National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Ah, no. I was work...that my aloof attitude about BLM was because I was a bad person and I didn’t care about human life.
It sounds like they chose an inappropriate time and place (work during work hours) to tell you what they felt about something that didn't directly relate to your project.
As a result of my retort “If this (BLM movement) is about human life, why isn’t there a movement highlighting that black men are dying at the hands of other black men*?”, the federal employees repeatedly labeled me a “racist and bigot” for citing data.
If it occurred as read, that sounds highly inappropriate and grounds for an HR complaint, at minimum.

Based on earlier posts you've made (which were pretty fun to read for your retorts), it seems like your work culture doesn't discourage these kinds of interactions. I've always found that to prevent the social inclusivity that is preached in HR trainings, mainly because the only times those interactions doesn't cause unnecessary friction is when the people engaging in those discussions are singing on the same scale.
*per CDC, the leading cause of death for young black males is homicide. Per UCR, the overwhelming number of victims of murder are black men attacked by other black men.

The “discussion” NEVER involves black women abortion rates OR death from drug overdose, poverty, etc but MUST remain focused on cops killing unarmed blacks.
Yes, their focus is on the practices of people in legally mandated positions of authority against a huge subsection of the populace that earned the right to vote only 55 years ago due to mass civil unrest of the sort you are witnessing this year.

This doesn't absolve any of the statistics you mentioned, just as much as those statistics don't dissolve the problem they've highlighted.
Yet what does the data show??? More unarmed whites were killed by cops than blacks. <— Racist, yes, I know...hear it all the time.
Well, there are many more of them to kill than black people, and it is folly to call that statistic racist. They might have decided that your citing it as a counterpoint to their statement was fueled by racism, but it doesn't sound like you're talking with people who are interested in focusing on those facts.
The “problem“ is IDGAF which names I’m called. Liberals burned that after 4 years of deplorable crap.
How about 'shipmate'? :sneaky:
The criticism of the BLM movement is its all based on a false narrative (aka...a lie) in order to grab power or money which begets power.
What lie do you feel is causing millions of people to mobilize?
This is what they want

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This pisses them off when We don’t comply
In other words, there is mounting social pressure to perform a certain way in public or risk getting socially targeted or ostracized and having your dinner interrupted?

Well, thank goodness we live in a society where it is inherently patriotic to have the mental resolve to behave as one wishes in spite of mounting social pressure to do otherwise, so long as it is lawful.

People who want to break the law to obstruct your right to do as you lawfully please are more than welcome to justify that reasoning to a judge.
It sounds like they chose an inappropriate time and place (work during work hours) to tell you what they felt about something that didn't directly relate to your project.

If it occurred as read, that sounds highly inappropriate and grounds for an HR complaint, at minimum.
The best part: this was our Diversity, Equality, and Inclusive folks.

Based on earlier posts you've made (which were pretty fun to read for your retorts), it seems like your work culture doesn't discourage these kinds of interactions. I've always found that to prevent the social inclusivity that is preached in HR trainings, mainly because the only times those interactions doesn't cause unnecessary friction is when the people engaging in those discussions are singing on the same scale.
Yes, they want to lecture on the morality that resistance to anti-racism is bad and anyone who espouses such ideology is a bad person. But when I state "I believe that man was made in the image of God and due to my "deeply held religious beliefs that form my morals", (key language from Title VII of the '64 Civil Rights Act) I believe that judging a person because of their skin color is morally wrong." I get crickets.

Yes, their focus is on the practices of people in legally mandated positions of authority against a huge subsection of the populace that earned the right to vote only 55 years ago due to mass civil unrest of the sort you are witnessing this year.

This doesn't absolve any of the statistics you mentioned, just as much as those statistics don't dissolve the problem they've highlighted.

Well, there are many more of them to kill than black people, and it is folly to call that statistic racist. They might have decided that your citing it as a counterpoint to their statement was fueled by racism, but it doesn't sound like you're talking with people who are interested in focusing on those facts.
I believe the inner city inhabitants NEED police protection to keep the wolves at bay. I've read stats where suburban white liberals overwhelming support defunding police but inner city residents overwhelmingly want MORE police. As I mentioned, our DEI wants to lecture employees, both white and black, about race.

What lie do you feel is causing millions of people to mobilize?
That white cops are killing black people at very high rates and the black lives matter. Human life has intrinsic value and if black lives do matter, why isn't there a national movement to kick the gangs in the OPERATION LEGEND.
In other words, there is mounting social pressure to perform a certain way in public or risk getting socially targeted or ostracized and having your dinner interrupted?
I don't personally care what people do or what social pressure they try to exert. My problem is that the liberals do not respond well to "If you want me to kneel or hold up the power fist, you're going to have to MAKE ME. Yep, you're going to have to throw me off a building, put me into an orange jump suit and do what you gotta do but I will not. So now what?"
Well, thank goodness we live in a society where it is inherently patriotic to have the mental resolve to behave as one wishes in spite of mounting social pressure to do otherwise, so long as it is lawful.
I'm not sure about that anymore. I think we have hamlets of patriots but American society overall, I dunno. I'm waiting to see some evidence.
Yes, their focus is on the practices of people in legally mandated positions of authority against a huge subsection of the populace that earned the right to vote only 55 years ago due to mass civil unrest of the sort you are witnessing this year.

Well, there are many more of them to kill than black people, and it is folly to call that statistic racist. They might have decided that your citing it as a counterpoint to their statement was fueled by racism, but it doesn't sound like you're talking with people who are interested in focusing on those facts.

1. To be clear, Black Men received the right to vote in 1869 with the ratification of the 15th Amendment. Black Women received their right to vote along with white women in 1919 with the 19th Amendment. This isn't to say the path was unencumbered with obstacles in many states which were held hog tied by pretty racist state governments. But those rights were conferred in 1869 and 1919. The Civil Rights Act only made it illegal to further discriminate.

2. The FBI Crime data bears out. Minority Race officers are more likely than white officers to be involved in an officer-involved-shooting. A disproportionate amount of unarmed white people get shot per year by law enforcement, but we don't hear about them, ever. Even though it bleeds it doesn't lead. If every officer involved shooting in this country received the same coverage that the Jacob Blake shooting got (which was clean as fuck) we'd be in a completely different place.

I believe the inner city inhabitants NEED police protection to keep the wolves at bay. I've read stats where suburban white liberals overwhelming support defunding police but inner city residents overwhelmingly want MORE police. As I mentioned, our DEI wants to lecture employees, both white and black, about race.

Al Sharpton calls them: "The Latte Liberals".
1. To be clear, Black Men received the right to vote in 1869 with the ratification of the 15th Amendment. Black Women received their right to vote along with white women in 1919 with the 19th Amendment. This isn't to say the path was unencumbered with obstacles in many states which were held hog tied by pretty racist state governments.
To be clear, and to reiterate the thrust of my previous point, that comprised a huge subsection of the populace.
2. The FBI Crime data bears out. Minority Race officers are more likely than white officers to be involved in an officer-involved-shooting.
What point in my post is this supposed to rebut?
The best part: this was our Diversity, Equality, and Inclusive folks.
In an informal setting, I presume? POTUS was quite clear on removing training of this sort on the grounds of divisiveness.
Yes, they want to lecture on the morality that resistance to anti-racism is bad and anyone who espouses such ideology is a bad person. But when I state "I believe that man was made in the image of God and due to my "deeply held religious beliefs that form my morals", (key language from Title VII of the '64 Civil Rights Act) I believe that judging a person because of their skin color is morally wrong." I get crickets.
I think you are indeed engaging in a battle that is functionally religious.
As I mentioned, our DEI wants to lecture employees, both white and black, about race.
As long as they don't break POTUS' cease and desist order by trying to mandate it, it shouldn't be bothering you unless you let it. (not to let that stop you from engaging with them; it makes for great stories here!)
That white cops are killing black people at very high rates and the black lives matter. Human life has intrinsic value and if black lives do matter, why isn't there a national movement to kick the gangs in the OPERATION LEGEND.
You sort of answered your own question there. The difference is that it has taken mass civil unrest and repeated laymen's video evidence to get local and national leaders to begin even seriously looking at the issue of police brutality - much less launch a sustained federal-level operation to address it.
I don't personally care what people do or what social pressure they try to exert. My problem is that the liberals do not respond well to "If you want me to kneel or hold up the power fist, you're going to have to MAKE ME. Yep, you're going to have to throw me off a building, put me into an orange jump suit and do what you gotta do but I will not. So now what?"
Unless they're breaking a law in the process of not responding well, I'm not sure exactly what you would be caring about that isn't social pressure?

(They called you shipmate. I knew it!) ;-)
I'm not sure about that anymore. I think we have hamlets of patriots but American society overall, I dunno. I'm waiting to see some evidence.
Of course; the caveat is that behaving as you wish is rarely considered patriotic by those who don't approve of what you are doing (or not doing).
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In an informal setting, I presume? POTUS was quite clear on removing training of this sort on the grounds of divisiveness.
This was soon after the death of George Floyd when our executives rushed to voice support for BLM and before the EO. Oddly, our DEI folks purged ALL refs to CRT, DeAngelo's and Kendi's writings almost as if they feared legal repercussion or something.

I think you are indeed engaging in a battle that is functionally religious.

As long as they don't break POTUS' cease and desist order by trying to mandate it, it shouldn't be bothering you unless you let it. (not to let that stop you from engaging with them; it makes for great stories here!)
There is a massive culture war going on inside the USG but the liberal ideologues are winning. A writer can post something unoffensive but it can be taken offensively just to file a complaint, which will trigger removal. Liberals are very much aware and use this to their advantage. The only thing that bothers me is that our social media reads just like Strozk/Page texts but without the overt conservative refs. The latest "innovation" is our version of a social credit score. Shockingly mine is zero because I purged all my stuff. I wrote up some really detailed AARs with maps, ambush points, intel reports, etc that set the stage of various events so employees could actually see what our military folks go through. Initially they were very well received until I came out anti-BLM, anti-antiracist, and anti-COVID panic.

You sort of answered your own question there. The difference is that it has taken mass civil unrest and repeated laymen's video evidence to get local and national leaders to begin even seriously looking at the issue of police brutality - much less launch a sustained federal-level operation to address it.
Imagine if there was a very well funded group community-centric group that could fill the power vacuum after a local gang was dismantled. Which group benefited from the mass social unrest? Wasn't the people who lived in those burned out areas in Kenosha or St. Paul, MN.
This was soon after the death of George Floyd when our executives rushed to voice support for BLM and before the EO. Oddly, our DEI folks purged ALL refs to CRT, DeAngelo's and Kendi's writings almost as if they feared legal repercussion or something.
That is very odd, especially considering that there was next to no warning distributed even days before OMB pushed it out.
There is a massive culture war going on inside the USG but the liberal ideologues are winning. A writer can post something unoffensive but it can be taken offensively just to file a complaint, which will trigger removal. Liberals are very much aware and use this to their advantage. The only thing that bothers me is that our social media reads just like Strozk/Page texts but without the overt conservative refs. The latest "innovation" is our version of a social credit score. Shockingly mine is zero because I purged all my stuff.
Now this is interesting. Is it optional, or do all employees have to have a social media presence on that platform? I could so easily see this being abused, a la Black Mirror.
I wrote up some really detailed AARs with maps, ambush points, intel reports, etc that set the stage of various events so employees could actually see what our military folks go through. Initially they were very well received until I came out anti-BLM, anti-antiracist, and anti-COVID panic.
The order you did that in was smart, if at least to give them a moment's pause before trying something stupid. :ROFLMAO:
Imagine if there was a very well funded group community-centric group that could fill the power vacuum after a local gang was dismantled. Which group benefited from the mass social unrest? Wasn't the people who lived in those burned out areas in Kenosha or St. Paul, MN.
I'm open to hearing more about your thoughts on this, assuming it doesn't veer us too far from the topic.
This country has a pretty shitty history of killing black people when they try to do community projects

In 1969, charismatic Black Panthers leader Fred Hampton was killed in a hail of gunfire. 50 years later, the fight against police brutality continues

Or banning weapons when black people start carrying arms.

The NRA Supported Gun Control When the Black Panthers Had the Weapons
You are insinuating that the reason BLM does not provide aid to poor minority communities is because they are afraid of being assassinated?

What does the NRA or factions thereof supporting a gun control bill in CA during the 1970s have to do with BLM today, or any of the other "rights" movements that scream injustice yet provide nothing at all in the way of actual progress?
Update on the McCloskey Case: Ain't that some shit!

St. Louis judge disqualifies Gardner, her office from prosecuting gun-waving case

A judge on Thursday cited improper fundraising emails by Circuit Attorney Kimberly M. Gardner's campaign in disqualifying Gardner and her office from a gun case against Mark McCloskey, who with his wife pointed firearms at protesters outside their Central West End home in June.

Circuit Judge Thomas Clark II's order said two fundraising emails that Gardner's reelection campaign sent in response to political attacks before and after she charged Mark and Patricia McCloskey with felony gun crimes in July raised the appearance that she "initiated a criminal prosecution for political purposes."

"Like a needle pulling thread, she links the defendant and his conduct to her critics," Clark wrote. "These emails are tailored to use the June 28 incident to solicit money by positioning her against defendant and her more vocal critics."

The judge's order deals a political blow to Gardner, whose office has waged numerous legal challenges to defend her practices and reform-minded agenda during her first term.

I didn't know this, what disgusting creature. These charges should not have been brought at all.
Y'all knew this was coming, right? It was just a matter of time...
(and I checked, it's not April Fools Day, just regular fools day)

San Francisco district to rename school named after Abraham Lincoln

A San Francisco district is planning to rename a school named after Abraham Lincoln because the former president did not demonstrate that 'black lives mattered to him'.

The president, who is often held up as an American hero for abolishing slavery, is just one of 44 historical figures soon to have their names scratched off schools within the San Francisco Unified School District.
So folks, Portlandia. Tom Cotton was correct and so was the POTUS. That place is a hellhole. The people are getting exactly what they deserve though. They are the ones who voted for these politicians. They love drugs. Clearly love people in all black squatting and intimidating their neighbors.

New Autonomous Zone, by the way. The Police raided this house, and as stated in the article the snake of a DA dropped all charges and released the terrorists back into the wild.

Portland lets Antifa win big — again

Some neighbors near Portland 'Red House' say situation still tense

Probably general crime here, but Portland's violent crime and homicide rate is skyrocketing, I wonder why?

16-year-old dies after being shot during rolling gun battle in SE Portland

Man killed in North Lombard shooting is Portland's 50th homicide victim of 2020

I thought they wanted Wild West where there wasn't even a town Marshall? Thousands of shipped on protestors and looters destroyed the city, and now the people are reaping what was sewn by outsiders and politicians that dare not serve their electorate. Clearly all of them lack balls and lady balls.
Generally, I don't think this has anything to do with race. But the Oregon Legislature was entering a special session this week. Many Oregonians were not pleased that the legislature would be closed to them and they protested. They were barred entry due to COVID-19 protocols. But a couple thousand people weren't taking shit and they got in. Many news outlets are calling them "right wing". Most of these people's politics wouldn't match up with conservatives from the South btw. A better description would probably be "Rural Oregonians" flood State Capital to protest COVID-19 restricts.

Oregon State Police declare unlawful assembly after right-wing group tries to storm Capitol

From the first article:

"Most of the violence has happened since Floyd’s killing on Memorial Day, and some experts attribute it in part to the lingering anger over the slaying and the effects of the coronavirus..."

Such bullshit. The thugs are not killing each other over George Floyd or COVID or job loss...They’re killing each other for the same stupid reasons they’ve been killing each other for decades. Somebody owes somebody money and won’t pay up; somebody’s got dope and cash; somebody shows up wearing blue at a party where everybody’s wearing red; somebody wants another dude’s wheel rims; somebody’s tapping some other dude’s bitch; somebody wants to pull a lick and get street cred at the same time so caps somebody; somebody from A street trespasses on B street; somebody disrespected somebody else and on and on...and nobody wants to admit the truth that black lives don’t matter to black thugs in the hood where street law is the only law that matters and gangs rule through intimidation and murder and the good decent people are scared shitless to talk to the cops for fear of retaliation.
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