National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

To be fair, I am biased in the sense that I dislike no-knock warrants. If somebody breaks into my home, there is a VERY good chance somebody is going to catch a bullet (probably at least me since I haven't been to the range in a hot minute XD). Either way, gotta try and protect the family.
@Devildoc said something similar in an earlier post and I agree as well. The no-knock carries even a higher degree of risk; there really is zero room for error. You better be at the right house, etc. The fact is you bust down my door in the middle of the night, it's gonna get ugly, especially since I don't have any reason or expectation for the police or anyone else to legitimately do this. That's a problem.
I spent a lot of time reading the leaked county jail phone conversations between the group being investigated and the report on the evidence that lead to the raid.

For those of you who would shoot anything coming in your house unannounced at 0' dark 30, I have no sympathy for you either of you think selling crack is a legitimate way to make a living.

Go read up on the investigation and the phone conversations yourselves. She had $8k in cash from boyfriend crack dealer somewhere in the house or car. That's a lot of fucked up futures for a lot of small children who's parents are hopelessly addicted to crack... Turning her life around...race baiting...I'm not gonna hear it...
For those of you who would shoot anything coming in your house unannounced at 0' dark 30, I have no sympathy for you either of you think selling crack is a legitimate way to make a living.

Bruh if you're saying I can just kick down your door in the middle of the night and you wont react to it, how about you just mail me some of your valuables right now and save me the trip?

She had $8k in cash from boyfriend crack dealer somewhere in the house or car.

Can I get a citation please?
I spent a lot of time reading the leaked county jail phone conversations between the group being investigated and the report on the evidence that lead to the raid.

For those of you who would shoot anything coming in your house unannounced at 0' dark 30, I have no sympathy for you either of you think selling crack is a legitimate way to make a living.

Go read up on the investigation and the phone conversations yourselves. She had $8k in cash from boyfriend crack dealer somewhere in the house or car. That's a lot of fucked up futures for a lot of small children who's parents are hopelessly addicted to crack... Turning her life around...race baiting...I'm not gonna hear it...
If you are involved in selling drugs, being the support network for selling drugs, don't play the victim card when the police execute a search warrant on your knock or knock warrant....bad things can happen....
As someone who grew up in a neighborhood plagued by drug dealing idiots, I want to thank you for telling it like it is. I don't think people realize the secondary and tertiary effects these people have on the community and people within.

Growing up we had a drug queenpin (?), from LA, who used our neighborhood as a distribution center. It went on for years. She and her husband/brothers would set up drops in the lot us neighborhood kids played in. I distinctly remember the fancy cars of the affluent townies who would drop by to score their fix. The neighborhood was elated when they were finally raided and carted off.
This member has been warned and assessed points.
Bruh if you're saying I can just kick down your door in the middle of the night and you wont react to it, how about you just mail me some of your valuables right now and save me the trip?

Can I get a citation please?

I'm not part of a crack dealing ring so....I guess the point is lost on you.
I'm not part of a crack dealing ring so....I guess the point is lost on you.

Neither was the guy who shot the officer. Let's highlight your comment again

For those of you who would shoot anything coming in your house unannounced at 0' dark 30, I have no sympathy for you

The whole bit about "selling crack" isn't what I'm talking about; you said you have no sympathy for someone defending their home.
No one is saying any of us would not engage anyone breaking into our house, and protect ourselves and family...this is not about that.

This is about a legal search warrant on a drug house that happen to go bad....the police did not hit the "wrong" address, but a legitimate target of the investigation.

I have done many no knock and knock and announce SW's, especially in the violent crack cocaine days.....there are reasons there are no knocks, but to be honest, hitting a house at zero dark matter if it is a knock and one is up and it is a surprise every time.

Most times...there are no issues and people go to jail, goes bad and someone goes to the morgue. That is part of the J O B and part of being involved in the drug trade.
Neither was the guy who shot the officer. Let's highlight your comment again

The whole bit about "selling crack" isn't what I'm talking about; you said you have no sympathy for someone defending their home.

Yes, he in fact was and he was under surveillance, which is why the police were there. Read the report, this has nothing to do with someone bdefending their home.

With the snark directed at me, I'm not sure I could have been any more respectful. Read the police report that's out there.
Neither was the guy who shot the officer. Let's highlight your comment again

You could have made your point without coming across as condescending.

"Neither was the guy who shot the officer. Earlier, you stated..."
"Neither was the guy who shot the officer."
(Inserts earlier quoted section)
(Responds accordingly)
"Neither was the guy who shot the officer. Reading your earlier post..."
Yes, he in fact was and he was under surveillance, which is why the police were there. Read the report, this has nothing to do with someone bdefending their home.

With the snark directed at me, I'm not sure I could have been any more respectful. Read the police report that's out there.

I'm not seeing Kenneth Walker in that report, other than when people are discussing the shooting itself; I do see Adrian Walker mentioned, but that's a different person. They aren't related either.

You could have made your point without coming across as condescending.

"Neither was the guy who shot the officer. Earlier, you stated..."
"Neither was the guy who shot the officer."
(Inserts earlier quoted section)
(Responds accordingly)
"Neither was the guy who shot the officer. Reading your earlier post..."

Got it; I'll watch the wording.
Bruh if you're saying I can just kick down your door in the middle of the night and you wont react to it, how about you just mail me some of your valuables right now and save me the trip?
Just wanted to highlight this. And this.

Using sophism to normalize the behavior of someone in the drug trade as that of a law abiding citizen is rather obtuse. Boggles my mind that people are actively trying to normalize deviancy, which can covertly or overtly translate into support for a festering socialist insurgency.

As for kicking down doors... I didn't know you were infantry.
Just wanted to highlight this. And this.
View attachment 35906

Using sophism to normalize the behavior of someone in the drug trade as that of a law abiding citizen is rather obtuse. Boggles my mind that people are actively trying to normalize deviancy, which can covertly or overtly translate into support for a festering socialist insurgency.
@R.Caerbannog , @Cookie_ can correct me if I'm wrong but he isn't condoning or trying to "normalize the behavior of someone in the drug trade as that of a law abiding citizen". He is attacking the point that was raised by @BlackSmokeRisinG in regards to defending your home(same goes for you @BlackSmokeRisinG , correct me if I'm misunderstanding your point).

Clearly there's a divide in regards to how each of us think of or expect criminals or those around criminal activity should be treated. I don't see how that can "covertly or overtly translate into support for a festering socialist insurgency.".

If anything I feel as if that's as you say obtuse and I'd go so far as a simple way of looking at things.
Just wanted to highlight this. And this.
View attachment 35906

Using sophism to normalize the behavior of someone in the drug trade as that of a law abiding citizen is rather obtuse. Boggles my mind that people are actively trying to normalize deviancy, which can covertly or overtly translate into support for a festering socialist insurgency.

As for kicking down doors... I didn't know you were infantry.

We've been talking about Kenneth Walker, ya know, the guy not listed on that sheet?

I'm pretty libertarian when it comes to drugs; most every country that has decriminalized them have seen reductions in use and the associated crimes.
That doesn't mean that I'm trying to argue the criminal element is ok; I'm not.

I have nothing for your deviancy sentence, because I don't even understand what you're getting at.

You'd be amazed who they train to kick in doors during sea-biscuits, and even more amazed that some of those guys actually get to do it on deployment.