Important mod note- professionalism reminder


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
Ladies and Gentlemen-

There's been a bit of jackassery on the board lately, so it's time for another gentle reminder concerning one of my favorite topics, professionalism.

This site was started by and for professionals. Professionals come from all walks of life, military and civilian, male and female. All are entitled to respect.

Some of the best threads on this site evolved because two or more thoughtful, well-informed, and professional individuals disagreed about a topic. This site does not encourage nor condone groupthink, but at the same time it does not accept or allow disrespect, unprofessionalism, or ad hominem attacks. Keep it civil or expect to pay the consequences. If you have a problem with another site member, try to handle it with him or her one on one, via PM. Failing that, report the situation to a moderator. You should all know who we are by now. If you have a bad day and make a bad post, act like a professional and own up to it. We all make mistakes.

If you don't like how the moderators police the site, bring your concerns to one of the administrators, or stand for office in the next moderator election this coming October.

Bottom line, keep it professional on this site or find another place to post.

edited to add:
in case you need an example of what I'm talking about with regard to jackassery and unprofessionalism, here's one I cut from a post someone made on page 4 of this very thread.

originally posted by: someone who obviously didn't understand the point I'm trying to convey here.


On the other hand...............insert the pfffffft fart emoticon

Take that shit over to

You know where to send the hate mail.....................Pffffffft

-there was no call for that post. It contributed nothing to the overall worth of the thread, involved a personal attack on another site member, and made a completely irrelevant negative reference to another SOF-based website, a site many other members of SS (including me) happen to be members. The person that made that post originally has been infracted and is on probation for 30 days. I compliment the person who was on the receiving end of that post for his restraint and professionalism in handling the situation.

-at the request of some of the admins and other mods, I'm going to clean this thread up a little and re-open it. I trust there will be no further issues like the one I mentioned above.
Characteristics of a professional:

Professionals are considered experts. Professionals have a high degree of generalized and systematic knowledge with a theoretical base.

The primary orientation of professionals is to their public and/or community interest.

Professionals have a high degree of self-control of their behavior and are governed by a code of ethics.

The code of ethics is a statement of values.
The code ensures a high quality of service.

The code guarantees competency of membership, honor and integrity.

The code is a direct expression of the professions' principles of service orientation.

The code emphasizes no personal gain and protection of the client or patron.

The professional's system of rewards is primarily a set of symbols of work achievement.

There is a system of testing the competence of members.
Ladies and Gentlemen-

There's been a bit of jackassery on the board lately, so it's time for another gentle reminder concerning one of my favorite topics, professionalism.

This site was started by and for professionals. Professionals come from all walks of life, military and civilian, male and female. All are entitled to respect.

Edited and locked.

Acknowledgements by all noted.

I will add by saying 'drunk is not an excuse'.

Accept responsibility for what you write. Do not pre-suppose that when you write what you write, all that you wrote drunk will be forgiven.

There are consequences for hitting 'send'.

Read, re-read......shut-down and re-think if you feel so inclined. But as a recent respected long-term member learned, all is not forgiven with an apology.

Respect is a word not easily defined, but mosdef earned. Either you have it, earned it, demand it and will never receive it, or accept it as a privilege by those who choose to give it to those who deserve it.

The choice is yours.

D :)
Every once in a while, we need to bump this thread and do a little azimuth check. Lately, there have been a lot of good discussions derailed by personal attacks, overly-emotional arguments, false "facts," and other shenanigans. That type of behavior is against site rules and does not contribute to the sense of community we seek to foster here. I think we made it clear many times in the past that arguments are fine, even encouraged, but they must be made in an appropriate manner. There are plenty of flame sites out there if you want that kind of thing. If this and other gentle reminders don't work, you can expect some consequences. This goes for everyone. Thanks.
It's been a while since we needed to add to this thread, but recent events seem to warrant it.

From time to time, on this site and every one like it, you will notice certain members engaging in good-natured, back-and-forth banter. As is typical of people with military backgrounds, this banter usually consists of the trading of various insults. It might be noted that certain insults would be extremely offensive in "normal" situations among strangers, but among individuals between whom exits a high degree of trust and respect, those types of comments are not only welcomed, but expected. It's a sign of acceptance and of camaraderie, and we here on the site do nothing to discourage it.

The social capital required to engage in the type of behavior you see here from time to time takes YEARS to develop. It requires trust, confidence, and common bonds. It requires a "circle of trust." From time to time, people outside this circle of trust see this comradely banter and misinterpret it. They either take what they see going on among friends as something literal, or worse, they think that because the "cool kids" are doing it, they presume they can engage in this behavior as well. Those people make that kind of presumption at their peril.

It's hard to tell whether you are in the circle of trust or not, but a good guide is, if there is any doubt in your mind at all that you're in, then you're probably not. It might be best for you to not engage in the back and forth. If you overstep, a member of the staff will let you know. If that happens, man up, correct the behavior, and drive on. Or you might find your stay here on the site to be "nasty, brutish, and short." Up to you.
To bump without starting a new thread:

The upcoming elections, any political topic for that matter, are emotional subjects. Let's refrain from using terms like "Dims" or whatever you'd call Republicans or the various candidates. On a personal level I have no use one party or most candidates in general, but the petty name calling serves no real purpose.
To bump without starting a new thread:

The upcoming elections, any political topic for that matter, are emotional subjects. Let's refrain from using terms like "Dims" or whatever you'd call Republicans or the various candidates. On a personal level I have no use one party or most candidates in general, but the petty name calling serves no real purpose.

I tend to stay out of those discussions - I read them to see if they're getting heated, but you're 100% correct, they get too emotionally charged. We need a good common sense middle of the road Constitutionalist on the ballot, I can dream, right?
Instead of beginning a new thread, I thought it appropriate to add to this one.

Today I read a preemptive warning from @AWP about doxing another member. It got me thinking that we see this on the forum from time-to-time.

Occasionally someone will come to the forum seeking info on a particular topic, the most recent I saw was a person seeking info on NSW and SWCC in particular. We happen to have an active member who is a SME on that particular topic and another member chimed in with a "paging @SME".

I deleted the post and reminded all that if that SME wanted to out himself, that was his choice. It is not for us to do so, regardless of what he may have posted about himself or his job in the past.

If you happen to know of the 'perfect' member to answer a question you see in a particular post, PM that member a link to the post and let them make the choice as to whether or not they want to engage. Sometimes there are reasons that they would choose not be be associated with a particular post.

Please and thank you.