Milo Yiannopoulos - discuss

Never heard of him until this thread. Still haven't seen any of his material. Sounds as though I'm not missing much.
I hear what you're saying, but I think you misunderstand me.

Accusations of tokenism are not a slight against the individual, but rather the group that has "tokenized" the person (for lack of a better term). Calling someone an "Uncle Tom" is a directed slight against the person themselves, ostensibly for selling out their own people. So in this case, it's not an insult against Milo himself, but rather conservatives at large. To be fair to conservatives, not all of them have been against gays, but the GOP has certainly been opposed to most LGBT issues up until very recently. I think you can agree with that, right? So in essence, if Milo were not gay, he wouldn't be held up as this adroit conservative pundit. Instead he would just be another angry white dude ranting about feminazis on YouTube.
Now I understand your meaning. In my defense, the usual interpretation is the one I originally thought. However, you are correct and I can see your point. As to the rest, you also have a point. It is definitely part of the hypocritical nature of a large number of conservatives. Which personally, I find disgusting. Well made points.
I'm far more inclined to listen to him when/ if he drops the emotional rhetoric.
I rather enjoy the fact that he can engage the left's emotional rhetoric head-on.

The stuffy old white men who try to engage with articulate rhetorts from their self-proclaimed higher ground seem to be easily shouted down by young liberals as biggots.

I didn't like him initially, but he grew on me as I noticed his effectiveness.
It wouldn't surprise me if that guy ends up getting murdered.

That was a disgusting display of violence and political oppression. The left is doing the things it says it fears about the right.
It wouldn't surprise me if that guy ends up getting murdered.

That was a disgusting display of violence and political oppression. The left is doing the things it says it fears about the right.

I was watching the Fox interview tape and had not looked at posts after @RackMaster. About halfway thru the interview, I had the same thought about Milo becoming a martyr.
One of the problems that Milo & Co. have been running into on his self-declared "Dangerous Faggot Tour" has been increased fees for security by host venues. The scenario is usually that the local campus Young Republicans or other similar club will invite him to give his talk. The talk will be approved, then after the talk is scheduled -- most likely after seeing the previous stop's carnage -- the administration will demand several thousand dollars more to provide what should be adequate security for the event. At times, the host student club runs into a great deal of trouble in raising that kind of money to cover what the school is calling for, and the talk is either relocated or canceled. That means the threat of violence is most certainly a known factor by the campus administration.

I'm just not all that sure that those in charge of keeping this from happening are all that interested in doing exactly that. The recent talk Milo gave at UC Boulder was an outlier in that the administrators said they weren't canceling no matter who threatened to protest, and violence was remarkably absent. I'm suspicious of the mob mentality amongst the students and administrators at Berkely. Somehow, I don't think it's going to be getting chucked off of a tall building, Mosul style, that's going to be his final undoing. If any of the little shits out there have enough brain cells to spell Mussollini or Ceaucescu, I actually see them reenacting those executions.
Not Milo's but a similar entertainer, Gavin McInnes; was "protested" at NYU by a similar crowd. I guess free speech on college and university campuses is truly dead.

Protesters storm NYU over conservative speaker’s seminar | New York Post
It's interesting to see another appearance of their, "shame," chant, which they no doubt got from Game of Thrones.

They obviously don't make the connection that it was fringe, religious extremist, biggot, homophobes who made the original chant.
Seen a video clip on FB of one the rioters explaining how they wanted to be peaceful, but they're not getting what they want. Then they said they are "protesting" because it's not free speech, it's hate speech.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Uhhh, yeah, so you educated enlightened liberals have lost me for ever. Y'all need your damn heads checked...or at least educate yourselves about the government and liberty, rights and privileges, before forming some crazy ass opinion and than rioting in the streets like high school kids on their first early out with their first beer.

Nobody will listen to you if your "group" is packed full of a bunch loony tunes.
I guess some people didn't get the memo that certain "hate speech" is protected by the 1st Amendment.

racist speech | First Amendment Center – news, commentary, analysis on free speech, press, religion, assembly, petition

Sorry, kids, the 1st Amendment does protect 'hate speech'

On the other hand, 21% students -- and 30% of self-described liberals -- agreed with the statement that the 1st Amendment was an “outdated amendment that can no longer be applied in today’s society and should be changed.”

Also remarkable was the fact that 35% of respondents agreed that “hate speech is NOT protected under the 1st Amendment.”

Some hateful speech is unprotected if it crosses over into conduct -- such as the use of a racial slur to threaten or intimidate someone. And hateful speech in the workplace can create a “hostile environment” that the courts have treated as a form of discrimination. (Some courts have also recognized an analogue to a hostile workplace environment in educational settings, though this is more controversial.)

Outside those situations, hate speech is protected by the 1st Amendment against abridgment by the government, including a state university. (As a private institution, Williams College isn’t bound by the 1st Amendment in the way the University of California is. But its policies on speech have nothing to do with “legally recognized hate speech.”)
Free Speech only if you are Liberal...:wall:
Free speech only means that the GOVERNMENT can't dictate your speech, not that you are free from the consequences of who you offend with your speech. I.E., The Trump administration directly trying to sabotage the free press = violation of free speech, civilians protesting a speaker seen as racist or bigoted = NOT a violation of free speech.
P.S. Does not mean that threats or vandalism are legal (or ok), just separate crimes from 1st amendment violations.
Not sure how many of you will like Dilbert after this BUT this is the best opinion piece I've read yet on the Berkeley hysteria and Milo. I also suggest reading the article he references in the first line, I hyperlinked it; it explains the complete nonsense in the comparison of Trump and Hitler.

Scott Adams' Blog
Top Tech

Berkeley and Hitler

Posted February 3rd, 2017 @ 7:07pm in #Trump #ucberkleyriot #uc berkeley #skydeck

Here’s the best article you are likely to read about the absurdity of calling ANY American president Hitler. This is the sort of persuasion (sprinkled with facts) that can dissolve some of the post-election cognitive dissonance that hangs like a dark cloud over the country. Share it liberally, so to speak. You might save lives.

Speaking of Hitler, I’m ending my support of UC Berkeley, where I got my MBA years ago. I have been a big supporter lately, with both my time and money, but that ends today. I wish them well, but I wouldn’t feel safe or welcome on the campus. A Berkeley professor made that clear to me recently. He seems smart, so I’ll take his word for it.

I’ve decided to side with the Jewish gay immigrant who has an African-American boyfriend, not the hypnotized zombie-boys in black masks who were clubbing people who hold different points of view. I feel that’s reasonable, but I know many will disagree, and possibly try to club me to death if I walk on campus.

Yesterday I asked my most liberal, Trump-hating friend if he ever figured out why Republicans have most of the Governorships, a majority in Congress, the White House, and soon the Supreme Court. He said, “There are no easy answers.”

I submit that there are easy answers. But for many Americans, cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias hide those easy answers behind Hitler hallucinations.

I’ll keep working on clearing the fog. Estimated completion date, December 2017. It’s a big job.

Scott Adams

Co-founder of WhenHub

Author of How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big

Scott Adams' Blog
I think he is funny and enjoy watching him make LIBTARDS go full nuclear melt down.
I think a funny bi-product is the reaction from so labeled cuckservatives who won't go as far as Milo will (although he says he isn't alt-right, he shares a lot of their ideology) and then get slammed for being (R) but not (R) enough by their own party. There's really not a reciprocal- like, left leaning folks don't have a derogatory term specifically for liberals who lean too far towards the center/right.

It opens up really weird dialogue.

Sad to see the Berkeley events happening. Absolutely disgraceful.

ETA- spelling and stupid
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