Milo Yiannopoulos - discuss

I do get where you are coming from. There is no snark here: if all you see is articles characterizing something you may like or agree with as all those negative things, you may think that is the majority viewpoint. BUT: as was shown, sometimes our media is much more partisan than the average person. The commentary is often much more biased than that of most people. Most of it almost all "liberals" are more centrist than is portrayed here. It seems to me that often one cannot even have an opposing viewpoint without being a "libtard" or a "racist redneck" in reality the enormous majority of both parties is full of people like you and I that CAN have a rational discussion.

The few times I have attempted to engage in intelligent discourse regarding liberal viewpoints, with liberals, anywhere other than here.... has degraded on their part towards privilege checks, racism cries, etc etc etc. Without fail, even when I remain as textually/verbally neutral as physically possible.

Ya'll here are more of a minority than you honestly understand, methinks.
I do get where you are coming from. There is no snark here: if all you see is articles characterizing something you may like or agree with as all those negative things, you may think that is the majority viewpoint. BUT: as was shown, sometimes our media is much more partisan than the average person. The commentary is often much more biased than that of most people. Most of it almost all "liberals" are more centrist than is portrayed here. It seems to me that often one cannot even have an opposing viewpoint without being a "libtard" or a "racist redneck" in reality the enormous majority of both parties is full of people like you and I that CAN have a rational discussion.

The few times I have attempted to engage in intelligent discourse regarding liberal viewpoints, with liberals, anywhere other than here.... has degraded on their part towards privilege checks, racism cries, etc etc etc. Without fail, even when I remain as textually/verbally neutral as physically possible.

Ya'll here are more of a minority than you honestly understand, methinks.

@Ranger Psych nailed it. I am not on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media where people engage in debates on these matters. However, what I have experienced through talking to people at work, at a bar, at a restaurant, etc. is along the lines of what RP said.

@TLDR20, you are correct about the media being more partisan than the average person. The average person gets their viewpoints from the media though. The majority of us here on this site, and unanimously the senior members/staff, are all natural skeptics who will research things to determine what they believe. They eschew party lines, labels, and demographics in favor of logical thought. That is more and more rare these days.
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The best part was Betsy DeVos getting accosted by liberals on the street and the DailyKos calling it awesome...I think that's a libidiot for you.

Watch Betsy DeVos get a lesson in resistance as protesters block entrance to a D.C. school

Also on the tucker maxx piece...this guy is saying he wrote the playbook for a guy who claims to have used a whole bottle of KY for one back door trip...I don't think he did that.

Did you ignore @AWP's post. Libidiot is the same as libtard.
The best part was Betsy DeVos getting accosted by liberals on the street and the DailyKos calling it awesome...I think that's a libidiot for you.

Watch Betsy DeVos get a lesson in resistance as protesters block entrance to a D.C. school

Also on the tucker maxx piece...this guy is saying he wrote the playbook for a guy who claims to have used a whole bottle of KY for one back door trip...I don't think he did that.

Come on brother we can do better than that. The name calling detracts from the message. "Liberal" is an appropriate term, "libtard," "libidiot" and the like don't really do much to advance the discussion.
For total transparency: on this site we have a warning system. If a member gets 5 or more warning points they are automatically banned. That is what happened here. There was no bias. No punishment for opposing thinking. Just straight: don't do this, he did that, got warnings, moved past the threshold...
For total transparency: on this site we have a warning system. If a member gets 5 or more warning points they are automatically banned. That is what happened here. There was no bias. No punishment for opposing thinking. Just straight: don't do this, he did that, got warnings, moved past the threshold...

I dropped too many points, thinking the ban threshold was higher. This on me.
The few times I have attempted to engage in intelligent discourse regarding liberal viewpoints, with liberals, anywhere other than here.... has degraded on their part towards privilege checks, racism cries, etc etc etc. Without fail, even when I remain as textually/verbally neutral as physically possible.

Ya'll here are more of a minority than you honestly understand, methinks.
Dude, I would say the same thing and I classify myself as a liberal. It's the most frustrating thing. Well, the second most- when someone gets frustrated with me because I have good points/counterpoints to their not-well-thought-out-argument and they just resort to name calling. THAT is pretty frustrating, but that's frustrating with any topic.
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I'll take everything in that with a grain of salt. Tucker Max is the king of misogyny and douchebaggery. Seems this is just an attempt to save face or garner publicity for the writer.
While that is true, the successful marketing of that douchebaggery (and asshattery, possibly fuckwittery) things and the parallel to Milo is a pretty good read.

I have read all of Tucker's books too, I just feel differently about them now than I did when I first read them.
If I see one more instance of "libtard" or whatever else is used to describe both liberals or conservatives alike, Ima start dropping bombs. FFS, no one can make a point without junior high-level name calling? Christ, I'm just to the left of a Mongol warlord on some issues and the name calling bullshit is old. "Libtards" or "Nazis" for the right, do y'all have idea how ridiculous you sound?

But I use that word in like 90% of my posting on here...:wall::D

Can I still use fuck nuggets? :sneaky:

What did you do to my Cav Scout occifer? O_o

And I'll agree with the rest that Salt USMC, TLDR, Amlove, are far more capable of debating and presenting well thought out points of view, than 99% of the liberal folks I've talked with the past few years. I've honestly rethought my position on a few things due to their posting on here. Although I will miss insulting them with my favorite word that is no longer allowed to be posted here.O_o I mean you can call them cunts thanks to pardus, but don't you dare call them Lib....:hmm:

Dude, I would say the same thing and I classify myself as a liberal. It's the most frustrating thing. Well, the second most- when someone gets frustrated with me because I have good points/counterpoints to their not-well-thought-out-argument and they just resort to name calling. THAT is pretty frustrating, but that's frustrating with any topic.

Thats exactly the problem. I don't even bother bringing opposing facts, just trying to discuss what makes them wrong I mean think the way they do, and they can't produce any rational cause.

Edited to add opposing, and fix tablet typos etc.
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