My Random TV Thread

Yeah, I've got two more episodes to go. I don't know if I would've cast Krasinski as Jack Ryan. I keep looking at his ears. He's got these big flappers and a long, hangdog face. He reminds me of an Easter Island head.

But that aside, Michael Pena's always good. He looks a bit out of shape, a little paunchy, for somebody who's supposed to be a CIA assassin. In this he's like a watered-down TV version of Benicio del Toro in the Sicario movies.

The guy who plays Mike November is good. I like that guy.

Michael Pena is long overdue for some major roles. He's a solid actor. Plus I've met a lot of "paunchy" dangerous assholes.
Good series. The ending—the confrontation between Ryan and the Texas Senator at the hearing was a little contrived. And the speech didn’t make a whole lot of sense. And why is DDCIA out shooting people? And why didn’t the wife wonder where the hell her brother went? And why is—-

All right, I’ll stop.
Good series. The ending—the confrontation between Ryan and the Texas Senator at the hearing was a little contrived. And the speech didn’t make a whole lot of sense. And why is DDCIA out shooting people? And why didn’t the wife wonder where the hell her brother went? And why is—-

All right, I’ll stop.
Good series. The ending—the confrontation between Ryan and the Texas Senator at the hearing was a little contrived. And the speech didn’t make a whole lot of sense. And why is DDCIA out shooting people? And why didn’t the wife wonder where the hell her brother went? And why is—-

All right, I’ll stop.

My brother in Christ, no one is allowing an accountant/ analyst to enter the stack with Ground Branch.
My brother in Christ, no one is allowing an accountant/ analyst to enter the stack with Ground Branch.

My exact point. They don’t. And yet an accountant/analyst routinely taking part in DA is the foundation of the whole franchise, its fundamental flaw. So they feel free to add unrealities any time they want as the franchise evolves, which contributes to my inability to suspend my disbelief.
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Ben Affleck was an accountant - and he killed TONS of mother fuckers.
Or maybe that was just a movie - I always thought it was a documentary - not sure - whatever...
Ben Affleck was an accountant - and he killed TONS of mother fuckers.
Or maybe that was just a movie - I always thought it was a documentary - not sure - whatever...
That movie was surprisingly good/bad/rewatchable for whatever reason. I don't understand it fully, like my sexuality.

It isn't just surprisingly good/bad/rewatchable - it is INCREDIBLY good/bad/rewatchable.
The 'how-to' section of installing a mini-gun turret in the living room shows some next-level redecorating skills...
Finally a real question. I would say it's more about power than anything else, just FINALLY something I can control, you know?

The ruling is - not ghey.

I am totally snitching you to ACC.

"Dial 1-900-Snitch-A-Lot and kick those nasty thoughts. Langley's got back."

Nobody cares what ACC thinks.
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Good series. The ending—the confrontation between Ryan and the Texas Senator at the hearing was a little contrived. And the speech didn’t make a whole lot of sense. And why is DDCIA out shooting people? And why didn’t the wife wonder where the hell her brother went? And why is—-

All right, I’ll stop.
I just finished this up last night. It was "meh".

It just didn't feel particularly well written or executed; it definitely didn't feel "Tom Clancy". It felt kind of low budget and not all that creative. It's like they used all their budget and creativity on the opening credits, which makes watching the show a real let down (although it does kind of bother me during the opening credits that they showed the aircraft tach drcreasing while airspeed increases)

I'm OK suspending reality and just enjoying entertainment for entertainment's sake sometimes but this just felt kind of...stupid. It's what you'd expect some noodle-armed, soy boy in Hollywood to think what an action-thriller should look like.

And I diaagree with @RackMaster on this one. Casting Michael Pena as Chavez is a tough sell for me. That guy has the acting skills of a 2x4. Definitely not a tough guy. He doesn't even know how to hold/aim a rifle correctly.

Maybe I didn't like as much as I thought I did...🤷
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I am totally snitching you to ACC.

"Dial 1-900-Snitch-A-Lot and kick those nasty thoughts. Langley's got back."
Jokes on you, AFSOC is my daddy and that daddy is a drunk dickhead who hates his ex (ACC) and I manipulate them against one another.

"I'm rap's step father you can hate me but you WILL respect." - Childish Gambino, aka, Jim Slife (he's not the commander now but he's in HAF A3, so the joke still works.)
The ruling is - not ghey.

Nobody cares what ACC thinks.
Bro, this was *the* comment. I lol'd.