National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Personally, I find that he falls under good intentions, bad judgement. LE's hamstrung and/or incapable of actually quelling these things due to either ineptitude, lack of manpower, or political influence. This leads to people seeing the innocent bystanders taking heat for nothing other than existing.

I question his sequence of decisions that put him there that night, but I don't question his actions when it came down to it. He didn't NEED to be there, but nobody needs to be "there" in all honesty.

People's lives are being destroyed. Insurance may rebuild the business (if they pay out, they're trying to duck out on many riot payments it seems) but it doesn't cover for the gap in income for all the people who worked there, owned it, etc etc etc. So the insurance argument is a moot thing. It helps, but it's not the same at all.

I wouldn't say I have sympathy for him, but I have zero ill will towards him either. I do harbor ill will towards rioters. I'm all about, and pay attention to people that peacefully protest. You start trying to IED and kill people on the daily who are the rank and file of trying to keep things sane? fuck you and the horse you rode in on with a hot minigun muzzle.
I guess I'll wait to see what else come of this, but this kid (and I'm assuming his parents since he has unlimited access to an AR at 17 years old) appear to be the type who will show up at a Chipotle kitted up for Afghanistan...because they can.

It appears he went looking for trouble....and found it.

There's a difference between protecting you and yours vs. what he apparently did.

Get off of my side.
I guess I'll wait to see what else come of this, but this kid (and I'm assuming his parents since he has unlimited access to an AR at 17 years old) appear to be the type who will show up at a Chipotle kitted up for Afghanistan...because they can.

It appears he went looking for trouble....and found it.

There's a difference between protecting you and yours vs. what he apparently did.

Get off of my side.

I see a couple points: one is whether he should have been there (no). But he was, and being there was bad judgment but not illegal. I would be horrified if my 17 or 18 year-old son went to, say, Alexandria, Virginia (a little further) to participate in something that had a potential to be so volatile. But then, this kid's parents seemed to have a different standard than I.

The other point is whether he should have access to an AR (or any other gun). To that point, I certainly have no issue (I went to a high school where every pick-up had a gun rack with rifles and shotties, regardless of whether it was hunting season).

I get your perspective, and I respect it.
Not calling anyone out in particular, just making a general statement. All the people on social media that seem to justify his charges with the statement of “he didn’t need to be there” aren’t taking into account that neither did the people he shot. “Well they were exercising there first amendment right to assemble” okay.... so was he?

On a related note, there seems to be screen shots of the bicep guy stating his only regret is that he didn’t “kill that kid”. Seems like a home run for Kyle’s defense team. Also doesn’t seem like a statement anyone should ever mutter is that they regret not killing a kid, no matter who you are.
So, something that hasn't been touched on at all so far is that Rittenhouse actually had reason to be in Kenosha, WI. Like many people, who cross state borders daily, he had a job in Kenosha. His? Lifeguard.

Attorneys representing Kyle Rittenhouse say he was wrongfully charged after 'acting in self-defense'

Pierce argues that when Rittenhouse finished his shift as a lifeguard in Kenosha last Tuesday, he decided he wanted to help clean up damage in Kenosha left amid unrest over the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

So this really wasn't a: "Hey Mom, I'm going to Kenosha today to counter-protest against the looters and arsonists" conversation. How he got to Kenosha that night was "normal".


It's pretty disgusting how transitive the morality of the #MeToo movement is. (No GoFundMe for the victim) Jacob Blake had a warrant out for his arrest for alleged rape, he was in the woman whom he had allegedly raped's home and was about to steal her car for a second time, this time he was going to take their children. Whenever he receives this money, his Child Support liabilities will have modifications and he will be sued civilly by his victim now that he has money.
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So, something that hasn't been touched on at all so far is that Rittenhouse actually had reason to be in Kenosha, WI. Life many people, who cross state borders daily, he had a job in Kenosha. His? Lifeguard.

Attorneys representing Kyle Rittenhouse say he was wrongfully charged after 'acting in self-defense'


It's pretty disgusting how transitive the morality of the #MeToo movement is. (No GoFundMe for the victim) Jacob Blake had a warrant out for his arrest for alleged rape, he was in the woman whom he had allegedly raped's home and was about to steal her car for a second time, this time he was going to take their children. Whenever he receives this money, his Child Support liabilities will have modifications and he will be sued civilly by his victim now that he has money.

I read the statement. Of course it's from his lawyers, BUT if true, it really changes the entire narrative 180 degrees.
Not calling anyone out in particular, just making a general statement. All the people on social media that seem to justify his charges with the statement of “he didn’t need to be there” aren’t taking into account that neither did the people he shot. “Well they were exercising there first amendment right to assemble” okay.... so was he?

On a related note, there seems to be screen shots of the bicep guy stating his only regret is that he didn’t “kill that kid”. Seems like a home run for Kyle’s defense team. Also doesn’t seem like a statement anyone should ever mutter is that they regret not killing a kid, no matter who you are.

I see the "he should not have been there" argument different than the argument about his actions. I dare say any of us with a Y chromosome did something, or was somewhere, or was with someone with whom we absolutely should not. It's part of our chemistry, and but for the grace of God and all, right? Many of us are plain lucky to be alive given what we did as teenagers. Should he have been there? I don't think it's ever a good idea to interject one's self into a powder keg; but, he did. I say that too all of the rioters/looters/rabble-rousers and non-peaceful activists and protesters.

It's complicated, and I see and understand both sides (he should/should not have been there). I respect both views, and I can easily vacillate between the two.
Personally, I find that he falls under good intentions, bad judgement. LE's hamstrung and/or incapable of actually quelling these things due to either ineptitude, lack of manpower, or political influence. This leads to people seeing the innocent bystanders taking heat for nothing other than existing.

I question his sequence of decisions that put him there that night, but I don't question his actions when it came down to it. He didn't NEED to be there, but nobody needs to be "there" in all honesty.

People's lives are being destroyed. Insurance may rebuild the business (if they pay out, they're trying to duck out on many riot payments it seems) but it doesn't cover for the gap in income for all the people who worked there, owned it, etc etc etc. So the insurance argument is a moot thing. It helps, but it's not the same at all.

I wouldn't say I have sympathy for him, but I have zero ill will towards him either. I do harbor ill will towards rioters. I'm all about, and pay attention to people that peacefully protest. You start trying to IED and kill people on the daily who are the rank and file of trying to keep things sane? fuck you and the horse you rode in on with a hot minigun muzzle.
This more or less is view as well.

I have no ill will towards him. The kid is just that...a kid. He's 17. Idealistic and naive. From what I can tell, bad judgement but him there but he was there with good intentions. As others stated, he shouldn't have been there but none of them should've...but they were. So, it is what it is.

There are consequences for all our actions, some greater than others. This kids decisions have changed his life and that many others, not just the two he killed. That's serious stuff.

As for the "protesters" in general, I've had it with their bullshit. Peaceful assembly, voice your grievances, no issues. But there's virtually none of that at this point. It's all about how to disrupt and destroy, particularly to those who have nothing to do with the issue. They're rioters. What's worse are the officials that continue to make excuses for them. There's no personal accountability at any level.
...appear to be the type who will show up at a Chipotle kitted up for Afghanistan...because they ...Get off of my side.

Open carry tacticool dude are the right-wing version of the leftist "these are my pronouns" button wearing white people you seem memes about.

Like, I fully support their rights and viewpoints, but why do they gotta be such dweebs about it?
Open carry tacticool dude are the right-wing version of the leftist "these are my pronouns" button wearing white people you seem memes about.

Like, I fully support their rights and viewpoints, but why do they gotta be such dweebs about it?
They should do what the Fantasy LARPERS do and just rent out some space in a park and play out their war games but with air soft guns and not plastic swords and bean bags spells
Not sure if this was posted but here's the statement from the lawyer for Kyle Rittenhouse.

Full Statement: VERNON HILLS, ILLINOIS / August 28, 2020 / Pierce Bainbridge is honored to represent 17-year old Antioch, Illinois resident Kyle Rittenhouse, who has suddenly found himself at the center of a national firestorm and charged with murder after defending himself from a relentless, vicious and potentially deadly mob attack in Kenosha, Wisconsin. On August 25th, 2020, Kenosha spiraled into chaos following the Jacob Blake shooting. The Kenosha Mayor and Wisconsin Governor failed to provide a basic degree of law and order to protect the citizens and community buildings in Kenosha. The city burned as mobs destroyed buildings and property, and looters stole whatever they wanted. Rioters defaced storefronts, the courthouse, and many other public and private locations across the city. After Kyle finished his work that day as a community lifeguard in Kenosha, he wanted to help clean up some of the damage, so he and a friend went to the local public high school to remove graffiti by rioters. Later in the day, they received information about a call for help from a local business owner, whose downtown Kenosha auto dealership was largely destroyed by mob violence. The business owner needed help to protect what he had left of his life’s work, including two nearby mechanic’s shops. Kyle and a friend armed themselves with rifles due to the deadly violence gripping Kenosha and many other American cities, and headed to the business premises. The weapons were in Wisconsin and never crossed state lines. Upon arrival, Kyle and others stood guard at the mechanic’s shop across from the auto dealership to prevent further damage or destruction. Later that night, substantially after the city’s 8:00 p.m. curfew expired without consequence, the police finally started to attempt to disperse a group of rioters. In doing so, they maneuvered a mass of individuals down the street towards the auto shops. Kyle and others on the premises were verbally threatened and taunted multiple times as the rioters passed by, but Kyle never reacted. His intent was not to incite violence, but simply to deter property damage and use his training to provide first aid to injured community members. After the crowd passed the premises and Kyle believed the threat of further destruction had passed, he became increasingly concerned with the injured protestors and bystanders congregating at a nearby gas station with no immediate access to medical assistance or help from law enforcement. Kyle headed in that direction with a first aid kit. He sought out injured persons, rendered aid, and tried to guide people to others who could assist to the extent he could do so amid the chaos. By the final time Kyle returned to 2 the gas station and confirmed there were no more injured individuals who needed assistance, police had advanced their formation and blocked what would have been his path back to the mechanic’s shop. Kyle then complied with the police instructions not to go back there. Kyle returned to the gas station until he learned of a need to help protect the second mechanic’s shop further down the street where property destruction was imminent with no police were nearby. As Kyle proceeded towards the second mechanic’s shop, he was accosted by multiple rioters who recognized that he had been attempting to protect a business the mob wanted to destroy. This outraged the rioters and created a mob now determined to hurt Kyle. They began chasing him down. Kyle attempted to get away, but he could not do so quickly enough. Upon the sound of a gunshot behind him, Kyle turned and was immediately faced with an attacker lunging towards him and reaching for his rifle. He reacted instantaneously and justifiably with his weapon to protect himself, firing and striking the attacker. Kyle stopped to ensure care for the wounded attacker but faced a growing mob gesturing towards him. He realized he needed to flee for his safety and his survival. Another attacker struck Kyle from behind as he fled down the street. Kyle turned as the mob pressed in on him and he fell to the ground. One attacker kicked Kyle on the ground while he was on the ground. Yet another bashed him over the head with a skateboard. Several rioters tried to disarm Kyle. In fear for his life and concerned the crowd would either continue to shoot at him or even use his own weapon against him, Kyle had no choice but to fire multiple rounds towards his immediate attackers, striking two, including one armed attacker. The rest of the mob began to disperse upon hearing the additional gunshots. Kyle got up and continued down the street in the direction of police with his hands in the air. He attempted to contact multiple police officers, but they were more concerned with the wounded attackers. The police did not take Kyle into custody at that time, but instead they indicated he should keep moving. He fully cooperated, both then and later that night when he turned himself in to the police in his hometown, Antioch, Illinois. Kyle did nothing wrong. He exercised his God-given, Constitutional, common law and statutory law right to self-defense. However, in a reactionary rush to appease the divisive, destructive forces currently roiling this country, prosecutors in Kenosha did not engage in any meaningful analysis of the facts, or any in-depth review of available video footage (some of which shows that a critical state’s witness was not even at the area where the shots were fired); this was not a serious investigation. Rather, after learning Kyle may have had conservative political viewpoints, they immediately saw him as a convenient target who they could use as a scapegoat to distract from the Jacob Blake shooting and the government’s abject failure to ensure basic law and order to citizens. Within 24-36 hours, he was charged with multiple homicide counts. Kyle now has the best legal representation in the country. With help from Nicholas Sandmann attorney L. Lin Wood, Pierce Bainbridge and multiple top-tier criminal defense lawyers in Wisconsin immediately offered representation to Kyle. Today, his legal team was successful in working with the public defender to obtain a several-week continuance of his extradition hearing to September 25th. This at least partially slows down the rush to judgment by a government and media that is determined to assassinate his character and destroy his life. Kyle, his family, the team at Pierce Bainbridge and his other lawyers intend to fight these charges every step of the way, take the case to trial and win an acquittal on the grounds of self-defense before a jury of his peers. The legal fees and other costs of Kyle’s defense will be provided through donations to #FightBack Foundation Inc., a Texas 501(c)(4) foundation created by John Pierce and Lin Wood to protect lawabiding American citizens whose rights are being trampled on by state and local governments that are more concerned with appeasing mobs than protecting those rights. Pierce Bainbridge founder John Pierce praised Kyle’s strength and resilience. “A 17-year old child should not have to take up arms in America to protect life and property. That is the job of state and local governments. However, those governments have failed, and law-abiding citizens have no choice but to protect their own communities as their forefathers did at Lexington and Concord in 1775. Kyle is not a racist or a white supremacist. He is a brave, patriotic, compassionate law-abiding American who loves his country and his community. He did nothing wrong. He defended himself, which is a fundamental right of all Americans given by God and protected by law. He is now in the crosshairs of institutional forces that are much more powerful than him. But he will stand up to them and fight not only for himself, but for all Americans and their beloved Constitution. We will never leave his side until he is victorious in that fight.” Further updates will be provided as the investigation and legal proceedings unfold. #FightBack

Teen's Attorneys Claim Self-Defense in Kenosha Shootings
Some footage of a teenage male that looks like Rittenhouse hitting a female while fighting in Kenosha, WI. The teen male then gets beat up by some people who witnessed it. We'll see if it turns out to be him or not. Looks like Rittenhouse, but not a very clear video.

Group of teens fighting in a parking lot

Second Video
I can't see shit in either video (I never can LOL) but I'm sure some one with frame by frame image capture will review and can confirm one way or another.

The article doesn't make a lot of sense though and comes of as a bit of a hit piece. Ex. "That wasn't his first time in Kenosha." Well no shit. He didn't live that far away and more to the point, it's known he had a lifeguard job in town - his lawyers statement says as much.
Hit piece for sure, and the part in the article where it says he's wearing the same shorts in the fight as he was in the FB pics with the AR is BS, completely different shorts in the picture THEY LINK TO...
Hit piece for sure, and the part in the article where it says he's wearing the same shorts in the fight as he was in the FB pics with the AR is BS, completely different shorts in the picture THEY LINK TO...
I think they're saying he has the same crocs in the picture.

I have no idea if it's him based solely on the video but I will say this, it seems like with every story these days, all we need to do is wait for a minute and we.find out just what a steaming turd of a person many of these people really are.