National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Grade A analysis. Thanks for sharing.

This is looking like the sort of situation I've been expecting to happen;

Unrelated parties(grey camo pants guy) popping off shots near armed [protestors/counter-protesters/rioters/boog bois/whatever you wanna define them as], which creates generalized chaos as people react to the situational fog and engage the first weapon/political enemy they see.
Additional perspective FWIW (not sure anything new/relevant is really being shared)...
We Witnessed The Kenosha Shootings. Here’s What Really Happened - The Daily Caller

A 17 YO had no business being armed, much less being there in the first place.

"Warning shot guy"...fuck whoever that was. Here's another person that shouldn't have taken a firearm that night.

The guy shot first had zero business trying to disarm anyone. That's asking for a bullet.

Two more try to disarm the shooter with one even attacking him. That's also how you take a bullet.

This was 100% avoidable, but a whole bunch of stupidity on both sides showed up looking for a fight. There's the real tragedy, Americans consider it some type of honor to injure Americans. Disgusting.
It's about as accurate a narrative as the "the guys he shot were violent pedophile felons" narrative going around.

I don't give a damn about anything someone did prior to this incident, unless it was literally "I cant wait to shoot those subhuman commies" or "I can wait to light a fascist fuck on fire".

All that matters is what happened to lead to the shooting, and the shooting itself.

Convicted pedophile with gun at protest. Pretty sure he was committing a few crimes of his own right there.

But as we've continued to see, these are not protests. These are riots and the rioters are armed.

The problem with catch and release is...oh yeah recidivism.

Oh this is also great. Ted Wheeler sends a letter to the POTUS and they're outside his condo.

It's really hard for me to condemn the kid, even though it's something I would never do, unless it was my streets they were destroying.

When the breakdown of law and order is so bad hundreds of structures in a city get burned (Minneapolis), police and government are ineffective, only the regular people are left to stand up for what's right.
It's really hard for me to condemn the kid, even though it's something I would never do, unless it was my streets they were destroying.

When the breakdown of law and order is so bad hundreds of structures in a city get burned (Minneapolis), police and government are ineffective, only the regular people are left to stand up for what's right.

That pretty much sums it up for me.
17-year-olds should never have to feel like they need to pick up a rifle and go out to defend their country, but then so did Audie Murphy and countless others. Hardly the same, but the sentiment is there.

I believe Kyle shouldn't have gotten involved in all of this, and now it's going to stay with him for the rest of his life. But at the end of the day, I guess only he'll be able to say, years from now (post-trial and post-reflection), whether it was all worth it in the end. All that being said, he handled himself as well as possible given the challenging circumstances he was faced with.

The meme I posted on the previous page was just to poke fun at the hypocrisy of Leftists who only seems to believe in borders when it suits them, like in this case. State lines and all other borders very much DO matter.
From the NY Post:

This is why Jacob Blake had a warrant out for his arrest

So something we were also missing earlier. In this thread it has been posted the arrest warrant filing by me that was dated 7 July. As those were charges filed. His "Girlfriend", well at least the one who called 911 had a restraining order in against him forbidding him from contact with her.

Read the article, it's also explicit with language.