National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

I am putting this here, but I suppose it could go into any number of threads. I watched the body cam footage of the DC police officer who shot the armed guy in the time following protests in DC (link below).

Deon Kay shooting: DC police release video of deadly encounter after protests

A couple thoughts:

1) It's in Anacostia, off Malcolm X Ave. That's a horrible part of DC.
2) The whole thing happened in a nanosecond. Training, training, training. OODA loop and all that. That could have ended badly for the cop.
I am putting this here, but I suppose it could go into any number of threads. I watched the body cam footage of the DC police officer who shot the armed guy in the time following protests in DC (link below).

Deon Kay shooting: DC police release video of deadly encounter after protests

A couple thoughts:

1) It's in Anacostia, off Malcolm X Ave. That's a horrible part of DC.
2) The whole thing happened in a nanosecond. Training, training, training. OODA loop and all that. That could have ended badly for the cop.
Nanosecond is right.

Distances, etc. can be difficult to judge in video but given where the gun was found, that was one heck of a 'toss'.
I am putting this here, but I suppose it could go into any number of threads. I watched the body cam footage of the DC police officer who shot the armed guy in the time following protests in DC (link below).

Deon Kay shooting: DC police release video of deadly encounter after protests

A couple thoughts:

1) It's in Anacostia, off Malcolm X Ave. That's a horrible part of DC.
2) The whole thing happened in a nanosecond. Training, training, training. OODA loop and all that. That could have ended badly for the cop.
Damn he's good.
Wonder if he was trying to throw the gun vs drawing down?
It's a hard tell at this point, but compared to the other recent cases this is definitely the best example so far of both an armed and potentially serious threat to an officer and an appropriate and measured response (one solid shot) to that threat level.
So Vice and Michael Reinoehl's Lawyers (did he have any?) thought it was totes cool to have him go on Vice and give his "story". But he straight up confessed to a killing.

A few days after recording, he was located in Washington and killed in an officer involved shooting as the Federal Task Force attempted to apprehend him under a warrant.

Officers fatally shoot suspect in Portland protest killing

Twitter thread from US Marshal's Service on the event:

So Vice and Michael Reinoehl's Lawyers (did he have any?) thought it was totes cool to have him go on Vice and give his "story". But he straight up confessed to a killing.

A few days after recording, he was located in Washington and killed in an officer involved shooting as the Federal Task Force attempted to apprehend him under a warrant.

Officers fatally shoot suspect in Portland protest killing

Twitter thread from US Marshal's Service on the event:

Suicide by cop.
What I find hilarious and sad is that Rittenhouse is portrayed on twitter, horrible place to be but I have to use it for work, as a White Supremacist. (There are many defenders, but the vast majority of accounts you run into are liberal in my experience)

But this guy, who literally walked up to a Trump Supporter and popped him gets portrayed as a hero by the same people.

And for me there is a drastic difference, Rittenhouse did cross state lines, but he just went home only a 25 minute drive, and then turned himself in the next day. This guy? He literally was on the run and then attempted to get in a shootout.
When people say he crossed state lines it makes it sound as though he hopped in a boat to conduct an amphibious assault into Venezuela. Can you imagine how many people would cross state lines into DC everyday if it became a state?

For me the crossing state lines thing is a complete misnomer for Rittenhouse because he literally crossed state lines daily working as a lifeguard (per his attorney). This guy? Well they found him in Olympia, which on a good day is a two hour drive. Now two hours is also meaningless because we all know those guys who live in another state and drive into Ft Benning, Bliss, Campbell, etc.
For me the crossing state lines thing is a complete misnomer for Rittenhouse because he literally crossed state lines daily working as a lifeguard (per his attorney). This guy? Well they found him in Olympia, which on a good day is a two hour drive. Now two hours is also meaningless because we all know those guys who live in another state and drive into Ft Benning, Bliss, Campbell, etc.

You look at it from the lens that he has daily placement and access there. I look at it like he's American and this is America and it's his god damn right. I'm not saying the laws shouldn't apply to him, but they're coming at it like he's an invader. Let's go after illegal immigrants for crossing state lines, bet the narrative changes.
Is there some kind of criminal enhancement for "crossing state lines" when you murder someone? To me it doesn't matter if someone lived next door or across the country, murder is still murder.
Is there some kind of criminal enhancement for "crossing state lines" when you murder someone? To me it doesn't matter if someone lived next door or across the country, murder is still murder.
It does get referenced as a matter of intent. Especially when you're actually fleeing the scene and get caught in another state in the act of being "on the run."