Military Fitness Brainstorming

Oh how I cant wait to get back under the squat rack...

Something tells me with an Above-Knee-Amp I will be doing more rear leg raised split squats than heavy front/rear squats. We will see as only time will tell.


I continue to be amazed, impressed, inspired, but not surprised by your posts here.
Thank you again for what you do for our country and your contributions to this site.
5/3/1 Deadlift day broke me off and kicked me in the junk this morning. I got my reps, but DL is a lift I really need to work on. I'm just still uncomfortable with them, when I get to that last heavy set.

Question for you DL aficionado's out there. I don't touch and go on the DL and normally come to a dead stop, remain grip and posture, then go for next rep. When I was reading 5/3/1, if I'm reading it correctly, he says on a dead stop, to reset on every DL rep. Does he mean actually release grip and do a total reset?

ETA: Reading the post above mine and what mental and physical fortitude really is. If my post is inappropriate or weak sauce, please delete.
HA, I asked CDG a question along the same lines. Just knock the reps out, you know when you can't complete another one. 2-3 seconds between each rep is not a big deal. Walking around the gym and coming back to the bar after getting a drink of water is a different story. I don't do touch and go either. I minimize my fidgeting/reseting and bang out another rep. Like I said, you'll know when you hit the point where you can't pull the bar.

According to Mark Rippetoe, he sees a correlation/connection between lifters who bounce their deads and inability to keep a flat back. Make sure you are doing whatever is needed to getting yourself back into a good position.

According to Mark Rippetoe...

I'm a fan of Rippetoe and Starting Strength and did about 6 months of his program earlier this year, with good results. Rippetoe & SS was the impetus to the original question, as I thought he teaches not to let go of the bar (If my memory serves correctly). When I read Wendler's 5/3/1 it seemed like he was saying go ahead, let go of the bar and make sure you have a good reset. I had, in the past, been very strict about not letting go of the bar, when pulling for reps.

Make sure you are doing whatever is needed to getting yourself back into a good position.

Great point. Thanks.
I'm a fan of Rippetoe and Starting Strength and did about 6 months of his program earlier this year, with good results. Rippetoe & SS was the impetus to the original question, as I thought he teaches not to let go of the bar (If my memory serves correctly). When I read Wendler's 5/3/1 it seemed like he was saying go ahead, let go of the bar and make sure you have a good reset. I had, in the past, been very strict about not letting go of the bar, when pulling for reps.

It doesn't matter too much either way. Some people can maintain a solid pull position without momentarily letting go of the bar to reset, and some cannot. Neither is wrong, you just need to do whichever one you feel puts you into a better position for pulling subsequent reps. The issue with not letting go of the bar is when people progressively get more and more compromised on each rep after the first one.
210/240/270 felt/looked pretty good on my 3/3/3+ DL day today. I'll try to get some video of my heavy sets next week since that's where I felt my from went to shit.
What I'm even more excited about is that I'm nearing or have already passed body weight numbers for squat and bench press as a 1RM. Sad to say, I've never done that before for those 2 lifts. Next week is going to be rough!
210/240/270 felt/looked pretty good on my 3/3/3+ DL day today.

I pretty much did this yesterday, except 220/250/280. I feel that my form was much better, but DL's are still my "opportunity" ;-). I felt that I was overall pulling better, but still have some work to do. The feedback given was very helpful, regarding a proper reset and doing what was needed. Thanks gents.

Since we're on the topic of deadlifting, I saw this the other day.

I started olympic lifting a month ago(snatch/clean), so I've been watching a shit ton of mobwods.
Jesus, this guy has it made. He's a genius when it comes to all this mobility shit and he gets to grope hot chicks in spandex as part of his job. 8-)
I present you all with, the 12 Days of Christmas WOD:

1) Snatch
2) Muscle Ups (subbed chest to bar strict pull up, can't do muscle ups)
3) Cleans
4) Hand stand push ups (subbed decline push ups)
5) Chest to bar pull ups (subbed chest to bar chin ups)
6) Pistols (don't know what the trick to these is, had to stabilize myself a bit on the wall and only hit parallel)
7) Push Jerks
8) KB swings 24 kg
9) Toes to bar
10) Box jumps 24″
11) Burpees
12) Thrusters
* All barbell movements are 135#, this is a ball smoker.

I scaled the weight to 115#. I finished in 55mins. Here's how it goes...
1 snatch
1 snatch, 2 pull ups
1 snatch, 2 pulls, 3 cleans
1 snatch, 2 pulls, 3 cleans, 4 push ups
And on, and on... Until the final round is what you see above. A ball smoker indeed.
The worst part, other than doing the actual work, is knowing that those 12 thrusters are waiting for you at the very end. Yeah, it's only 12, but they're at the very end of everything. This is the first time that I have ever ended up with snot on my shirt, in addition to it being completely soaked in sweat.
Also, I hate all of you that finish something like this in <30 mins. HATE. :D
Here's my latest on 5/3/1. I was VERY happy across the board. I'm extremely happy with how my squat and DL numbers are progressing. I felt much better about my DL this week even though it was a repeat of the last cycle weight wise. Enough blabbering...


Here's my latest on 5/3/1. I was VERY happy across the board. I'm extremely happy with how my squat and DL numbers are progressing. I felt much better about my DL this week even though it was a repeat of the last cycle weight wise. Enough blabbering...

Get it done! Are you doing 4 days a week, I'm doing 3 days a week myself & starting week 3.
After 2 weeks completely off from any kind of working out, 5/3/1 kicked my dick off today. I struggled to get 165 x 5 on my last set today. That's the first time I haven't exceeded the "+" set since I've been doing this. Still making progress, just frustrating to me.
Also, getting myself in better shape nutritionally. I'm tired of looking in the mirror and not liking what I see. Call it a New Year's resolution or whatever...
In the interest of discussion;
  • What is everyone doing now?
  • What works for you and why? What doesn't work for you and why?