Milo Yiannopoulos - discuss

Is this the general thread for discussing Milo-related news?

Apparently Milo made a few remarks last year defending pedophilia and sexual abuse

He was going to be a speaker at this year's CPAC, but after the remarks were brought to light, he was disinvited
BREAKING: Milo Yiannopoulos Disinvited From CPAC Over Pedophilia Commentary

Can you believe it. Those liberal assholes at CPAC and their PC police have done it again! Stifling the free speech of this great patriot because they don't like the truth bombs he's dropping on them. All these snowflakes getting offended because of all the facts he's laying on them about man-on-boy love. Yet another clear example of the liberals (damn I wish we could still say lib**rds on this site) denying free speech and shutting down any voice not their own.

I guess you could make the argument failing to give someone a platform is not the same as stifling their free speech. You could also say that someone has the right to say as offensive shit as they want but just because they frequently target people you don't agree with doesn't make their speech any more insightful or free from reproach as any other. Still, that's the kind of supposed 'logic' these Berkley liberals at CPAC are always trying to condescend to the rest of us real Americans.

It is kind of weird that liberals would use 'conservative' in their acronym and invite so many Republicans to CPAC every year but who can understand such people...
In regards to the CPAC, this is what we call vetting.

In regards to Berkeley, they granted him the venue and then let liberals and anarchists disrupt the venue. They could have denied the venue. If you read the Berkeley paper over the next week they were much worse than anything he had to say at the time. So I get it, and I agree with it.
As per the transcript of the video in question, he's ok with the age of consent laws as they are, and yet he acknowledges May-December underage relationships in the way that he did. Sounds to me like he never really came to terms with getting ass-fucked by his priest when he was 14. Can someone tell me if this dichotomy is common amongst childhood sexual abuse survivors?
As per the transcript of the video in question, he's ok with the age of consent laws as they are, and yet he acknowledges May-December underage relationships in the way that he did. Sounds to me like he never really came to terms with getting ass-fucked by his priest when he was 14. Can someone tell me if this dichotomy is common amongst childhood sexual abuse survivors?
Just by listening to Dr Drew on the old love line back in the day, victims of Sexual Assault, people with Daddy and Mommy problems tend to be attracted towards those type of people. Not sure if that helps.
As per the transcript of the video in question, he's ok with the age of consent laws as they are, and yet he acknowledges May-December underage relationships in the way that he did. Sounds to me like he never really came to terms with getting ass-fucked by his priest when he was 14. Can someone tell me if this dichotomy is common amongst childhood sexual abuse survivors?

I think another major issue with trying to understand him, is that he's from the UK and age of consent there is 16. He has the European mentality towards sexuality, which is very open towards sexualizing youth and completely opposed to American views on it. And now within a year gone from a random YouTube dude in the UK to an international influential media personality focused in the US.
I think another major issue with trying to understand him, is that he's from the UK and age of consent there is 16. He has the European mentality towards sexuality, which is very open towards sexualizing youth and completely opposed to American views on it. And now within a year gone from a random YouTube dude in the UK to an international influential media personality focused in the US.
Age of consent in a lot of states in 16. Not that it matters: Ages of consent in North America - Wikipedia
I think another major issue with trying to understand him, is that he's from the UK and age of consent there is 16. He has the European mentality towards sexuality, which is very open towards sexualizing youth and completely opposed to American views on it. And now within a year gone from a random YouTube dude in the UK to an international influential media personality focused in the US.

I would argue that the UK view is very different to the Euro view (and I wouldn't say that Euros necessarily sexualise youth, either).
I would argue that the UK view is very different to the Euro view (and I wouldn't say that Euros necessarily sexualise youth, either).

Completely disagree and you probably misunderstood my meaning. The UK and Europe normalize sexuality at an early age. The benefit is the normalized use of contraception and results in lowered youth pregnancy. It's been normal for a long time. Just look at European fashion, magazines, etc. Also consider the # of European countries that the age of consent under 16 out numbers those at 16 or higher.

Yes I know it's Wikipedia but it's a complete list. Ages of consent in Europe - Wikipedia

It's only been the last couple decades that sexualisation of youth in North America has grown but it's due to media and the normalization/education never followed. It's only recently that there's been any push for it to change.
I don't think we'll ever agree on this one because it's very subjective so we'll just leave it here, eh.
Not defending or demonizing Milo but I've been reading some interesting articles on this situation this morning. This whole thing is crazy.

4chan knew of the media's attacks on Milo before-hand

Pedophile Supporter? The Mainstream Media Hit Job On Milo Yiannopoulos Explained | We Are Change
I don't understand that this hasn't gotten any attention. I guess because milo still fucked up all the same but the idea that there are shadowy political operatives trying to do shit like this is creepy. Then again that's been happening for a while so I should probably be desensitized to it.

I think Gavin McInnes and Joe Rogan had a good talk on the whole debacle.(even though they never got into the hit job)

That being said, milo is still a cunt IMO, he started up a college fund for exclusively white males, then put all the money in his bank account and has yet to even allow people to apply for the scholarship.