Milo Yiannopoulos - discuss

I disagree. When you yell, you lost the argument.
He didn't yell. He did make sure some smarmy little Nazis fuck didn't talk over him. That's the difference coming up doing open mics where you have to be able to talk shit in person vs gaining fame being an interest troll where you can hide behind a keyboard.
You think Milo's a Nazi...he wasn't funny, all he did was raise his volume and cuss him out. He almost had a point, almost.

Whatever man, keep on the cussing train.
You think Milo's a Nazi...he wasn't funny, all he did was raise his volume and cuss him out. He almost had a point, almost.

Whatever man, keep on the cussing train.
I'll take Larry saying fuck over someone saying the vile shit Milo says 10/10 times. Also can we please stop talking about how intelligent that Backstreet Boy reject is? He admits to being nothing more than a troll. That's the antithesis of intelligence.
He didn't yell. He did make sure some smarmy little Nazis fuck didn't talk over him. That's the difference coming up doing open mics where you have to be able to talk shit in person vs gaining fame being an interest troll where you can hide behind a keyboard.
Except he isn't hiding behind a keyboard. Did you not see what happened at Berkeley? He has said nothing vile. In what way exactly is he a Nazi? How does a gay, Jewish, black boyfriend having guy equate to a Nazi or white supremacist? I suggest you revisit the definition of a Nazi and use it to accurately label someone. Wilmore was the first to open an uncivilized broadside in what was supposed to be an open discussion on several topics. Not a hate fest of fuck yous because he has a different opinion. I guess free speech is only ok when it conforms to your social agenda?
Larry's biggest problem is he allowed a Grade A troll to bother him and his response was a "GFY." It's a case of the message being lost or degraded by the presentation. It was emotional and personal and no doubt beloved by all who dislike Milo, but could have/ should have been handled better. Intellectually he won the argument, emotionally he lost the battle. Larry fell into Milo's trap.
Except he isn't hiding behind a keyboard. Did you not see what happened at Berkeley? He has said nothing vile. In what way exactly is he a Nazi? How does a gay, Jewish, black boyfriend having guy equate to a Nazi or white supremacist? I suggest you revisit the definition of a Nazi and use it to accurately label someone. Wilmore was the first to open an uncivilized broadside in what was supposed to be an open discussion on several topics. Not a hate fest of fuck yous because he has a different opinion. I guess free speech is only ok when it conforms to your social agenda?

My comment regarding "hiding behind a keyboard" is in regards to his entrance into the public conscience. He came up by being nothing more than a troll who moved from the internet and into the real world. He isn't like Wilmore or Maher who have decades of performance experience and it shows- milo can giggle and throw verbal jabs and talking points about Trans people being sexual predators, and that's about it.

I use the term Nazis in association with him due to his own association with the "alt right." That whole movement needs that label applied to them. If he doesn't want the label applied to him, then don't associate with that group. Not just saying "oh they all hate me." That doesn't cut it.

Don't conflate Larry telling him to go fuck himself with "stifling free speech" or whatever you seem to be getting at. Milo has every right to hate speech and Larry has the same right to tell him to fuck off. I agree with AWP in his assessment that it may have just played into Milo's hands.
I use the term Nazis in association with him due to his own association with the "alt right." That whole movement needs that label applied to them.

I disagree with this 100%. Comparing any group to the Nazis is a bogus, garbage argument designed for an emotional response. When the alt right starts gassing people we can think about applying the label but until then anyone who makes the comparison has automatically lost me. They aren't even in the same galaxy.
My comment regarding "hiding behind a keyboard" is in regards to his entrance into the public conscience. He came up by being nothing more than a troll who moved from the internet and into the real world. He isn't like Wilmore or Maher who have decades of performance experience and it shows- milo can giggle and throw verbal jabs and talking points about Trans people being sexual predators, and that's about it.

I use the term Nazis in association with him due to his own association with the "alt right." That whole movement needs that label applied to them. If he doesn't want the label applied to him, then don't associate with that group. Not just saying "oh they all hate me." That doesn't cut it.

Don't conflate Larry telling him to go fuck himself with "stifling free speech" or whatever you seem to be getting at. Milo has every right to hate speech and Larry has the same right to tell him to fuck off. I agree with AWP in his assessment that it may have just played into Milo's hands.
Decades of experience doing what? Exactly the same thing Milo did, except they used a different medium to get started. They got on stage and told jokes and trolled people (albeit to a much smaller extent) and talked about sensitive issues (racism, sexuality, religion, ect.). Remember Maher's comments after 9/11? Yeah, same shit different medium. Personally, I don't agree with his comments on Trans, nor his interpretation of the statistics. However, it doesn't matter.

Your use of the term is still incorrect. Period. He has stated many times that he is not part of the Alt-Right. The Alt-Right hates him, the only ones to label him as such are people that want to vilify him and censor him under the guise of him being a Nazi. Which is more than obviously not the case. Your definition does not cut it in any literal or academic context. To quote my old LT "next slide please".

ETA: Let me be clear then, I am sure you had no problem with what Maher, and Wilmore's content when they say what they like. Just because Milo says something you don't like doesn't mean he can't say it using the same forum (public speaking) the other two have.
Larry's biggest problem is he allowed a Grade A troll to bother him and his response was a "GFY." It's a case of the message being lost or degraded by the presentation. It was emotional and personal and no doubt beloved by all who dislike Milo, but could have/ should have been handled better. Intellectually he won the argument, emotionally he lost the battle. Larry fell into Milo's trap.
He didn't attempt an intellectual argument, he almost did, and then he went full emotional.
If I see one more instance of "libtard" or whatever else is used to describe both liberals or conservatives alike, Ima start dropping bombs. FFS, no one can make a point without junior high-level name calling? Christ, I'm just to the left of a Mongol warlord on some issues and the name calling bullshit is old. "Libtards" or "Nazis" for the right, do y'all have idea how ridiculous you sound?

He didn't yell. He did make sure some smarmy little Nazis fuck didn't talk over him. That's the difference coming up doing open mics where you have to be able to talk shit in person vs gaining fame being an interest troll where you can hide behind a keyboard.

@DasBoot did you not read this?
Not only is that statement fucking ridiculous to make, but it goes directly against an order from a member of staff. Knock it off! Got it?
Larry and Milo's back and forth highlights a very annoying and stupid dynamic in today's culture.

Anyone remember what prompted Larry's "so emotional" GFY comment?
Milo told Bill he had to start inviting smarter people on, because the board he had that day had a low IQ. Larry said, "First of all, GFY if you haven't heard some of the things these smart people here have said."

The troll can say anything they want with no sourcing, no factual backup, no need to follow logic. It's the ultimate impunity, because all you have to do is scramble to the high ground of "You're emotional! I was only trolling you lost your composure you lose!" If you can get there first, you win.

Why is it that those being trolled have to behave with Dali Llama like calmness while the troll, completely uninhibited by the constraints of truth, logic or decorum can make personal attacks?

Larry wasn't "emotional", he told Milo to go fuck himself in response to Milo being a dick (which is his schtick). The fact that Larry really did own Milo on that show isn't nullified by the fact that he got aggressive in the face of aggression.
Larry started yelling much sooner than that.
I just watched the entire clip again, and if you're charactarizing anything Larry is doing as 'yelling' or being out of control emotionally, can I ask at what time/point in the interview that was?

Milo had been interrupting and launching into his 'pithy/snarky/bitchy tone' rhetoric, and Larry called him out for being as much.

As soon as that happens (after the initial GFY comment), what does Milo do? Immediate personal attacks against the panel- because, like all trolls, they're one trick ponies when they're on their heels.

There are times when Milo is good, and measured, and funny- but those times often happen while trolling 19 year olds on liberal campuses, giving rehearsed answers to unoriginal questions. In this instance, it seems like he was weighed, measured, and found wanting.

The real star of that whole exchange was former intelligence dude. Milo had nothing for that guy.
I just watched the entire clip again, and if you're charactarizing anything Larry is doing as 'yelling' or being out of control emotionally, can I ask at what time/point in the interview that was?

Milo had been interrupting and launching into his 'pithy/snarky/bitchy tone' rhetoric, and Larry called him out for being as much.

As soon as that happens (after the initial GFY comment), what does Milo do? Immediate personal attacks against the panel- because, like all trolls, they're one trick ponies when they're on their heels.

There are times when Milo is good, and measured, and funny- but those times often happen while trolling 19 year olds on liberal campuses, giving rehearsed answers to unoriginal questions. In this instance, it seems like he was weighed, measured, and found wanting.

The real star of that whole exchange was former intelligence dude. Milo had nothing for that guy.

Hard agree. Milo is good when the other side doesn't know what they're talking about, and/or are prone to obvious emotional outbursts. I disagree with what Larry Wilmore was saying about transgender, and I agreed with what Milo was saying about transgender. I do think it's a psychiatric disorder. However, Milo calling the panel stupid and saying Bill Maher needed to start bringing on higher IQ guests was well deserving of the "GFY" from Wilmore. Milo is a one-trick pony who was vastly outmatched by everyone else on the panel. His constant giggling, side glances at Bill hoping for a save, and general dancing around the issues was evident of someone not comfortable in the deep end. I like some of the other videos Milo has out there. I enjoy seeing him mock college students who are only as sure of their world views as their most recent Liberal Arts class, but he's not a serious intellectual, comedian, or political analyst. I think his 15 minutes of fame are coming to an end, and people defending him as this bastion of intellectualism show a lot of ignorance by doing so.