National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

So for as disgustingly liberal the statehouse in Sacramento is, Sacramento is actually a fairly conservative city. The Mayor, The Sheriff, and the DA ain't dealing with shit. Expect to get prosecuted and go to prison.

Officials Blame Sacramento Antifa For Vandalism After Jacob Blake Protest, Call In National Guard

I'm sure they don't want the same problem as NY where their middle and upper crust are reading the writing on the wall and bouncing to greener pastures.
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Ya'll really are fired up in this thread.

I'm down for letting every police officer in this country take a 6 month long vacation and let the people go to work and (almost) anything goes. No one will be charged for killing rapists, child molesters, crooks/robbers and rioters/looters. But if you break the law then it's your ass vigilante style.

“Goodyear is committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful workplace where all of our associates can do their best in a spirit of teamwork. As part of this commitment, we do allow our associates to express their support on racial injustice and other equity issues but ask that they refrain from workplace expressions, verbal or otherwise, in support of political campaigning for any candidate or political party as well as other similar forms of advocacy that fall outside the scope of equity issues.”

That'pretty shitty rationale on Goodyear's part. "We don't want any politics in the workplace... unless it's politics we support (or at least politics we're afraid to crack down on in the current political climate)."

Good on Goodyear:

Goodyear Says It Will Allow Employees To Wear Pro-Police Apparel

Goodyear CEO Rich Kramer issued a statement Thursday saying that his company’s policy would be clarified to allow employees of the tire company to wear apparel that expresses support for police on Goodyear premises, after a leaked slide that appeared to show Blue Lives Matter and MAGA merchandise were not allowed drew the ire of President Donald Trump.
The only person who garners my sympathy in the midst of this whole burning bucket of bullshit is the woman who put the restraining order out on Kenosha's favorite SJW martyr. If anyone should have shot him, it would be her. Instead, she follows the law, finally works up the courage to leave her abuser, calls the police when he violates said p.o., and now he's a GFM millionaire with his name emblazoned upon the uniforms of overpaid jocks. My heart genuinely hurts for her. Everyone else can suck start a shotgun, for all I give a damn.
I'm having a lot of trouble bubbling up any sympathy for this kid...or his parents for that matter.

I am not sure 'sympathy' is what I have. I DO want to see him have a fair shake, and reading ANYTHING the MSM or the left (see Patheos article) makes him seem like a blood-thirsty tyrant and his victims as innocent bystanders. If I had the money I would absolutely contribute to his defense fund, though.