National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

My man @RackMaster hit the nail on the head.

I'll do you all one better, the thread is locked. The staff is going to chat about whether we need it at all; it's not like we stay on topic in these threads anyway. I am going to suggest we combine all this dumb shit into a super thread where you all can get together and talk out the ideas of America's social fabric, politics, election, and social issues.

More to follow.
The staff is going to chat about whether we need it at all; it's not like we stay on topic in these threads anyway. I am going to suggest we combine all this dumb shit into a super thread where you all can get together and talk out the ideas of America's social fabric, politics, election, and social issues.

September 27, 2020

This is your official National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion thread. It is a merge of both.

Anything and everything "social" related should go into this thread. If a new thread Social related is started, there is a VERY good chance it will be merged into this thread without notice or fanfare.

- staff
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A juror from the Taylor case has filed a motion to have all the grand jury proceedings released, because they argued that the AG is misrepresenting the case in order to use the jurors as a shield.

The juror claims they were never given the option of indicting the other two officers, and never given the option to indict for homicide at all.

You think riots are bad now because people because think the system protects cops?
Imagine how bad it will be these documents show the AG was "lying".

Breonna Taylor case grand juror: We weren’t given the option of indicting the two cops who shot her
So the AG took to the grand jury what his team put together as a case that they looked at being able to successfully prosecute, and said grand jury indicted.

Indicting people just to indict them because it is politically expedient is dummer than shit. Also, expect KY to go hard red in November when it comes to who actually shows up to the polls.
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A juror from the Taylor case has filed a motion to have all the grand jury proceedings released, because they argued that the AG is misrepresenting the case in order to use the jurors as a shield.

The juror claims they were never given the option of indicting the other two officers, and never given the option to indict for homicide at all.

You think riots are bad now because people because think the system protects cops?
Imagine how bad it will be these documents show the AG was "lying".

Breonna Taylor case grand juror: We weren’t given the option of indicting the two cops who shot her
Let's be honest, there is no interest in the truth or justice. What they really want is a public lynching. Because short of that, there doesn't appear to be any type of solution for many people still crying over this tragedy would recognize. Justice is being served but reason has gone AWOL.
So the AG took to the grand jury what his team put together as a case that they looked at being able to successfully prosecute, and said grand jury indicted.

Indicting people just to indict them because it is politically expedient is dummer than shit. Also, expect KY to go hard red in November when it comes to who actually shows up to the polls.

Yea, but does that actually matter to anyone?

For a lot of people unfamiliar with the system, not giving the jury the chance to make that decision is the same thing as the AG protecting the officers.
Let's be honest, there is no interest in the truth or justice. What they really want is a public lynching. Because short of that, there doesn't appear to be any type of solution for many people still crying over this tragedy; reason has gone AWOL.

I think a lot of people are distrustful of a system that seems to protect it's own, even more so when the system is functionally secretive.

I dont think releasing the proceedings will change anyone's mind one way or another unless something truly outrageous happened, but it will add fuel to the fire.
Yea, but does that actually matter to anyone?

For a lot of people unfamiliar with the system, not giving the jury the chance to make that decision is the same thing as the AG protecting the officers.
I guess, but the Commonwealth's Attorney (DA) passed this buck to higher. Then the AG's staff poured over the evidence to determine if any crime was committed and then they proceeded with a grand jury. I understand that we don't have to use grand juries to indict someone. But they are a good tool. Giving the grand jury the chance to do something just because maybe that random person on the grand jury wants it, isn't how the system works.

And I agree with @Blizzard this isn't about Justice, it's about a public lynching.

ETA: As I mentioned below, Kentucky is a grand jury state for Felonies.
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No Grand Juries where you are? Here, all felonies have to be indicted.
All federal prosecutions require a grand jury to indict. All states have a grand jury system, but only about half require a grand jury to gain indictments.

Looks like Kentucky is a grand jury system for all felony indictments.

@Kraut783 specifically for Arizona, prosecutors can indict suspects without going to the grand jury, but the tool is there.
Gotcha, here there is no indictment prior to arrest (state side)...either probable cause or warrant arrest. Once the subject has been arrested, the case (felony) is filed and goes through the grand jury process.
The grand jury I was on we had the option to recommend charges based on the evidence we were given, which yes is all one sided. I have a feeling most don't know how they work in the general public.
The grand jury I was on we had the option to recommend charges based on the evidence we were given, which yes is all one sided. I have a feeling most don't know how they work in the general public.

The average person doesn't have a fucking clue with regards to how the entire legal process works, nevermind how law enforcement works, nevermind adult responsibilities in general outside of "mcdonalds, shitter, fornicate, repeat"
There is nothing at all inconvenient for people on the left about leaders of a group accused of being white supremacists linking up with Black Lives Matter representatives to soundly and unequivocally denounce white supremacy.

In fact, if sincere it represents either an outspoken correction of a false accusation or an phenomenal development in the group ideology, and pulls one more group away from the umbrella of white supremacist organizations.

If there is any truth in the claim, then this is a great day for the left.
There is nothing at all inconvenient for people on the left about leaders of a group accused of being white supremacists linking up with Black Lives Matter representatives to soundly and unequivocally denounce white supremacy.

In fact, if sincere it represents either an outspoken correction of a false accusation or an phenomenal development in the group ideology, and pulls one more group away from the umbrella of white supremacist organizations.

If there is any truth in the claim, then this is a great day for the left.

Obviously the former over the latter since it's a pretty diverse group of guys.