National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

I still fail to see in what way these people on their property were inciting disorder or breaking the law. I in no way am defending those who are actually destroying the community but there was no reason for force in my opinion.

The video isn’t baiting, it’s documention of an event that took place and it’s their constitutional freedom to share what occurred.
I can't help you out if you don't get it. Watch news clips or review this thread the past several days.

There was a strong outcry for law enforcement to take a dominant position to restore order. They needed to and they finally did. Now, they want to criticize it? Sorry, but fuck off.

These people wanted to stand around and take video, like many others. They're part of the problem at this point. They were given a direct order to go inside multiple times. They thought it was a joke like the previous 4 nights, so they ignored it. Guess, what our patience for the bullshit has passed.
Y'all in here defending curfews and police crackdowns in the name of "community" but called most of the stay at home orders unconstitutional and infringing on rights.

So which is it?

Dont pick and choose which government suppression is ok and which one isn't.
Either be about it or not.
Apples and oranges, brother, and you know it.
Apples and oranges, brother, and you know it.
Explain to me why.

Both were done in the name of "community safety".

One is just something you can see.

We should never allow our rights to go out the window, simply because we agree/disagree with the methods by which that happens.
Y'all in here defending curfews and police crackdowns in the name of "community" but called most of the stay at home orders unconstitutional and infringing on rights.

So which is it?

Dont pick and choose which government suppression is ok and which one isn't.
Either be about it or not.

Okay. Let the unrest continue.
Y'all in here defending curfews and police crackdowns in the name of "community" but called most of the stay at home orders unconstitutional and infringing on rights.

So which is it?

Dont pick and choose which government suppression is ok and which one isn't.
Either be about it or not.

Not sure how these are not mutually exclusive. Unless you're good with your city burning next?
I can't help you out if you don't get it. Watch news clips or review this thread the past several days.

There was a strong outcry for law enforcement to take a dominant position to restore order. They needed to and they finally did. Now, they want to criticize it? Sorry, but fuck off.

These people wanted to stand around and take video, like many others. They're part of the problem at this point. They were given a direct order to go inside multiple times. They thought it was a joke like the previous 4 nights, so they ignored it. Guess, what our patience for the bullshit has passed.

Where in the video did they criticize the police?
I can't help you out if you don't get it. Watch news clips or review this thread the past several days.

There was a strong outcry for law enforcement to take a dominant position to restore order. They needed to and they finally did. Now, they want to criticize it? Sorry, but fuck off.

These people wanted to stand around and take video, like many others. They're part of the problem at this point. They were given a direct order to go inside multiple times. They thought it was a joke like the previous 4 nights, so they ignored it. Guess, what our patience for the bullshit has passed.

Where in this video, what I am specifically talking about, did they criticize the police or guard?

In what America are we where we can call for action but if it is implemented wrongly at times we can’t criticize it?

How is standing around on private property following the curfew and recording part of the problem?

I’ve read this entire thread, I am well up to date on what’s occurring, I have people in my hometown who are threatened right now by violent riots in places I grew up. I get it, I don’t need your help “getting it”.

I asked if someone could defend this specific action, and I have yet to see that. I’m willing to hear out anyone, but I look at this video and immediately think of how disproportionate force is what got us here in the first place.
And full clarity;

I make these comments as someone who fully understands that our rights are not unlimited, and that we need to have the ability to regulate actions.

but if you allow overreach because you agree with it in that instance you've allowed overreach in all instances.

This is where we differ and I think many others would agree. In this particular instance, not the gun debate, not COVID-19, we're talking about about restoring order in a country that is losing hope. It's a debate that's had when the smoke clears. Right now, we need someone on the wall that's willing to make the call.
This is where we differ and I think many others would agree. In this particular instance, not the gun debate, not COVID-19, we're talking about about restoring order in a country that is losing hope. It's a debate that's had when the smoke clears. Right now, we need someone on the wall that's willing to make the call.

I'm talking specifically about the video of police shooting people with paint/rubber rounds for standing on their porch (which the order allowed) or stuff like CSPD last night closing off a road for protestors (who had a permit) and then declaring it and unlawful protest and gassing them before even finishing with the order to disperse.

"Restoring order" should never become leeway for trampling all rights. Because "restoring order" or "protecting the community" are pretty broad categories.

I'm for getting things back to normal, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to call out things that seem like powergrabs.
Open question to everyone here, if it's ok to declare our constitutional rights null and void. Then when is it?

What happened to slippery slopes?

To expand, when 9/11 happened we agreed to the Patriot Act hand over fist, even though once emotions cooled we realized immediately how wrong we were to do that.

We have a history of seeing a short term problem and coming up with a nuclear option to fix it. Without thinking about the long term and secondary effects of our choices.

I agree something needs to be done right now, but what is happening to people who have been following the law isn't it. I don't know what the answer is to the problem, but I don't feel this is the right way.