Milo Yiannopoulos - discuss

@Marauder06 we are talking past each other.

Let me lay out my points:

I disagreed with your post. Any hate was a fat finger not a purposeful one. It has been fixed.

My point about absurd ass bullshit had never thing to do with your post. My original post in this thread was my response to what I see as an absurd double standard. That is: if violence or crime is committed by individuals or groups on one side, they are considered outliers and not representative. On the other side the same stuff happens and they are representative. That is a bullshit position to take in my opinion.

Your posts don't show that it isn't. They highlight small examples out of the millions that have protested.

When you start a post with a personal "you" then continue to say that, it is certainly NOT clear that you are differentiating.
@Il Duce I've seen more racism and especially anti-semitism on the Left than the Right lately; bigotry has no political master. There's plenty of assholes throughput the whole spectrum and frankly it won't disappear until we all recognize it. This is just one article on it, I was surprised to find it in USA Today but there's many more.

The anti-Semitism we hoped to never see again: Column
I think that the author's points, while valid, are not very strong. They basically boil down to this:

Leftist anti-semitism comes in the form of:
-Opposition to Jewish student groups (Hillel, et. al.) on college campuses
-Anti-Israeli sentiment

Point 1 is really the strongest point, but I counter that opposition to Hillel stems primarily from opposition to Israel itself, rather than Judaism. It's no secret that most colleges are pro-Palestine, for good or ill, but whether this is anti-semitic depends entirely on whether you consider Zionism to be a central tenet of Judaism. I don't purport to understand the teleology of Zionism as it relates to the Jewish experience, but my layman's understanding is that the idea of a Jewish homeland is very controversial amongst the various Jewish communities. This article does a pretty good job explaining it: Israel and Judaism: The Long—and Largely Untold—History Of Jewish Opposition to Zionism

For instance, both orthodox and ultra-orthodox Jewish communities are against Zionism, while reformists are firmly pro-Zionism. Can you be against Israel but not against Jews? I don't know. But I certainly don't think that the anti-semitism purported to come from the American left is comparable to the systematized hatred that came from Saudi Arabia and the Nazis. That's not to say that left is perfectly innocent, either. It's a core principle of Black supremacist movements (not BLM) such as the New Black Panther Party. Cornell West was even writing about it back in the early 90's!
@Marauder06 we are talking past each other.

Let me lay out my points:

I disagreed with your post. Any hate was a fat finger not a purposeful one. It has been fixed.

My point about absurd ass bullshit had never thing to do with your post. My original post in this thread was my response to what I see as an absurd double standard. That is: if violence or crime is committed by individuals or groups on one side, they are considered outliers and not representative. On the other side the same stuff happens and they are representative. That is a bullshit position to take in my opinion.

Your posts don't show that it isn't. They highlight small examples out of the millions that have protested.

When you start a post with a personal "you" then continue to say that, it is certainly NOT clear that you are differentiating.

The issue is that violence is being normalized by one side, where it is still an abberation for the other. How many protests over the past two years actually involved violence for each side ofmthe political spectrum. Bundy was nonviolent, count the washington takeover as violent even though it happened offsite.
It's strange to hear that some liberal colleges are anti-Semitic or pro-Palestinian because anyone my age really just uses it to mean stingy. Most anti-Semitic remark I've ever heard was "quit being Jewish with the beer/chips/COD cocksucker".
The issue is that violence is being normalized by one side, where it is still an abberation for the other. How many protests over the past two years actually involved violence for each side ofmthe political spectrum. Bundy was nonviolent, count the washington takeover as violent even though it happened offsite.

Is it normalized though?

I would say while Bundy didn't get violent, the threat of violence and potential was very high.

My issue is that we are taking a hundred or so protestors in a few instances and putting that up to the "left". Rioters are criminals. People who purposefully invite riots are criminals. These people at Berkeley that got violent are criminals. That isn't my argument.

3 weeks ago millions of people protested in almost every major city in America with no arrests, no violence. Isn't that a better representative sample of the "libtards" than these assholes at Berkeley?
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Eggings, pepper spraying, water throwing...pesceful. one step up for draino instead of water.

None of that happened when millions of people marched... again, if we are taking small incidents, and then generalizing them to the whole side of a political spectrum, it is an absurd proposition.

I guess people who liked Trump got guns and took over government buildings. They had a standoff with the federal government. People on the right shot up a church in Charleston, and they blew up a federal building on OKC. Those all led to far more death and destruction.

Or maybe, those people are just assholes. Maybe they don't represent an entire varied political movement. Maybe the vast majority of "libtards" are just normal people who view America through a different prism than you do. Generalizing entire groups by the actions of the extreme is a poor metric.

You can be on the right and be a normal person, or you can be a huge gaping asshole.

You can be on the left and be a normal person or you can be a huge gaping asshole.

You can even be a gay guy, and be a normal person, be from iraq, or Syria, and for the vast vast majority of everyday people, normal person is the resting situation. Gaping asshole is the extreme of any experience.
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Is it normalized though?

I would say while Bundy didn't get violent, the threat of violence and potential was very high.

My issue is that we are taking a hundred or so protestors in a few instances and putting that up to the "left". Rioters are criminals. People who purposefully invite riots are criminals. These people at Berkeley that got violent are criminals. That isn't my argument.

3 weeks ago millions of people protested in almost every major city in America with no arrests, no violence. Isn't that a better representative sample of the "libtards" than these assholes at Berkeley?

I personally wanted Bundy and his ilk clapped in irons. But the easiest thing they could have done with that family was frozen their assets, but they went the other way.
None of that happened when millions of people marched... again, if we are taking small incidents, and then generalizing them to the whole side of a political spectrum, it is an absurd proposition.

I guess people who liked Trump got guns and took over government buildings. They had a standoff with the federal government. People on the right shot up a church in Charleston, and they blew up a federal building on OKC. Those all led to far more death and destruction.

Or maybe, those people are just assholes. Maybe they don't represent an entire varied political movement. Maybe the vast majority of "libtards" are just normal people who view America through a different prism than you do. Generalizing entire groups by the actions of the extreme is a poor metric.

You can be on the right and be abnormal person, or you can be a huge gaping asshole.

You can be on the left and be a normal person or you can be a huge gaping asshole.

You can even be a gay guy, and be a normal person, be from iraq, or Syria, and for the vast vast majority of everyday people, normal person is the resting situation. Gaping asshole is the extreme of any experience.

Oh, nice breaking out the wayback machine on OKC.

Judging from the verbal support, these actions are appreciated by the mainstream majority of your party. Perhaps you may be right, but does that put you with the same value party another silent majority?

Don't forget to throw BLM into the mix if we are waybacking for a fishing expedition... what party dominates that totally nonviolent scene...
Oh, nice breaking out the wayback machine on OKC.

Judging from the verbal support, these actions are appreciated by the mainstream majority of your party. Perhaps you may be right, but does that put you with the same value party another silent majority?

Don't forget to throw BLM into the mix if we are waybacking for a fishing expedition... what party dominates that totally nonviolent scene...

The OKC bombing was what I would call a sentinel event. You know like the Hitler of events. BLm blew up buildings and had armed standoffs with the government? Maybe that was those un-reported terrorist attacks. :rolleyes:

Seriously man. More people voted for the "libtard" that means they oblige to the socialist progressive ideology. Why isn't there politically inspired violence everywhere? In massive numbers.

Again big gaping assholes is why. Most people aren't big gaping assholes.

ETA the Hitler thing is a joke, not a serious Hitler fallacy.
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The OKC bombing was what I would call a sentinel event. You know like the Hitler of events. BLm blew up buildings and had armed standoffs with the government? Maybe that was those un-reported terrorist attacks. :rolleyes:

Seriously man. More people voted for the "libtard" that means they oblige to the solvialist progressive ideology. Why isn't there politically inspired violence everywhere?

Again big gaping assholes is why. Most people aren't big gaping assholes.

Property cost of blm and current protests well exceeds the fiscal prices of anything you mentioned.
Property cost of blm and current protests well exceeds the fiscal prices of anything you mentioned.

How much is a human life worth? 7-9 million dollars or so...conservatively.

The lives of over hundred? 168 to be exact, just from OKC...

1.08 billion. I don't think BLM has made a dent in that.
People on the right shot up a church in Charleston,
Whoa. People on the right did not shoot up that church. That was one shooter, an extremest, and someone that the right and the left denounced immediately. Unless you are referring to another shooting. Otherwise, No.
Whoa. People on the right did not shoot up that church. That was one shooter, an extremest, and someone that the right and the left denounced immediately. Unless you are referring to another shooting. Otherwise, No.

Exactly. My point was that generalizing is fucking stupid.
The extremes on either side dominate the conversation. We need the middle-of-the-road to rise up and shout down the left and right 10%. Polarization favors extremists, not the majority.
Breaking stuff, no. Conservatives at the highest levels stopped Elizabeth Warren from speaking at the senate confirmation hearing though....

I know the circumstances, but generalizing right?