National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

^She was a fuckin' crack dealers bitch who held on to his stash....
Ya know...we can (and do) use pretty much any language we want here, but referring to someone who was killed the way she was, and from many reliable accounts someone who really was trying to better herself as, “a fuckin' crack dealers bitch who held on to his stash....”

I don’t know man. It just seems to inaccurately sum up a significantly more complicated story.
Whichever dipshit wrote this article can go fuck themselves. Breonna Taylor didn’t deserve to get killed.
I don't see any issues with the way the article was written. It's simply a synopsis of the report that many of us here saw a few weeks ago.

No one is saying she deserved to die; she didn't. However, the truth also isn't what has been pushed and continues to be stated by the left and many in the mainstream media.

Taylor was the unfortunate victim of her own circumstances; none of which, by the way, has nothing to do with the color of her skin.
She was the unfortunate victim of careless police behavior, at the very least, to which the color of her skin has in no way been ruled out as a contributing factor.
You're certainly entitled to that view but I find it misguided and it doesn't align with the facts.

As an aside, one thing I have not seen related to the case, and I don't know if it was released, but who's rounds killed Taylor? Where did it come from specifically? Was there more than one fatal injury? I'd be curious to know this.
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She was the unfortunate victim of careless police behavior, at the very least, to which the color of her skin has in no way been ruled out as a contributing factor.
Are you saying she may have been shot cause she was black? That maybe true or it could have been an unfortunate circumstance due to her being associated with a drug dealer but who knows
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You're certainly entitled to that view but I find it misguided and it doesn't align with the facts.
You can find it misguided, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't align with the facts. It means other people have different interpretations from you and the grand jury about whether or not three officers firing 30+ rounds into a house from multiple directions in response to one shot fired constituted a reckless response.

The court neither addressed nor established whether or not race as a contributing factor, so it is unwarranted to claim that it wasn't and then assert it as a determined fact.
As an aside, one thing I have not seen related to the case, and I don't know if it was released, but who's rounds killed Taylor? Where did it come from specifically? Was there more than one fatal injury? I'd be curious to know this.
Kentucky AG confirmed that Detected Cosgrove fired the killing shot.
Mr Cameron said a ballistics report had found that six bullets had struck Ms Taylor, but only one had been fatal. That analysis concluded that Detective Myles Cosgrove had fired the shot that killed Ms Taylor.

Breonna Taylor lawyer slams 'devilish' proceedings
You can find it misguided, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't align with the facts. It means other people have different interpretations from you and the grand jury about whether or not three officers firing 30+ rounds into a house from multiple directions in response to one shot fired constituted a reckless response.

The court neither addressed nor established whether or not race as a contributing factor, so it is unwarranted to claim that it wasn't and then assert it as a determined fact.Kentucky AG confirmed that Detected Cosgrove fired the killing shot.

Breonna Taylor lawyer slams 'devilish' proceedings
Thing is the cops didn’t just roll up and say hey let’s go into that house and start a gun fight and to try to bring race into it turns it into the festival we see now
Are you saying she may have been shot cause she was black?
I'm saying it, to my awareness, was never ruled out as a contributing factor. This was in response to Blizzard's (as yet) unsubstantiated positive claim that color had nothing to do with it.
I'm saying it, to my awareness, was never ruled out as a contributing factor. This was in response to Blizzard's (as yet) unsubstantiated positive claim that color had nothing to do with it.
Do you believe it was a factor? If so why I’m interested to know