm/upper body smoker to try to show them some love, so I came up with this
- 3 pull ups on the minute alternated pronated grip close, med, wide then sup grip close, med, wide
- 3 handstand push ups on the :30's
- Then 10 push ups on the minute, 10 band pull aparts on the :30 to failure.
Made it to 21 minutes and failed on handstand push ups. Then did 60 push ups, my shoulders were done. I think next time I am going to start out doing 5 of each, then when I fail I will bump down to 4, then 3, etc. My diet has been screwy and I've lost about 7 pounds in the last 2 weeks, I need to get it under control.