National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

I'd be very surprised if they bring charges. Hunker down as it'll probably be a bad next couple of a days. It's unfortunate. You feeling the same way?
Truthfully, I do not know enough about the case to have an opinion. I just know that it is incredibly high profile, and regardless of what the law says, if there are not charges there will be riots.
Class D felony. 1 to 5 years imprisonment if convicted.

Class D:
Class D felonies in Kentucky include possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, unauthorized use of a credit card involving a sum of money between $500 and $1,000, stalking in the first degree, possession of a controlled substance, and wanton endangerment in the first degree. Those with multiple offenses of “lesser” crimes might eventually face Class D felony charges, such as someone with four driving convictions for under the influence. People convicted of Class D felonies in Kentucky face 1 to 5 years’ imprisonment.

Kentucky Felony Charges Attorney | KY Criminal Defense Lawyer
3 counts of Wanton Endangerment.

Detective indicted for wanton endangerment in Breonna Taylor’s death

Mayor of Louisville has also announced a curfew of 9PM to 630AM.

I didn't expect to see a homicide charge, and definently not endangerment.

I understand why they charged him with that though in regards to him firing shots into two other apartments.

It won't quell any outrage tonight though.

So it wasn’t a no knock warrant after all

Everything I've seen said it was; IIRC, the police report claimed they announced themselves first and knocked, but idk about that; Anyone remember for sure?
Just because they knocked and announced, doesn't mean they were required to do so. Everything I've seen says it was a no-knock.

To cross post a bit; just like people who don't believe Trump said something until there is video, a police report that say "we knocked and announced, but no body cams lolz" is gonna get some doubt from me.
@GOTWA, @Ooh-Rah; personally I really hate to see those kinds of situations. Ultimately, whether the facts support a conviction should be the ultimate deciding factor on both whether there should be charges filed, and if yes, what charges should be filed.
I didn't expect to see a homicide charge, and definently not endangerment.

I understand why they charged him with that though in regards to him firing shots into two other apartments.
I wasn't expecting a homicide or similar charge either. However, I thought they'd probably charge the officer for some sort of recklessness for the reason you mentioned. As a result, not surprised by the wanton endangerment. The charge seems to fit.
To cross post a bit; just like people who don't believe Trump said something until there is video, a police report that say "we knocked and announced, but no body cams lolz" is gonna get some doubt from me.
All parties agreed they at least knocked. That was corroborated by everyone involved. The only question was did the police also announce themselves.

Police said they announced.

Shooter in the apartment with Talyor says he didn't hear announcement; could've been made just didn't hear it.

However, neighbor/witness supported police stating announcement also made.

Prosecutors determined witness was credible and knock/announce was done...even though not required to do so.

Shit. I feel like I just may've mansplained that. Sorry.
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