National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Every community is different, there isn't any magic flow chart. You can work for years and finally get a great relationship with the community, then one thing can ruin it...and you have to define what a community is.....many different factions make up a's hard to make everyone happy.

There is no "magic bullet" so to speak....

It doesn't help when social media and the media itself get people into a frenzy....

Reminds of the saying, “Respect takes years to earn and seconds to lose.”
Better question maybe at a local community level where they may be experiencing this, but why disparage the interest in a possible evergreens funding of rioting?
Because I can guarantee you that the latter will be ignored for the former. What happens when the FBI finds out who coordinated these events? They’re gonna pat themselves on the back and declare “Mission Accomplished”. Nothing will have been learned, and the next time the country experiences mass protests in response to police brutality you’ll have Kerik asking “How much coordination does BLM have with ISIS?”
Because I can guarantee you that the latter will be ignored for the former. What happens when the FBI finds out who coordinated these events? They’re gonna pat themselves on the back and declare “Mission Accomplished”. Nothing will have been learned, and the next time the country experiences mass protests in response to police brutality you’ll have Kerik asking “How much coordination does BLM have with ISIS?”

I can't agree with your logic here. They are two entirely different issues. Both can be looked at through the federal and state levels.
Because I can guarantee you that the latter will be ignored for the former. What happens when the FBI finds out who coordinated these events? They’re gonna pat themselves on the back and declare “Mission Accomplished”. Nothing will have been learned, and the next time the country experiences mass protests in response to police brutality you’ll have Kerik asking “How much coordination does BLM have with ISIS?”

I want to believe that we as a Nation will move on from this and have more of an understanding and appreciation for one another. But as was stated we are terrible at thinking in the short term and remembering the past
Thanks, I’ll read it now.

While I do, let me ask you how you can justify what occurred in that video as proportional force? Isn’t disproportionate force exactly how this all started? I’m interested to see where you’re coming from on this as your initial response to the video seems pretty apathetic to fellow Americans being assaulted unjustly by law enforcement.
Here’s the info I have been looking for if anyone is interested. It seems they’re threatening misdemeanor and arrest to breaking the curfew. Fair enough.

Still haven’t gotten a solid explanation as to how assaulting the citizens on their porch is justified. Further up on this MN FAQ page it states law enforcement are supposed to inquire on why you are breaking these rules.

Me having met Americans before, I can more than assume most don’t know this exact rule. A police officer telling me to go inside then shooting at me with a less lethal doesn’t explain anything. At my home, on my property, telling me what to do smells grossly unconstitutional.

Can I be outside my house (on my property) after 8 p.m. and before 6 a.m.?

Yes. You can be on your porch, yard, patio, etc., but if a law enforcement officer or other public safety official asks you to go inside, or take any other action, you must follow the instruction.

Was actually coming back here to post this, so I change my mind. The Cop that ordered the shot to be fired was wrong, as was the cops who shot.
FPS Police Officer killed last night in Oakland....Rest in Peace Brother.

Federal Officer Killed in Shooting Outside Oakland Courthouse

Officer Dave Underwood
View attachment 34206
My oldest does this for another Federal Agency (IRS). Just hops his area stays cold.
Every community is different, there isn't any magic flow chart. You can work for years and finally get a great relationship with the community, then one thing can ruin it...and you have to define what a community is.....many different factions make up a's hard to make everyone happy.

There is no "magic bullet" so to speak....

It doesn't help when social media and the media itself get people into a frenzy....
2 decades down the shitter here in Cincinnati. Mayor even said it today. CPD, did a 180 Since 2001, other PD‘s come here to learn from CPD. It is not going to be pretty if it spills over the river to northern Kentucky. Covington is a powder keg just waiting for someone with a match.
That is why I took that photo, when I got up close enough I could see that they had magazines with them, but not one soldier had a magazine in the well.

And for good reason. Not enough training and the stakes are high.
Wrong questions to be asking. A better question would be “What can departments do better to serve the community and prevent these occurrences in the future?”

Let me put it this way. How many racist douchebags or murderous cunts have you met in the military? They exist, they are usually found out eventually and dealt with. Sometimes it's to late and they commit a crime. Police forces are no different. Add in shitty budgets with little to no training. They also have an uphill PR battle, while the media is chucking shit at them, add in those calling for the outright elimination of law enforcement completely. All of this leads to a pretty shitty recruiting pool.
You know what needs to be done first? Same thing that needs to be done for law enforcement in Canada. Properly fund them.
Let me put it this way. How many racist douchebags or murderous cunts have you met in the military? They exist, they are usually found out eventually and dealt with. Sometimes it's to late and they commit a crime. Police forces are no different. Add in shitty budgets with little to no training. They also have an uphill PR battle, while the media is chucking shit at them, add in those calling for the outright elimination of law enforcement completely. All of this leads to a pretty shitty recruiting pool.
You know what needs to be done first? Same thing that needs to be done for law enforcement in Canada. Properly fund them.

I think an education requirement can go a long way. A two year degree at minimum. If you come in at 21, you don't have a whole lot of life experience so you need something to take its place.

Yes, we expect kids as young as 17 to join and train for war and they don't have ANY experience. But they're also not left alone or in pairs walking the beet to get their community policing on. You not only need to be a practitioner of the law, but a representative for the district you represent.
I think an education requirement can go a long way. A two year degree at minimum. If you come in at 21, you don't have a whole lot of life experience so you need something to take its place.

Yes, we expect kids as young as 17 to join and train for war and they don't have ANY experience. But they're also not left alone or in pairs walking the beet to get their community policing on. You not only need to be a practitioner of the law, but a representative for the district you represent.

Exactly. The basics in Canada are just high school diploma but the job's are so competitive that you probably won't be looked at without at least a 2 year college diploma in Police Foundations or Law and Security.