National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Thanks, I’ll read it now.

While I do, let me ask you how you can justify what occurred in that video as proportional force? Isn’t disproportionate force exactly how this all started? I’m interested to see where you’re coming from on this as your initial response to the video seems pretty apathetic to fellow Americans being assaulted unjustly by law enforcement.

What would have been your proportional force choice? City wide order didn't do it, multiple verbal warnings from the street didn't do it, and then a paintball round was fired. Should they have been arrested instead?
What would have been your proportional force choice? City wide order didn't do it, multiple verbal warnings from the street didn't do it, and then a paintball round was fired. Should they have been arrested instead?

Seeing how there’s approx 50 officers on the street what would be the harm in making non-threatening contact with the residents and explain the rule. If they fail to comply then sure, threaten arrest, arrest, I don’t care. Saying go inside a bunch then shooting less lethal is not proportional to people recording in mostly awe and not protest.
Seeing how there’s approx 50 officers on the street what would be the harm in making non-threatening contact with the residents and explain the rule. If they fail to comply then sure, threaten arrest, arrest, I don’t care. Saying go inside a bunch then shooting less lethal is not proportional to people recording in mostly awe and not protest.

I typically think that police in riot gear are a hammer, and everyone is a nail to them. Easier to comply and voice grievances to a more willing participants.
I typically think that police in riot gear are a hammer, and everyone is a nail to them. Easier to comply and voice grievances to a more willing participants.

I agree that the sight alone should spell out loud “Go away” but this is America we are talking about. Some handholding and explaining might prevent acts like this.

I’m not demonizing the police, I agree they’re patience right now is thin and their emotions are running high, but putting on a badge to me, is the same as when I took an oath to protect Americans. My behavior will be above reproach. I think acts like them only hurt the image they are trying to create.
You put more boots to throats and it will only add fuel to the fire.

I've always felt that the group/person with the power is the one who needs to first attempt to de-escelate the situation. I think that's why you can look at places like Flint and see they came out (relatively) unscathed, due to the actions of people like their County Sheriff
@Polar Bear In the same spirit of your post. There’s enough divide and hate in this country to fill up a million forums, and it does.

SS is above that, and the thoughtful discussion we have here I believe matters. Most of us have sacrificed for this nation and want nothing more than to see it prosper. There is so much good that is unseen and deserve our attention and focus.

I might have my opinion but I can unequivocally say I respect all of yours and take them to heart.
Photo by OAF Nation on May 31, 2020. Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting
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@Polar Bear In the same spirit of your post. There’s enough divide and hate in this country to fill up a million forums, and it does.

SS is above that, and the thoughtful discussion we have here I believe matters. Most of us have sacrificed for this nation and want nothing more than to see it prosper. There is so much good that is unseen and deserve our attention and focus.

I might have my option but I can unequivocally say I respect all of yours and take them to heart.

This is exactly the perspective our site, and our country, needs. Thank you for posting this.
Domestic terrorism (Title 18, US Code):

(5) the term "domestic terrorism" means activities that—

(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;

(B) appear to be intended—

(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or

(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and

(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States;
Wrong questions to be asking. A better question would be “What can departments do better to serve the community and prevent these occurrences in the future?”

Better question maybe at a local community level where they may be experiencing this, but why disparage the interest in a possible external funding of rioting?
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Those two things are not mutually exclusive and should be worked in parallel. However, the former is currently more urgent.

They should be in parallel, but in a media sense they might not be. I hope once this ends that the media focuses on the roots and not the stems. That might be hopeful wishing on my part, but it is what this country needs to work on.
Every community is different, there isn't any magic flow chart. You can work for years and finally get a great relationship with the community, then one thing can ruin it...and you have to define what a community is.....many different factions make up a's hard to make everyone happy.

There is no "magic bullet" so to speak....

It doesn't help when social media and the media itself get people into a frenzy....