Military Fitness Brainstorming

Here's my latest round of 5/3/1, on Sheet 4. I'm happy with the progress that I'm making and that the 1+ days are becoming more and more difficult.
I was talking with my youngest brother a week or so ago and he was telling me about his squats and I was very surprised at the weights he was claiming. So, I video-ed myself doing squats (as a "this is what it should look like, not the half squat/half good morning you're doing" :D) and I learned something. I always worried about my form going to shit as the weight got heavier, so I videoed my heavy squat day. My form was spot on during each set. That means now I can focus more on the weight and the lift because I know my form is good. :thumbsup:


The 5/3/1 program is great. I just started my 6th consecutive cycle, and even though some days may have been difficult at getting the bare minimum reps, my over all strength has increased pretty well. I had to start doing the 2 day a week program (with the 5th cycle) so I could focus more on running, rucking, swimming, and PFT events. You may not have good days/weeks where you struggle with those max sets, but if you take a deload week then a week to do maxes, you'll be moving weights you didn't think possible.
Here's my latest.
I mind-fucked myself out of a 3rd rep on my 5/3/1+ bench day. But, as I was reminded, anything over 1 rep is icing on the cake. I was happy with my squat and OH press because there's a new 1RM in there somewhere. I started my squat at a 185# 1RM. Last week I got 190# twice. Same thing with my OH press at 115# for 6 reps.
My DL, on the other hand, went to shit at 285lbs. I could feel my back arch as soon as I got the weight off the ground. 225 & 255 were fine. So, I'm going to go through the same DL weights for this cycle and see where I stand in 4 weeks. I'll be moving forward with everything else and judging it as I go.
Any comments/suggestions, please feel free to interject.


Here's my latest.
I mind-fucked myself out of a 3rd rep on my 5/3/1+ bench day. But, as I was reminded, anything over 1 rep is icing on the cake. I was happy with my squat and OH press because there's a new 1RM in there somewhere. I started my squat at a 185# 1RM. Last week I got 190# twice. Same thing with my OH press at 115# for 6 reps.
My DL, on the other hand, went to shit at 285lbs. I could feel my back arch as soon as I got the weight off the ground. 225 & 255 were fine. So, I'm going to go through the same DL weights for this cycle and see where I stand in 4 weeks. I'll be moving forward with everything else and judging it as I go.
Any comments/suggestions, please feel free to interject.

What have your assistance lifts been on DL days? It's possible you need to change your assistance to strengthen your posterior chain and/or abs a little more. It's also possible that your back isn't nearly as compromised as you think and you're mind-fucking yourself.
Honestly, very little lower back work. Mainly pull ups, pull downs and rows of some variety. I'll ramp up my overall core work as well. Thanks for the outside view. I get tunnel vision sometimes trying to look at my own work.
And you're 100% correct. :D
I'll be sure to record my heavy day again and see if it's all in my head.
Honestly, very little lower back work. Mainly pull ups, pull downs and rows of some variety. I'll ramp up my overall core work as well. Thanks for the outside view. I get tunnel vision sometimes trying to look at my own work.
And you're 100% correct. :D
I'll be sure to record my heavy day again and see if it's all in my head.

Consider doing Good Mornings, Romanian Deadlifts, and/or Glute-Ham raises. Those are all great deadlift assistance lifts. Don't do both good mornings and RDLs in the same session, but pick one and do a 3 x 8-12 coupled with a 3 x 12-20 on the raises. If 20 at a time is easy, add weight or a band for resistance. I can post video links if you need them.
CDG , all good simple exercises that I've neglected. I'll start incorporating them. Our gym on base even has a GHD sit up device/rack.
Hillclimb , I don't use a belt for any exercises. You can still have awful form with a belt on, so I've always forgone its use. Just MHO.
CDG , all good simple exercises that I've neglected. 'll start incorporating them. Our gym on base even has a GHD sit up device/rack.
Hillclimb , I don't use a belt for any exercises. You can still have awful form with a belt on, so I've always forgone its use. Just MHO.

Good man. I was just checking, I feel that it hinders lower back and core development IMHO.

I've never really done much lower back work, but the GHR was money when I did west side. Other than that I just do 20 minutes of Russian kettlebells with this Kb certified guy at school every other morning.
I don't use a belt for any exercises. You can still have awful form with a belt on, so I've always forgone its use. Just MHO.

Good man. I was just checking, I feel that it hinders lower back and core development IMHO.

This is a somewhat prevalent myth among the functional fitness crowd. A belt does not hinder core/low back development. Actually, it makes the abs work harder. You are bracing against the belt as opposed to bracing against nothing. It doesn't make you any stronger, but it does allow you to lift more weight. It's all about knowing how to use it. Some people do slap on a belt and think it's a magic pill that renders correct form and technique irrelevant. These people are ignorant of a belt's purpose in lifting.
I didn't think that it made your abdominals work any harder, but just create stronger pressure to protect your spine. And isn't there a big difference from pushing your abdominal wall against the belt than contracting your abs?

I remember reading about a woman who had an abdominal muscle tear and had it repaired. When she returned to squatting she was asked to avoid pushing her abdomen outward until she fully healed. So she contracted her abs instead and started getting knee pains. But when she pushed her abdomen outward, she didn’t have any knee pain at all. The entire motor pattern of the squat was altered because of the way she used her belt.

My information could be outdated. I just see the belt as something I shouldn't get accustomed to. When Im in situations where I will be using that sort of strength/movement, I won't always have access to a belt.
I didn't think that it made your abdominals work any harder, but just create stronger pressure to protect your spine. And isn't there a big difference from pushing your abdominal wall against the belt than contracting your abs?

I remember reading about a woman who had an abdominal muscle tear and had it repaired. When she returned to squatting she was asked to avoid pushing her abdomen outward until she fully healed. So she contracted her abs instead and started getting knee pains. But when she pushed her abdomen outward, she didn’t have any knee pain at all. The entire motor pattern of the squat was altered because of the way she used her belt.

My information could be outdated. I just see the belt as something I shouldn't get accustomed to. When Im in situations where I will be using that sort of strength/movement, I won't always have access to a belt.

You won't always have access to a balanced barbell either. A belt is a tool, just like lifting shoes, wrist wraps, sleeves, straps, or whatever else. It's all in how you use it. Yes, you brace the abs against the belt by pushing outward. Using a belt does not mean you no longer need to use the abs. It is the same ab contraction you should be doing without the belt, you just now have something to push against. Sucking the abs in is not the proper way to create intra-abdominal pressure before a heavy lift. There is a difference between becoming dependent on a piece of gear and understanding how and when it can provide a positive effect in your training. If you don't want to use a belt, then don't. Right now it seems as though you're not using one based on faulty reasoning. I'm not trying to argue you into using one, just trying to let you know that there is benefit to it when used properly. :-)
I like seeing people who wear belts when their entire time in the gym is spent using cable machines.
Also, I've seen a guy using straps on tricep pull downs w/rope. He had the wraps going around the rope... I scoffed.

Also, thank you both for some insight on the use of belts.
I like belts when I'm lifting heavy. I can feel myself working/pushing my cores muscles. It's a physical cue for me and I feel I use better technique with the belt. I don't use one when I'm lifting lighter weight and working for form, posture and etc.

With that said, I'm not at intermediate levels on the DL or Squat yet. My best are 345 and 335 respectively at 180-185 lbs. I know there are guys my size, that can lift a ton more weight, but I don't go to failure and I'm a safety first kind of guy. On those heavy lifts, I feel safer with a belt, so I use it.

Appreciate your commentary on your 5/3/1 SkrewzLoose, it's motivating and I look forward to giving 5/3/1 a shot. Hopefully at the beginning of December. I'm in between gyms, as my old gym actually moved locations.

ETA: Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
As much as I hate it, I miss running. It's torture being in San Diego where the weather is perfect 350 days a year and I can't run.
Read the manual and started the 5/3/1 program this week. I enjoyed it and look forward to the next work out. I'm going to try it with running 3x a week (2 interval sessions & one for distance) and plenty of push ups, GHR, pull ups and core exercises. I know I won't build as much raw strength this way, but I think it will give balance to my current goals.
Got jello legs for the first time in a long time today (squat day). Also, I'm assuming that GHD sit ups and good mornings are GTG for squat day as well. Yes?

Sendero , what do you mean "won't build as much raw strength"? 5/3/1 is a strength building program.
Sendero , what do you mean "won't build as much raw strength"? 5/3/1 is a strength building program.

I meant by doing extra running and lot's of cals, versus just doing 5/3/1 as a stand alone program. I am definitely trying to increase raw strength, but also maintain my running standards. Sorry for the confusion and hope my response makes sense.