Sorry man! I wish. That night turned into a rescue op when my friend got kicked out of the bar. Had to be up 3 hours later for class too. 
From what I gathered from the video, he's just talking about a neutral position and the little things that will break your posture/positioning. So for instance, using a pullup bar that is too short for you will break your positioning and cause over extension(i believe that ties in with rib cage positioning), keeping your head tall and facing forward vs chin pointed up changing your spines neutral position. And keeping the ribcage pointed down makes it easier to externally rotate. When the shoulder is internally rotated, it is very loose, unstable and not a good position to be taking a beating in, as well as place unnecessary angle/pressure on the elbows.
I hope that made sense/I interpreted that correctly.

From what I gathered from the video, he's just talking about a neutral position and the little things that will break your posture/positioning. So for instance, using a pullup bar that is too short for you will break your positioning and cause over extension(i believe that ties in with rib cage positioning), keeping your head tall and facing forward vs chin pointed up changing your spines neutral position. And keeping the ribcage pointed down makes it easier to externally rotate. When the shoulder is internally rotated, it is very loose, unstable and not a good position to be taking a beating in, as well as place unnecessary angle/pressure on the elbows.
I hope that made sense/I interpreted that correctly.