Milo Yiannopoulos - discuss

That being said, milo is still a cunt IMO, he started up a college fund for exclusively white males, then put all the money in his bank account and has yet to even allow people to apply for the scholarship.

Oh, you got allegations eh. How about we not spew stuff without a cited source. But seriously what's the problem with scholarships set up for white males? There's scholarships for people with blue eyes out there, there's scholarships for exclusively every race out there except, maybe, one for white males. Get off your high horse, it takes time to fund an endowment so that is sustainable, but I suppose you know all about fundraising too.

Geeze louise.
@carlo amedio it takes time to set up a scholarship. It actually just finished taking applications for the pilot program.

Application Launch - Privilege Grant
Wow, I didn't know, guess I was wrong on that one. He's still a cunt IMO, he tweeted a picture of ben Shapiro's new baby being black to call him a cuck and He called a CIA agent an idiot on bill maher just because the guy disagreed with him.

Oh, you got allegations eh. How about we not spew stuff without a cited source. But seriously what's the problem with scholarships set up for white males? There's scholarships for people with blue eyes out there, there's scholarships for exclusively every race out there except, maybe, one for white males. Get off your high horse, it takes time to fund an endowment so that is sustainable, but I suppose you know all about fundraising too.

As I've already admitted I was wrong, but as for sources, ill leave a link to where I got it from. I think I can be forgiven for buying into it. Yes I should have cited a source:

Breitbart Editor Milo Yiannopoulos Takes $100,000 for Charity, Gives $0

As for the scholarship itself, no I'm not against it, all scholarships based on race or gender are racist and sexist, and that is the very reason he created his to make a point.
Charles Murray is a tool. But this shit has to stop. Kids need to realize that hearing other ideas is not the same as agreeing with them. It takes a sophistication to be able to hear an argument without agreeing with it.
Charles Murray is a tool. But this shit has to stop. Kids need to realize that hearing other ideas is not the same as agreeing with them. It takes a sophistication to be able to hear an argument without agreeing with it.

I tend to agree, but I don't think it takes sophistication to be able to hear a contrary argument, it just takes basic human decency. The sophistication comes in realizing that the opposing view has just as much right to be heard as yours does.
Shutting out contrary voices isn't all that new - what's changed is the level of violence involved, which draws more attention when it happens.
Shutting out contrary voices isn't all that new - what's changed is the level of violence involved, which draws more attention when it happens.

What's been interesting to me is that the left seems to be doing what it claims it fears from the right, particularly the politically-motivated violence and the low toleration for dissent.
Charles Murray has pretty controversial ideas linking race and IQ. Which is pretty much total bullshit. If I was on the right I wouldn't want him being considered in the same camp as me. I'm surprised any academic facility invited him at all, but once invited he should be able to speak...
I think our society is confusing free speech with opposition to other POV's much in the same way we think equality and diversity are the same thing. "Free speech" isn't limited to supporting your opinion while shouting down an opposing view.
What's been interesting to me is that the left seems to be doing what it claims it fears from the right, particularly the politically-motivated violence and the low toleration for dissent.
The left is doing it as private citizens. The right is doing it from an official government positions. There's a big difference there.
The left is doing it as private citizens. The right is doing it from an official government positions. There's a big difference there.

The right-dominated government is violently assaulting American citizens whose political views differ from their own and are conspiring to deny American citizens their fundamental rights under the Constitution? That's news to me brother.
The right-dominated government is violently assaulting American citizens whose political views differ from their own and are conspiring to deny American citizens their fundamental rights under the Constitution? That's news to me brother.
Sorry, should've clarified that I was talking about the "low tolerance for dissent" part and not the former part. That is inexcusable.