Milo Yiannopoulos - discuss

It was a joke I stole from The Donald.

And maybe she's not overrated as an actress, but she's a has-been. Her movies have been dogs since the late 80's. I mean how many people are running out the door to see Florence Foster Jenkins? Has-been movie stars hate not being the center of attention. That's why they do shit, like adopt a cause or go into rehab or get a sex change or make controversial political statements. Anything to get the old mug on Access Hollywood.

What was it Merlin told Morgan La Fey? "When you're forgotten, you cease to exist."
It was a joke I stole from The Donald.

And maybe she's not overrated as an actress, but she's a has-been. Her movies have been dogs since the late 80's. I mean how many people are running out the door to see Florence Foster Jenkins? Has-been movie stars hate not being the center of attention. That's why they do shit, like adopt a cause or go into rehab or get a sex change or make controversial political statements. Anything to get the old mug on Access Hollywood.

What was it Merlin told Morgan La Fey? "When you're forgotten, you cease to exist."

She may be overrated but the reason people listen to her, and she continues to get awards is the same as the reason people like Trump. She is successful. Her movies have grossed over 2 billion dollars: Lifetime Gross Total (53): $2,038,349,083.

That is a lot of money. People go see movies because she is in them. For studios that is a cash cow.
She's a good actress, but that doesn't mean I care about her opinion. I care about her acting IF I'm watching something she's in, not her political opinions. A problem in America is we cannot separate our opinions of an actor/ actress' performance from their political views. I can like an actor/ actress but HATE their self-righteous bully platforms.
Regardless, of which side of the aisle they come from politically...I don't want to hear about their complaints or support for their political leanings. Go to a political rally or some other event for that.
Back to explaining Milo. It's pretty simple, he's a hard right conservative who also happens to be gay. He comes prepared to defend his position with facts and the left hates the fact that someone can speak eloquently and destroy their views. He's pretty unemotional, whereas the opposition wants to play to emotions.

To be honest. Bill Maher just had Tomi Lahren on his show, I stopped watching it awhile ago.

I would propose we delete or merge to a new thread called: Why is the Left Emotional, since this thread is about Milo. ETA:

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Bill Maher used to raise my blood pressure, not so much anymore. He's a liberal who is willing and able to critique his own kind.

Milo Yiannopoulos spars with Bill Maher, attacks female comics - Entertainment Weekly
Milo Yiannopoulos Spars With Bill Maher, Attacks Female Comics

I enjoyed his interview with Milo and even more, Maher's response to Jeremy Scahill's written statement about bailing on his scheduled appearance because Milo was going to be there:

In response, Maher released his own statement. “Liberals will continue to lose elections as long as they follow the example of people like Mr. Scahill whose views veer into fantasy and away from bedrock liberal principles like equality of women, respect for minorities, separation of religion and state, and free speech. If Mr. Yiannopoulos is indeed the monster Scahill claims — and he might be — nothing could serve the liberal cause better than having him exposed on Friday night.”