National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

^ Sorry, I believe I misspoke on your meaning, as you mentioned the drug dealer association more as the factor that caused her to be where she was, rather than a psychological factor influencing their response.

In short, @Jaknight, evidence is only necessary to rule out the possibility - not to allow for it.
Hey guys, a pleasure to be here.

@Locksteady you're an unvetted member of the board. You've made a habit of turning up the temperature to every conversation you're in; stop it. I am telling you now. As far as I am concerned, on this board, you're a child with an email. Prove me wrong or move along. Until then, no one has any reason to give credence to your opinions. If you'd like, go to the comments section of Fox News or CNN, you can be anonymous there too. In this board, unless you carry a tag, you only carry the smallest possible amount of credibility.

Oh, by the way, you can ignore members of the staff or anyone that doesn't agree with your opinions, like @R.Caerbannog has pointed out before. I encourage you all to do this.

TO THE OTHER MEMBERS, PLEASE REMEMBER AND INTERNALIZE THIS FACT. You can ignore @Locksteady or @R.Caerbannog or me or anyone you want. You don't need to play along with a member that is here to antagonize. You can ignore them. If you remember, from the last time we did this whole dance in 2016- YOU ARENT GOING TO CHANGE ANYONE'S MIND EITHER WAY.

Everyone else- fucking knock it off. How many times does the staff need to tell you? Don't be emotional. This is a private site where you agreed to terms and conditions when you signed on. Lots of you are active military members. More of you are veterans. If you can't respond with the smallest modicum of respect for people, we don't want you here.

I don't speak for the rest of the staff, but y'all are fucking out of line.
Without wading through links and articles, can someone tell me who fired the first shot?

I agree, NO one 'deserved' to be killed. If the LEO fired the first shot, it is easy to believe the guy shot back in self-defense. Announce or no-announce, busting in scares the hell out of the occupants, especially in the middle of the night. It's been a while since I've been on a stack, but I do watch Chicago PD.

If the guy shot first, then LE was right to shoot back. Even so, you are accountable for every round.
Without wading through links and articles, can someone tell me who fired the first shot?

I agree, NO one 'deserved' to be killed. If the LEO fired the first shot, it is easy to believe the guy shot back in self-defense. Announce or no-announce, busting in scares the hell out of the occupants, especially in the middle of the night. It's been a while since I've been on a stack, but I do watch Chicago PD.

If the guy shot first, then LE was right to shoot back. Even so, you are accountable for every round.
The police (in plain clothes) only began shooting after Walker (the boyfriend) fired a shot after they forcibly came through the front door.
Without wading through links and articles, can someone tell me who fired the first shot?

I agree, NO one 'deserved' to be killed. If the LEO fired the first shot, it is easy to believe the guy shot back in self-defense. Announce or no-announce, busting in scares the hell out of the occupants, especially in the middle of the night. It's been a while since I've been on a stack, but I do watch Chicago PD.

If the guy shot first, then LE was right to shoot back. Even so, you are accountable for every round.

Boyfriend shot first. Said he heard banging on the door yelled for them to identify themselves (which he said he never heard), so he fired a shot when they kicked down the door.

Quite honestly, I'd have reacted the same way in this situation if someone busted my door down at 0030.
Boyfriend shot first. Said he heard banging on the door yelled for them to identify themselves (which he said he never heard), so he fired a shot when they kicked down the door.

Quite honestly, I'd have reacted the same way in this situation if someone busted my door down at 0030.

Whether they did/didn't (announce), I agree: if I didn't hear it, and someone came into my house, they are getting lit up. I understand the necessity of no-knocks (intended or 'assumed') but the results can be awful.
Boyfriend shot first. Said he heard banging on the door yelled for them to identify themselves (which he said he never heard), so he fired a shot when they kicked down the door.

Quite honestly, I'd have reacted the same way in this situation if someone busted my door down at 0030.

Wait, the boyfriend fired first and the cops returned fire? How can anyone make a case this is a race-based anything? You shoot at me, I shoot at you, and everything about you is irrelevant. Race, sex, age...none of that matters.
Wait, the boyfriend fired first and the cops returned fire? How can anyone make a case this is a race-based anything? You shoot at me, I shoot at you, and everything about you is irrelevant. Race, sex, age...none of that matters.

Most of that arguement came from the fact that the boyfriend was facing charges, and the belief that a white person would likely have been let off without the public outcry that eventually got charges against him dropped.

Whether they did/didn't (announce), I agree: if I didn't hear it, and someone came into my house, they are getting lit up. I understand the necessity of no-knocks (intended or 'assumed') but the results can be awful.

From what I saw her place was intended to be a "soft target"; no kids, pets, or suspected weapons.

My question is, if you expect almost no resistance, what purpose does barging in during the middle of the night do except make it more dangerous for everyone?
From what I saw her place was intended to be a "soft target"; no kids, pets, or suspected weapons.

My question is, if you expect almost no resistance, what purpose does barging in during the middle of the night do except make it more dangerous for everyone?

I have had this convo so often, especially with SWAT. I would ask, why not just take them down when they leave the house, walking to the car? I'd get a million answers, few were valid, most just supported kicking in the door. Although I was a card-carrying LE-certified member of the tac team (I had to be LE-cert, even as the medic) and was far back in the stack, I not too-fondly recall the days of the 'fatal funnel' in Iraq. I hated executing warrants and raids.

As far as "intended to be a 'soft target'", my questions revolve around intel and planning. I do not know what they did or did not do, and I hate to armchair QB, but in my limited knowledge of this event, there were a lot of holes in the Swiss cheese that aligned to allow this outcome.
Without wading through links and articles, can someone tell me who fired the first shot?

I agree, NO one 'deserved' to be killed. If the LEO fired the first shot, it is easy to believe the guy shot back in self-defense. Announce or no-announce, busting in scares the hell out of the occupants, especially in the middle of the night. It's been a while since I've been on a stack, but I do watch Chicago PD.

If the guy shot first, then LE was right to shoot back. Even so, you are accountable for every round.
Not only this but keep in mind, the boyfriend actually landed a round when he fired firat. The wounded officer, who was hit in the femoral artery, returned fire as he retreated out the door. Other officers understandably returned fire as well.

The only officer I see as an issue in returning fire was Hankison. Firing blindly into the residence was not cool...and that's why he was fired.

As was stated numerous times, a shitty situation all around.
Most of that arguement came from the fact that the boyfriend was facing charges, and the belief that a white person would likely have been let off without the public outcry that eventually got charges against him dropped.

From what I saw her place was intended to be a "soft target"; no kids, pets, or suspected weapons.

My question is, if you expect almost no resistance, what purpose does barging in during the middle of the night do except make it more dangerous for everyone?
I am not a fan of no-knock warrents or O'dark thirty entries.
I wonder if she had actually stayed in her room like the media had portrayed it instead of going out there with her bf would she have lived? Also Wasn’t that unwise for her to come out as well seeing as she had no gun and would be useless if they started shooting
My question is, if you expect almost no resistance, what purpose does barging in during the middle of the night do except make it more dangerous for everyone?

Exactly. Albeit without knowing all the details of the case, this situation kind of reminds me of the Waco incident (in Wako they could have grabbed the dude when he ran every morning at the same time/place). It's hard for me to imagine that breaking down the door, armed to the teeth, in the middle of the night, knowing that the party involved is dangerous, is the best solution to the problem.

To be fair, I am biased in the sense that I dislike no-knock warrants. If somebody breaks into my home, there is a VERY good chance somebody is going to catch a bullet (probably at least me since I haven't been to the range in a hot minute XD). Either way, gotta try and protect the family.
Both in the platoon and in the tactical team we joked that the guy with the least to lose needed to be the first through the door. It was a macabre sense of humor, but rooted in some truth. Again, intellectually I understand the points for no-knocks; in practice, however, they are often bad ju-ju...