My Daughter & I Escape Our Cabin Fever


Verified SOF
Aug 29, 2008
New Orleans Area
When I got my bike out Saturday to get some wind therapy my daughter decided that she wanted to go on the ride with me. This surprised me because I told her it was going to be a fairly long ride and she usually doesn't like to ride for more than an hour or so. She insisted that she was ready for a long ride, so...



The ride ended up being 178.4 miles. I was VERY impressed with her. Other than her scaring the crap out of me by yelling; "dad slow down, slow down!" I had unleashed the 2300cc beast a bit and got up to the 70 mph speed limit pretty quickly. Turns out she scared the crap out of me because she thought I was leaving the two other bikes that were with us and she thought that I "needed to let them catch up." Even with that she did good. She didn't fidget, squirm, or complain, I hardly knew she was back there. When we stopped she acted very clam and mature... I was thoroughly impressed.
Very nice indeed. Where did y'all end up going?
I used to write up all day rides like this, but now I only do it for rides to new places, or with new riders. I wrote this one up and posted it because it was my daughter's first all day ride.

This is from a Facebook page that I use as a motorcycle blog of sorts.

We began by leaving LaPlace and heading West on River Road. We crossed the Mississippi River at Gramercy LA via the Veterans Memorial Bridge and continued on LA 3213 until we took a right onto LA 3127. We rode West to the Shell station at the corner of LA 3127 and LA20 where we took a break to stretch our legs and grab a cold drink. Danica was smiling ear to ear when she got off the bike and exclaimed that was the first time she had ever crossed a bridge on a motorcycle.

After our break we headed South on LA 20. When we reach the junction of LA 20 and LA 307 we took the left onto 307 due to it's beautiful scenery complimented by twisty turns and sweeping curves. This is one of the most fun roads in Southeast Louisiana to ride motorcycles. The road is not as twisty as HWY 22 down near Whitehall LA, but there isn't near as much traffic either, so it's every bit as fun, and some days more so.

At the end of LA 307 we took the left on LA 182 for the short hop to LA 90. We headed west on LA 90 and I took the opportunity to wind up the massive 2300 cc (140 ci) engine of the Rocket III Touring. Danica has ridden with me several times, and this was the first time she did something to startle me. As I reached the 70 MPH speed limit she began yelling; "Dad, slow down. Slow down!" It scared the crap out of me as I thought something was wrong. So I slowed down and asked what was wrong. She said; "Nothing... but they (meaning Dennis and Terry) have to catch up." LOL... I told her that she scared the crap out of me and to not to do that over something so trivial ever again. 😂

We continued West on HWY 90 until we got to LA 308 where we headed North toward Raceland LA. We could have taken a right instead of a left onto LA 182 and picked up LA 308 in Raceland, but that stretch of road is being resurfaced and milled up asphalt and motorcycles aren't a great combination, so I avoid that when I can and I was leading at that point. Dennis took over as lead once we were on LA 308 and we headed North to Laural Valley Road . We stopped at historic Laural Valley Plantation for a break and to have a look around. There's a caretaker who WILL come around and check on you if you're there after hours, but so long as you observe and respect their no trespassing signs, it's okay to have a look around.

Once we left the plantation we continued on Laural Valley Road until we took a left onto Choctaw Road. Choctaw Road took us to LA 20 where we took a left and Headed South once again. We took a right at the fork of LA 20 and LA 304 at Chackbay LA. This led us back to LA 308, which is where we stopped near Choupique (pronounced "shoe pick" for my non-local peeps) to catch some shade and stretch our legs.

We again took LA 308 North to Brule Road, which meant we had to cross Bayou LaFourche to head West. LA 308 and LA 1 both pretty much parallel Bayou LaFourche and we could have taken LA 1 North, but there does tend to be quite a bit more traffic on LA 1, so we usually choose LA 308. Brule Road T's at LA 1010 and we took a right. We rode LA 1010 until we intersected with LA 1011. We turned left onto LA 1011 and rode unto we intersected with LA 400, also turning left. LA 400 led us to LA 401 (Canal Road) which leads to Attakapas Landing at Lake Varret. This is an area with a couple of boat launches, a bulkheaded area and a bunch of fishing camps. There was what appeared to be a store there next to the public restrooms, both of which were closed. We got lucky and grabbed some Barq's rootbeers out of a vending machine for some refreshment before we rode off down LA 401 in the direction we had came.

We turned Right onto LA 308 and headed for Thibodaux LA and LA 20 stopping along the way for a bathroom break and a convenience store parking lot picnic of chicken tenders, meat pies and some sort of egg rolls.

We took LA 20 North back to LA 3127 and took the reciprocal route from there back home to Laplace. All in all, 178.4 miles. Danica was AMAZING during this ride. Other than her scaring the crap out of me on HWY 90, I hardly knew she was back there. She didn't fidget, squirm, or complain. When we stopped she acted very clam and mature... I was thoroughly impressed. So much so that she earned back some privileges that she had lost.
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Very nice route. The photos of the plantation were great. That is some of the prettiest parts of the state. Glad to hear that fun was had by all.

Stay safe out there on those bikes my brother....