National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Has anyone (not here) addressed why a 17 YO had an AR given to him by someone in WI? Cross a state border to do, okay I guess if that's legal. Armed as a 17 YO? Is that legal ini WI? Giving a weapon to a minor? Is that legal in WI? It wasn't like he was hunting under the supervision of an adult, he was on guard duty.

Don't get me wrong, as I've stated before once that clown tried to take the weapon away it was a clean shoot. It just shouldn't have happened, not to a 17 YO.
Has anyone (not here) addressed why a 17 YO had an AR given to him by someone in WI? Cross a state border to do, okay I guess if that's legal. Armed as a 17 YO? Is that legal ini WI? Giving a weapon to a minor? Is that legal in WI? It wasn't like he was hunting under the supervision of an adult, he was on guard duty.

Don't get me wrong, as I've stated before once that clown tried to take the weapon away it was a clean shoot. It just shouldn't have happened, not to a 17 YO.
His "friend" was also under age. The story about his "online older friend" was false. So I'm not really questioning that as much as wondering why his "friend" and his "friend's parents" haven't copped any gun charges at the moment.
"Arson isn't violence, because people have insurance."


Riot-Ravaged Minneapolis Businesses Can't Rebuild Because the Insurance Won't Cover It

Ever since a multiracial group of Minneapolis cops kneeled on George Floyd’s neck as he died three months ago, there have been riots in American cities every single night. At first our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters in the media just gaslighted us about it. They looked right into their cameras and told us it wasn’t happening. It’s not actual violence, y’know, the bad kind of violence. It’s “mostly peaceful protest.”

“A-ha,” exclaims the liberal in good standing. “Allow me to retort. Maybe you rednecks have never heard of a little thing called… insurance??? It’s just property. It’s just stuff. It can be replaced. George Floyd’s life can’t!”
I've heard that line a few times in the last few weeks. Totally makes burning a building down legit...

U.S. Marshall is looking like the coolest job out there these days. Not currently hiring on usajobs though.
OMG the white supremacist militia is out...actually no. But...The NFAC a left wing/black supremacist militia was in force marching on the Kentucky Derby.

Update to this post, so I didn't see these on twitter yesterday as I was focused mostly on the Derby itself and the fact that the NFAC marched on Churchill Downs. Well, it appears a "Right Wing", love the media here. The Right Wing Militia also protested in Louisville.

A lot more reporters following these guys around than the NFAC. Thankfully they demonstrated in completely different parts of the city.
I am not joking, they are referring to sending psychologists and medical personnel to be first on scene to attempt non-violent outcomes.

Fucking toads. In my near 20 years as a 911 paramedic, I can't count how many drugged out PCP players that were fighting busses, naked in 32 degree weather, sweating, screaming nonsense that needed 6 cops, me and my partner to fight him, hold him down to give Ketamine.

These fuck heads that advocate sending non cops will get these non cops hurt.
These are no longer protests, these are events catering to people being assholes. They cowardly hide behind BLM and anything else they can clinig to because how dare you say anything negative about BLM, social justice, whatever narrative exists now. This won't end anytime soon.

Imagine election night if Trump wins in Nov. You'll be able to see the burning cities from space.

ETA: How long do these riots peaceful protests continue before they drive centrists towards Trump or maybe even keep potential Biden voters from going to the polls?
These are no longer protests, these are events catering to people being assholes. They cowardly hide behind BLM and anything else they can clinig to because how dare you say anything negative about BLM, social justice, whatever narrative exists now. This won't end anytime soon.

Imagine election night if Trump wins in Nov. You'll be able to see the burning cities from space.

ETA: How long do these riots peaceful protests continue before they drive centrists towards Trump or maybe even keep potential Biden voters from going to the polls?

"Social justice" has become its own religion. It is fed by the grievance industry, the media, and higher education. It's not going away no matter who wins in November. All that's left to decide is what it's going to look like after. What I'm seeing right now from the left is not my "after."